
ChangeNow : Commit to change!

Project visual Esohpromatém
End date
Out of €2,000
117 %


<p><strong>Rachel Marks</strong> is an American artist and performer living in Paris. Her&nbsp;works invite the public to reflect on&nbsp;their place within nature and their role in preserving it.</p> <p>Her creations combine&nbsp;delicate <strong>natural elements</strong> (flowers, leaves, recycled paper) in constructing <strong>monumental installation pieces</strong>.</p> <p>For the<em> International Summit ChangeNOW</em> that will be held at the <strong>Grand Palais</strong> in Paris January 30, 31 and February 1st 2020. Rachel Marks has imagined an<strong> immersive and participative large scale work</strong>: <em>Esohpromat&eacute;m.</em><br /> Imagine a tree that is 4 meters high, whose branches tell the story of a future marked by our past. 2011 Fukushima. Nuclear disaster: 30,000 km of contaminated territory. 30 years for sunflowers to purify the earth by absorbing pollutants. At the foot of the tree, a field of heliotropes faces the public, as a symbol of hope.</p> <p>Rachel Marks invites the public to actively and positively participate in writing a personal <strong>promise</strong> for the future and the preservation of our planet.&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Your <strong>support</strong> will finance the <strong>production</strong> of this monumental work and allow the artistic creation to benefit this<strong> social and environmental cause</strong>.</p> <p>Thank you!</p>


A little donation can go far


This installation is based on the participation of the public in committing to the future and the preservation of nature. Your donation of 5 euros will make this tree grow even higher! THANK YOU :)

Collection of 5 postcards


  • 2 contributions
With a donation of 20 euros you will acquire a collection of 5 postcards of recent works created by Rachel Marks. The postcards can be given during a VIP tour of the artist's studio.

Signed and numbered photo


  • 2 contributions
With a donation of 50 euros you will acquire a signed and numbered photo of the installation Esohpromatém created by Rachel Marks. The work can be given during a VIP tour of the artist's studio.

Estimated delivery: February 2020

Original work : Tree Mushroom


  • 9 contributions
With a donation of 500 euros you will acquire a Tree Mushroom, a unique and original sculpture created by Rachel Marks for the installation Esohpromatém. The work can be given during a VIP tour of the artist's studio.

Estimated delivery: February 2020

Original work : Sunflower


  • 1 contribution
With a donation of 500 euros you will acquire a Sunflower, a unique and original sculpture created by Rachel Marks for the installation Esohpromatém. The work can be given during a VIP tour of the artist's studio.

Estimated delivery: February 2020

Make a donation

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Original work : Tree Ring


  • 3 contributions
With a donation of 250 euros you will acquire a Tree Ring, a unique and original sculpture created by Rachel Marks for the installation Esohpromatém. The work can be given during a VIP tour of the artist's studio.

Estimated delivery: February 2020