Change Makers Tour in Cuba

Support the documentary highlighting Cuban Change Makers to reinvent the world of tomorrow!

Project visual Change Makers Tour in Cuba
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<p>La version française du documentaire est prête !</p><p>Vous recevez très prochainement un lien pour visionner le documentaire. </p><p>En attendant, voici notre bande annonce :</p><p>Aidez-nous à trouver un diffuseur ! </p><p> </p>
<p> <img alt="17036823_729875047183962_2117864632_o-1488357660" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The time spent with Eduardo remains for us a magical moment. The farm &quot;Finca Paraiso&quot; and its restaurant are located 3 km outside Vinales, a small town on the west of the island.</p> <p> The agro-ecological cooperative &quot;Finca Paraiso&quot; has 5 peasants working and overlooks a magnificent panorama composed of a luxuriant nature as if to confirm that we are in paradise. Eduardo welcomes us with open arms, happy to be able to explain his daily life and the basic techniques of agroecology.</p> <p> He explains that the farm was created by necessity, during the special period, which each Cuban keeps in mind, when it was so difficult to find food in the aftermath of the fall of the USSR. Now the farm feeds the restaurant and the village school with organic fruits and vegetables.</p> <p> The &quot;Finca Paraiso&quot; is the story of a bet, that of feeding his family and the other members of the village with vegetables without fertilizers or pesticides and ancestral agricultural methods:</p> <p> - &quot;intercropping of crops&quot;, the method of planting seeds of different species next to each other and building an ecosystem of flowers that repel insects: &quot;if lettuce and onions are planted in the same perimeter, The smell of onions will repel insects and protect lettuce.</p> <p> - the use of a natural fertilizer, humus, resulting from the decomposition and the chemical and biological transformation of plant debris.</p> <p> - the minimization of losses in solar, air and water</p> <p> According to him, we must think of the future, all together and cooperate: &quot;Respectful of the environment and for humans, organic farming is the future or future there will not be. &quot;</p> <p> Eduardo is not only a worker of the earth but also a cook engaged on humanitarian missions. He has accompanied many Cuban doctors on international missions to Pakistan, Indonesia, Guatemala and Peru. From these trips, he draws the Cuban will to engage with the populations in need, a Cuban specificity that makes him the strength of his country.</p> <p> In the image of Cuba, Eduardo is not a rich man, but it is undoubtedly enriched that we left this meeting.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> &nbsp;</p> <p> [THEY SUPPORT US]</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> L&#39;organisation&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">MakeSens</a>&nbsp;(r&eacute;seau mondial d&#39;entrepreneuriat social et de participation citoyenne) soutient <a href="" target="_blank">lechangemakerstour&nbsp;</a>et va organiser un&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Hold-Up&nbsp;</a>&agrave; Mexico prochainement !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> MakeSens&#39; organization support us and it is going to organize an Hold-Up for us soon!&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="14646594_655536417951159_1391293405_o-1476288226" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>