Le béton de la honte

4 concrete, imposing, disturbing sites. One documentary on the architectural heritage of the 3rd Reich in Germany

Project visual Le béton de la honte
End date
Out of €3,000
109 %

Première Caméra

Première Caméra

The publications

<p> Dear Contributors,&nbsp;</p> <div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80);"> <p> It&#39;s been a while, hasn&#39;t it. If you&#39;re asking yourselves whether we ended up using your hard-earned money on the crazy Berlin nightlife, or a couple all-inclusive trips to the Bahamas, this email should serve to reassure you. We&#39;re happy to say we&#39;ve been hard at work on our documentary and very productive. Here&#39;s an update.</p> <p> First off, you should know that we decided to change the topic of our movie a little bit. While starting to work on this project early this summer, we realized the extent to which a documentary takes time to shoot and produce (in our defence, it&#39;s our first and we&#39;re learning as we progress). Though the subject chosen is indeed interesting, the adventure we would have thrown ourselves into was perhaps a little too ambitious. We therefore decided to start by focusing our energy on one of the sites in Berlin: the old Tempelhof airport. We&#39;ll consider visiting a second site once we finish the first.&nbsp;</p> <p> We chose to make a movie uniquely about this old airport thanks to current day events unfolding in Berlin. In fact, this vast open space (bigger than Central Park in New York) is at the heart of a battle between the City of Berlin and a number of its residents. The city wants to renew the space with a small pond, green spaces, benches, etc.) and build condos&nbsp;on the periphery of the field, as well as a municipal library. On the other hand, advocacy groups and residents are mobilizing to keep the old airport field as it was since the public opening of the space in 2010. The themes we would like to develop around this topic include the site&#39;s particularity and its historical significance, the notion of &ldquo;rights to the city,&rdquo; as well as fear of the empty and utopia.&nbsp;</p> <p> Secondly, we&#39;re equally happy to say that our finances for this project are going very well. With roughly 20 interviews done and 10 hours of footage, we&#39;ve spent less than a quarter of our budget. We still have quite a bit of work indeed, but we wanted to say that we&#39;re confidently on track.&nbsp;</p> <p> Third, we want to inform you that we&nbsp;unfortunately lost the competition, &quot;Premi&egrave;re Cam&eacute;ra,&quot; the competition for which we initially requested funds. &nbsp;We were a little miffed, especially after we discovered one of the winners was an experienced filmmaker that had already a number of documentaries under her belt (let&#39;s remember, the competition targeted novice filmmakers and offered them professional support throughout the development of the film, from scriptwriting, to broadcasting and distribution). Nevertheless, we ended being one of the 20 shortlisted proposals. Wanting to see this project to its completion, we still intend to find a distributor for our movie. Therefore, on the agenda for the next few months: more shooting and interviews, but also meetings with TV chains that would be interested in our topic.</p> <p> Fourth and final, we want to apologize for having taken so long to write you. Our New Years resolution for 2014 is to keep you updated on our progress more often! Also, you can be assured that we haven&rsquo;t forgotten your compensations, but they&rsquo;ll arrive more towards the end of the shooting, around the end of spring. Don&rsquo;t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, comments, encouragements, and we&#39;ll be happy to respond to you.&nbsp;</p> <p> Happy New Year!&nbsp;</p> <p> Liebe Gr&uuml;&szlig;e,</p> <p> Marion &amp; Andrew</p> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Dear Contributors,&nbsp;</p> <div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80); "> <p> It&#39;s been a while, hasn&#39;t it. If you&#39;re asking yourselves whether we ended up using your hard-earned money on the crazy Berlin nightlife, or a couple all-inclusive trips to the Bahamas, this email should serve to reassure you. We&#39;re happy to say we&#39;ve been hard at work on our documentary and very productive. Here&#39;s an update.