NATA : yoga, méditation et cuisine végétale

Breathe some vitality into NATA, a new center for yoga, meditation AND vegetarian cooking classes in Paris!

Project visual NATA : yoga, méditation et cuisine végétale
End date
Out of €4,000
111 %

The publications

<p> And we thought the emotions of opening NATA on October 1 were strong... Two big waves of very, VERY positive feelings washed over us this past week:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> 1) the news that our KissKiss campaign had reached and even surpassed the goal we set. &nbsp;A HUGE thank you and GIANT HUG to everyone who contributed. We are more than touched, we are deeply moved by your generosity and your support. Our amazing accountant, Thibaut B&eacute;riard of the Cabinet Fidexau, is breathing easier, as is our banker! Now everyone involved with the project is doing!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> 2) our open house was a huge success. More than 125 people came to check us out over the two days. There was a wonderful ambiance of discovery and sharing and delicious things to eat; thanks, chefs! One of our free mini-yoga classes was so crowded that we ran out of mats--that means more than 35 people were there! NATA seems to have worked its charm on a number of the people who came by. More than 25% signed up for class cards to begin a regular practice here. We are overflowing with joy.&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Here are a few photos from the open house:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0965-1413528253" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>A KissBanker (among several--I didn&#39;t photograph everyone...) </strong></p> <p> <strong>and her mini-KissBanker-to-be were among the first visitors !</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Maya_01-1413528692" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Delicious and virbrant Matcha Tea Surprise with a Lemon Twist from our chef Maya Chemouni</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Maya_02-1413528728" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Trinh Nguyen explains how to use tofu in desserts that will have you looking for a bigger bowl !</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Maya_03-1413528766" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Pamela keeps an eye on the toasting almonds while chef S&eacute;bastien Briant explains how to make energy balls</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Maya_04-1413528806" src="" /></p> <p> <b>From the vegetarian makis to all the sweet (gluten-free!) treats, there was something for everyone !</b></p>
<p> So many emotions in the past week: the opening of NATA, our first clients, our first clients who came back for a second, even a THIRD class! The bouquets of flowers, the moments with our team, the messages on Facebook, the retweets of our news...and I&#39;m skipping a lot here!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> But most of all, the news that we had reached our goal with our crowd-funding campaign that came in yesterday: it was another shot of adrenaline in an adrenaline-filled week!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> We are busy getting ready for our open house this weekend and hope you&#39;ll be able to come see on October 11 or 12 for free classes, cooking demos and tastings, along with discounts on our class cards and unlimited packages. The program is available on our website:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> And since music can often say things better than simple words on a screen, we&#39;d like to leave you with a song that we love for the simplicity of its message: I want to thank you, thank you, thank you... You&#39;ve been so kind and generous, I don&#39;t know how you keep on giving... The funky circus atmosphere of this&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Natalie Merchant video</a>&nbsp;also makes us smile !&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You can find the lyrics to the song&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> There are still a few more days to help the campaign grow to support the renovation of our gardens. Everyone who comes in comments on the amazing presence and proximity of nature in our;s what makes it special, so let&#39;s keep the enthusiasm going and spread the word. Monday at 7:22 p.m. Paris time (1:22 p.m. EST) is the cut-off point !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Have a great evening and we hope to see you this weekend or very soon there after!</p> <p> Pamela et Sen&ecirc;t</p>
<p> Un grand merci &agrave; Mich&egrave;le Bail, notre premi&egrave;re cliente de ce matin pour le cours de 8h00 ! Cette infirmi&egrave;re ind&eacute;pendante du 12&egrave;me arrondissement a vu notre flyer dans un restaurant biologique du quarter (<a href="" target="_blank">La Petite Fabrique</a>&nbsp;pour ceux qui sont int&eacute;ress&eacute;s...&ccedil;a vaut le d&eacute;tour !) dimanche et elle nous a fait confiance pour venir d&egrave;s la premi&egrave;re heure ce matin...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Michelle_bail_1ere_cliente-1412203071" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Mais ce n&#39;est pas parce que nous sommes ouverts que nous n&#39;avons plus besoin de vous ! Au contraire, les plus grosses factures pour les travaux restent &agrave; r&eacute;gler et nous d&eacute;couvrons de petites &quot;situations&quot; &agrave; r&eacute;gler assez vite pour assurer l&#39;accueil et la s&eacute;curit&eacute; des clients (&eacute;coulement de la douche compl&egrave;tement bloqu&eacute;...spots dans la salle de yoga qui vibrent genre discoth&egrave;que apr&egrave;s une p&eacute;riode assez longue d&#39;allumage...manque de 2 carreaux &quot;azulejos&quot; pour compl&eacute;ter la bordure de notre plan de j&#39;en passe) ! &nbsp;Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir partager la nouvelle de notre collecte sur vos r&eacute;seaux. Les passants du quartier sont ravis que nous sommes l&agrave;. &nbsp;Pour nous c&#39;est la preuve que notre intuition visait juste : il manquait serieusement ce genre de centre dans le sud du 20&egrave;me arrondissement. A nous maintenant de g&eacute;rer le lieux. Nous le ferons d&#39;autant mieux avec des soucis financiers en moins, gr&acirc;ce &agrave; votre g&eacute;n&eacute;rosit&eacute;. &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Merci encore et encore pour votre soutien et votre enthousiasme ! Ce sont les contacts personnels qui se mettent en place avec ce projet qui sont l&#39;aboutissement de nos efforts sur le chantier depuis des mois. A tr&egrave;s bient&ocirc;t &agrave; NATA. &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Tiens, &agrave; ce sujet, vous viendrez &agrave;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">nos portes ouvertes</a>...?!?</p>
<p> <img alt="Img_0915-1412101920" src="" /></p>
