La Femme d'après

Support an art project for a wide audience, elaborated and performed by women and a man in remission from breast cancer

Project visual La Femme d'après
End date
Out of €8,000
23 %

Technikart vous soutient sur KissKissBankBank


The publications

<div class="embed"> <strong>NEWS #6</strong></div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> <strong>Seulement 8 jours pour nous soutenir !&nbsp;</strong>/ Une nouvelle video / Curry Vavart nouveau partenaire de <em><strong>La Femme d&#39;apr&egrave;s</strong></em></div> <div class="embed"> <strong>Only 8 days to support us !</strong> / a new video / Curry Vavart new partner of <em><strong>The Woman...after</strong></em></div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> <a href="" target="_blank">cliquez ici pour voir la | clic here to see the newsletter #6</a></div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> Merci &agrave; chacun pour son soutien et son sens de la solidarit&eacute;</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> Amicalement,</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> Olivier pour <em><strong>Les Femmes et Hommes d&#39;apr&egrave;s</strong></em></div>
<div> Hello!</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> At D-13 and following remarks around us, we have simplified and made clearer the project description of The Woman...after.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Just read the first paragraph to understand.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> As everyone has limited time, these things count.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Spread the word!</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Thank you very much.</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> Olivier&nbsp;</div> <div> For The women and Men...after</div>
<p style="margin-bottom: 6px; color: rgb(20, 24, 35); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19.3199996948242px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Trois courtes histoires de SOUTIEN GORGE | Three short stories about a BRA:</p> <p style="margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px; color: rgb(20, 24, 35); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19.3199996948242px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Video Premier souvenir f&eacute;minit&eacute; #3<br /> <a href="" rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(59, 89, 152); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"></a></p> <div class="text_exposed_show" style="display: inline; color: rgb(20, 24, 35); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19.3199996948242px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"> Video Premier souvenir f&eacute;minit&eacute; #2<br /> <a href=";h=PAQHExhC-&amp;enc=AZPord1OqrEFaiTpT8cyyIeAK4_-dkYvl6pXkAz5Y-OTM01DulhGjSbMgLgN-6h-ZNz4jTT7XjcHKn4nST273vIbOWc0MtKiBxxyhv4Ygjn0xX5vruHdunUFknl7YgBuqYxZ6Wt17liTPruWAZSUfX6AzuFJtVuQRIf3_gYkWSxIYcJ_1xjmdnGeH5SdbLA-Mm7ga755-IqfjnaN02FuEe1M&amp;s=1" rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(59, 89, 152); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"></a></p> <p style="margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px;"> Video Premier souvenir f&eacute;minit&eacute; #1<br /> <a href=";h=sAQFC0nZV&amp;enc=AZPhM-KabBfAg5iyIpggmTsYDt47GQ2zGXOTxc1GkbkF0K-I77JaGlTKsghmiwtAN_EqrZIxKI6xX7aacNGC7tJunNCgw1nCbQ15VhiT3PZGXA80QS60Cmh3Agxh43U14w1tX_ZrcouqxvxRuIrP1yVYlmRQVv10gVe30KGiBwl5vsdPV6gQF34ZHCXcFrvMdWs_RUACwdaU3uVf7moTrREV&amp;s=1" rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(59, 89, 152); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p class="p7"> <strong><span class="s7">N#1&nbsp;</span>F&Eacute;MINIT&Eacute; |&nbsp;<span class="s4">FEMININITY</span></strong></p> <p class="p7"> D&eacute;couvrez la video #2 sur le th&egrave;me&nbsp;<b>&quot;premier souvenir de sa f&eacute;minit&eacute;&quot;</b>&nbsp;|<span class="s8">&nbsp;</span><span class="s4">Please have a look at the #2 video&nbsp;<b>&quot;earliest memory of her femininity&quot;&nbsp;</b></span><b><i>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;</i></b></p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" class="embedly-embed" frameborder="0" height="405" scrolling="no" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong><span class="s7">N#2</span><span class="s9">&nbsp;</span>BERNARD VALLERY REJOINT LE PROJET&nbsp;<span class="s4">| BERNARD VALLERY JOINS US</span></strong></p> <p class="p10"> Bernard Vallery rejoint le projet pour la cr&eacute;ation sonore du spectacle et de l&#39;installation.</p> <p class="p4"> Son immense exp&eacute;rience dans les champs du th&eacute;&acirc;tre, de la danse, de la marionnette et de la mus&eacute;ographie promet de beaux d&eacute;veloppements. |<span class="s4">&nbsp;Bernard Vallery joins us to create the sound design of the performance and installation. His immense experience in the fields of theater, dance, puppetry and museography announces beautiful developments.</span></p> <p class="p4"> &nbsp;</p> <p class="p10"> <strong><span class="s7">N#3</span><span class="s10">&nbsp;</span>LE TEMPS PASSE VITE !<span class="s10">&nbsp;</span><span class="s11">J-23</span>&nbsp;<span class="s12">|&nbsp;</span><span class="s4">TIME JUST FLIES !</span><span class="s13">&nbsp;</span><span class="s14">D-23</span></strong></p> <div> <b><i>Partagez, re-partagez, re-re-partagez ce lien</i></b><span class="s15"><b>&nbsp;</b></span><span class="s16"><b>en fran&ccedil;ais&nbsp;</b></span></div> <p class="p13"> <span class="s17"><b><a href=""></a></b></span></p> <div> <b><i>Please share and share again&nbsp;and again</i></b><span class="s18"><b>&nbsp;</b></span><span class="s16"><b>in English</b></span></div> <div> <p class="p13"> <span class="s17"><b><a href=""></a></b></span></p> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="td1" colspan="2" valign="top"> <p class="p1"> <strong><span class="s1">N#1 </span>NOUVELLE VIDEO |&nbsp;<span class="s2">NEW VIDEO</span></strong></p> <p class="p2"> <span class="s3">D&eacute;couvrez la premi&egrave;re video sur le th&egrave;me <b>&quot;premier souvenir de sa f&eacute;minit&eacute;&quot;</b> | </span>Please have a look at the new video <b>&quot;earliest memory of one&#39;s own femininity&quot; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</b><span class="s3"><b><i>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</i></b></span></p> <p class="p3"> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="embed"> <iframe allowfullscreen="" class="embedly-embed" frameborder="0" height="405" scrolling="no" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></div>
<p> BIG THANK YOU to Sophie H&eacute;laine who is the first to contribute !</p> <p> You are wonderful !</p> <p> B/o</p>