</p> <p> First off, you should know that we decided to change the topic of our movie a little bit. While starting to work on this project early this summer, we realized the extent to which a documentary takes time to shoot and produce (in our defence, it&#39;s our first and we&#39;re learning as we progress). Though the subject chosen is indeed interesting, the adventure we would have thrown ourselves into was perhaps a little too ambitious. We therefore decided to start by focusing our energy on one of the sites in Berlin: the old Tempelhof airport. We&#39;ll consider visiting a second site once we finish the first.&nbsp;</p> <p> We chose to make a movie uniquely about this old airport thanks to current day events unfolding in Berlin. In fact, this vast open space (bigger than Central Park in New York) is at the heart of a battle between the City of Berlin and a number of its residents. The city wants to renew the space with a small pond, green spaces, benches, etc.) and build condos&nbsp;on the periphery of the field, as well as a municipal library. On the other hand, advocacy groups and residents are mobilizing to keep the old airport field as it was since the public opening of the space in 2010. The themes we would like to develop around this topic include the site&#39;s particularity and its historical significance, the notion of &ldquo;rights to the city,&rdquo; as well as fear of the empty and utopia.&nbsp;</p> <p> Secondly, we&#39;re equally happy to say that our finances for this project are going very well. With roughly 20 interviews done and 10 hours of footage, we&#39;ve spent less than a quarter of our budget. We still have quite a bit of work indeed, but we wanted to say that we&#39;re confidently on track.&nbsp;</p> <p> Third, we want to inform you that we&nbsp;unfortunately lost the competition, &quot;Premi&egrave;re Cam&eacute;ra,&quot; the competition for which we initially requested funds. &nbsp;We were a little miffed, especially after we discovered one of the winners was an experienced filmmaker that had already a number of documentaries under her belt (let&#39;s remember, the competition targeted novice filmmakers and offered them professional support throughout the development of the film, from scriptwriting, to broadcasting and distribution). Nevertheless, we ended being one of the 20 shortlisted proposals. Wanting to see this project to its completion, we still intend to find a distributor for our movie. Therefore, on the agenda for the next few months: more shooting and interviews, but also meetings with TV chains that would be interested in our topic.</p> <p> Fourth and final, we want to apologize for having taken so long to write you. Our New Years resolution for 2014 is to keep you updated on our progress more often! Also, you can be assured that we haven&rsquo;t forgotten your compensations, but they&rsquo;ll arrive more towards the end of the shooting, around the end of spring. Don&rsquo;t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, comments, encouragements, and we&#39;ll be happy to respond to you.&nbsp;</p> <p> Happy New Year!&nbsp;</p> <p> Liebe Gr&uuml;&szlig;e,</p> <p> Marion &amp; Andrew</p> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> &Ccedil;a y est, on l&#39;a fait! Notre premier documentaire financ&eacute; par vous tous! <strong>Merci</strong>, vous &ecirc;tes trop chouettes. We did it! Our first documentary fully funded by all of you! <strong>Thank you all</strong>, you&#39;re awesome.</p> <p> Marion&amp;Andrew</p>
<p> &nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "> <strong>Merci &agrave; tous nos soutiens! </strong>Gr&acirc;ce &agrave; vous tous, nous avons d&eacute;pass&eacute; la barre 50% de notre collecte en 9 jours &agrave; peine! Votre participation et votre g&eacute;n&eacute;rosit&eacute; nous touchent beaucoup. Nous esp&eacute;rons r&eacute;unir autant de Kissbankers pour la moiti&eacute; du chemin qu&#39;il nous reste &agrave; parcourir et pour atteindre notre objectif avant le 25 mai prochain. N&#39;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; parler du projet autour de vous! Merci encore &agrave; tous et toutes!</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "> <strong>THANK YOU to all our supporters!&nbsp;</strong>With your help we were able to pass the 50% mark with 9 days to spare! Watching your participation and generosity warmed our hearts this week. We&#39;re now hoping to bring together just as many Kissbankers for the other half of the fundraising to achieve our goal by the 25th of May. Don&#39;t hesitate to spread the word! Thanks again everyone!</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "> Marion&amp;Andrew</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "> &nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; "> &nbsp;</p>