<p> There are still a zillion details to take care of, but we&#39;re so excited to be opening tomorrow! Will you join us at 8:00 a.m.?!? We hope so...or maybe for another class later in the week.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You can also see the schedule of free classes and cooking demos we&#39;ve put together for our Open House on October 11 &amp; 12. We&#39;ll be offering a 10% discount on all class cards sold during the open house, so stop by to take advantage of the free yoga, free food, and great prices, or just to say hello!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The detailed program is&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Julie Limont will bring her energy to NATA for regular cooking classes! Gentle vegetables, What do to with my tofu?, Rediscovering whole grains, Exploring the richness of many themes and techniques that we got hungry just entering her workshops into our website! Check out the cooking schedule from November 22 on to learn more....</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Julie-1411839744" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Working in the kitchen has us dreaming already about the plant-based cooking classes that will soon take place there (starting November 1)! &nbsp;We&#39;re getting the detailed schedule ready, but you are the first to learn that the amazing Trinh Nguyen, founder of Made in Metta, will be a regular fixture around the burners at NATA! Her first classes will celebrate her Asian heritage with makis, a vegetarian bo-bun, and a tour de force of gluten-free recipes. &nbsp;Yum yum!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt="Trinh-1411506168" src="" /></p>
<p> We&#39;re making big strides towards our opening in just 9 days (gloups !)...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0901-1411394496" src="" /></p> <p> The oak floor of the entrance is beautiful!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0903-1411394521" src="" /></p> <p> Bathroom tiles...check!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0910-1411394543" src="" /></p> <p> The kitchen is coming together...we still have to put the Portugese azulejos tiles on the backsplash.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0912-1411394578" src="" /></p> <p> Baseboards, dust, and sun sparkles on the yoga floor.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_0905-1411394612" src="" /></p> <p> Fingers crossed that we can get all that dust swept up by next Wednesday!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> See you soon!</p> <p> Pamela et Sen&ecirc;t</p>
<p> You can check out our website&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp; that was just published live last night! A huge round of applause and big, big thanks are due to our webmaster Johan Bonnaud and to our digital graphic designer Ali Sarmadi for their work on this project. Feel free to give us your feedback--the website will be regularly updated. Have a great day!</p>
<p> <strong>Rodrigo C&oacute;freces</strong>, a yoga professor, has just joined NATA&#39;s team. &nbsp;Pamela and Rodrigo did their first teacher trainings together over ten years ago--proof that yoga creates ties that time cannot separate! Catch him at our early-bird vinyasa class: 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays starting October 1!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Rodrigo-1411160408" src="" /></p>
<p> NATA just joined Twitter. &nbsp;You can follow us @natarueplanchat !</p>
<p> We are thrilled and honored to be able to announce that three amazing yoga, pranayama and meditation teachers have joined our team! They will each bring their energy and expertise, their passion for yoga and the benefits of the practice. &nbsp;Come try out their classes starting October 1. &nbsp;Detailed schedule coming soon on our web site...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Img_3563-1410208024" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Mandana Mortazavi</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Agathe-1410208066" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Agathe Thine</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Eugenio_saskia-1410208096" src="" /></p> <p> <strong>Eugenio Correnti</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> We&#39;re on site 7 days/week to get ready for our October 1 opening....&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<img alt="Img_0702-1410131556" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You can see more pictures of the build out on our Facebook page:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;(no need to be a FB user to see this page...).</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> A few small tasks on our list this week: finish painting the studio and lay the wood parquet; lay the tile in the kitchen, receive the kitchen cabinets and appliances and begin to install them...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Your support is giving us energy! Thanks to all who have joined us in this adventure!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> Not for the money side of things (for once!) but to see how many hours of yoga and meditation classes we&#39;ll have on the schedule once we open on October 1. &nbsp;You&#39;re the first to learn it here: 34.75 total hours of classes, which breaks down into 28.75 of yoga and 6 hours of meditation. &nbsp;The 0.75 class is a 45-minute session of yoga for children ages 5-8! &nbsp;More details on that and the full schedule coming soon on our web site.</p>
<p> Light takes many forms: a new French door now opens onto one of our garndes in the kitchen and a new yoga teacher has joined our team! &nbsp;Here is Serge, one of our Moldavian workers, attacking the cinder blocks of the wall!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p>;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> <div class="embed"> <iframe allowfullscreen="" class="embedly-embed" frameborder="0" height="405" scrolling="no" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></div> </div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> And as an art historian, I wanted to save some of the graffiti left by the former renters, a great group of socially engaged graphic designers. &nbsp;Ask and you shall receive....</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> <img alt="Bonhomme-1409607800" src="" /></div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> Evelyne Lachat will teach Hatha yoga and meditation at NATA and will also be helping with publicity. &nbsp;Many thanks to her and the beautiful light she&#39;s bringing to the project!</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp; &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img alt="Evelyne_web-1409607909" src="" /></div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div> <div class="embed"> You can learn more about her on our&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>&nbsp;page and on her own&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">website</a>!</div> <div class="embed"> &nbsp;</div>