Refugees for Refugees

New campaign launched in 2018 (see below) ! Help us with the creation of a CD gathering traditional musicians, refugees or exiled.

Project visual Refugees for Refugees
End date
Out of €12,500
126 %

The publications

<p>Hello dear kisskissbankers,</p> <p>Thanks to you all the project has been able to continue so far.</p> <p>After two years of amazing human and musical adventures, Refugees for Refugees is stonger than ever. We are now launching a new album and with it, a new crowdfunding.</p> <p>Please help us spread the word ! <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>Warm regards from our team,</p>
<p> After several months of musical encounters, emotional moments, days of recording sessions and much positive thought on the project, Muziekpublique is very happy to annouce the official release concert of the album &#39;AMERLI&#39; this friday the 13th of May at the Moli&egrave;re Theater.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> This concert will be an opportunity to celebrate the launch of the CD produced by Muziekpublique that compiles songs, traditions and stories of the journeys of the 20 musicians participating to the project. The CD has built bridges between the musicians and their varied backgrounds. You are invited to discover the results of a unique encounter of different musical cultures at this very first presentation of the CD.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The programme will include the combination of Tibetan singing with the Pakistani sarod, the Syrian ney with the Iraqi oud, Buddhist poetry with Afghan love songs &hellip;. The melodies, languages and rhythms respond to one another, telling the story of exile, homesickness, but also hope, dignity and solidarity.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Info &amp; Tickets :;lang=en</p>
<p> <strong>Incroyable&nbsp;! Nous avons atteint l&rsquo;objectif de 100% en 17 jours&nbsp;! Merci &agrave; tous pour votre soutien, pour vos encouragements, merci d&rsquo;en avoir parl&eacute;, de l&rsquo;avoir relay&eacute;&nbsp;! Mais la r&eacute;colte n&rsquo;est pas encore termin&eacute;e&hellip;</strong></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> La semaine derni&egrave;re, nous avons enregistr&eacute; les musiciens pendant quatre jours intenses. Le r&eacute;sultat de ces journ&eacute;es de rencontres musicales est tr&egrave;s prometteur. Nous avons jusqu&rsquo;au 26 d&eacute;cembre pour augmenter encore la r&eacute;colte. Nous vous proposons d&rsquo;atteindre ensemble de nouveaux objectifs. Pour faire &eacute;voluer le projet, l&rsquo;amener encore plus loin, pour concr&eacute;tiser et cimenter les premi&egrave;res synergies qui ont &eacute;man&eacute; de ces quatre premiers jours d&rsquo;enregistrements&hellip; Voici les r&eacute;alisations vis&eacute;es&nbsp;:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Si nous atteignons 120%</strong>&nbsp;: Nous pourrons r&eacute;organiser une ou deux journ&eacute;es d&rsquo;enregistrement. Si quatre jours ont &eacute;t&eacute; suffisants pour enregistrer une trentaine de morceaux parmi lesquels nous devrons faire un tri, nous pensons qu&rsquo;une journ&eacute;e suppl&eacute;mentaire en studio serait n&eacute;cessaire pour peaufiner certains d&rsquo;entre eux. Nous pourrons passer &eacute;galement plus de temps au mastering, &agrave; la production et &agrave; la promotion du CD.</p> <p> <strong>Si nous atteignons 150%</strong>&nbsp;: Nous pouvons organiser un concert de sortie pour lequel chacun des musiciens serait r&eacute;mun&eacute;r&eacute;. Ce concert aura lieu au th&eacute;&acirc;tre Moli&egrave;re &agrave; la sortie du CD et permettra &agrave; tous de voir le r&eacute;sultat en LIVE du projet. Le montant permettra aussi d&rsquo;organiser les r&eacute;p&eacute;titions (transport, r&eacute;tribution).</p> <p> <strong>Si nous atteignons plus de 150%</strong>&nbsp;: Chaque euro r&eacute;colt&eacute; en plus nous permettra de travailler plus &agrave; la diffusion du projet, de chercher des concerts o&ugrave; les musiciens pourraient jouer ensemble, de donner une plus large visibilit&eacute; au CD&hellip;</p>
<p> The recordings took off this Monday! We already had some wonderful encounters with great musicans that will be included in the album to be released in March 2016. TV Brussel (brusselnieuws) came by and took the time to talk with some artists about the project.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> You can watch their report:</p>
<p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> A paper in La Libre Culture about our project. Next week we will begin with the recordings, we &nbsp;will have nice pictures and videos to share.</p> <p> Thank you again for your support!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Muziekpublique team</p>