Sorg & Napoleon Maddox • 1er ALBUM "Checkin Us"

Our Debut Album "Checkin Us" is ready, we are in a rush to present it to you! Help us to finance it, buying the album on presale.

Project visual Sorg & Napoleon Maddox • 1er ALBUM "Checkin Us"
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Out of €5,000
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Sorg & Napoleon Maddox • 1er ALBUM "Checkin Us"

<p><strong><em>&quot;The new emperors of HipHop as we like it, actual and instantaneously classic&quot; - SOUL KITCHEN, 2018</em></strong></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>&copy; Thomas Fournier</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sorg &amp; Napoleon Maddox</strong>&nbsp;is an incredible meeting between a young French beatmaker, Sorg, and a American MC,&nbsp;Napoleon Maddox, leader of the band&nbsp;<strong>IsWhat?!</strong>. A sharp-edged flow on modern and dynamic beats. The duet delivers hypnotic&nbsp;<strong>Hip-hop</strong>&nbsp;with<strong>&nbsp;French touch Electronica</strong>, exploring their various influences: <strong>Soul</strong>&nbsp;and <strong>Gospel</strong>&nbsp;of Napoleon&#39;s childhood, and <strong>Blues</strong>&nbsp;of Sorg&#39;s, the mark of World Music, and one keyword: the&nbsp;<strong>GROOVE</strong>&nbsp;!!</p><p>Engaged lyrics, bouncing beats, this is their formula: &quot;simple et efficace&quot; !&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><u><strong>&quot;CHECKIN US&quot; /// DEBUT ALBUM</strong></u></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>After two EPs and a lot of gigs between 2014&nbsp;and 2017 across France, USA, Italy&nbsp;and&nbsp;Switzerland; Sorg &amp; Napoleon Maddox are finally releasing their&nbsp;1st album &quot;<strong>Checkin Us</strong>&quot;.&nbsp; They&rsquo;ve brought 11 tracks together featuring friends:&nbsp;<strong>Marc Nammour</strong>&nbsp;(<em>La Canaille / FR</em>),&nbsp;<strong>Jos&eacute; Shungu</strong>&nbsp;(<em>La C&eacute;dille, Green Shop / FR</em>) et&nbsp;<strong>Boogie Bang&nbsp;</strong>(ISWHAT?!, Red Eye Blue / <em>Cincinnati, USA</em>).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The album will be released on&nbsp;<strong>march 9th</strong>&nbsp;available on <strong>CD </strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Vinyl</strong>. Cover design by&nbsp;<strong>Ease</strong>, the digital graphic artist of the project.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Listen to the first track &quot;<strong>Shark Men</strong>&quot; (preview) !&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src=";;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=soundcloud" width="500" height="500" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This adventure started in 2013 with the track &quot;<a href="">Wild West</a>&quot; on the 2nd EP of Sorg &quot;<strong>16 Diamonds</strong>&quot;, their first collaboration. Quickly they launched the project, and the two musicians started touring in France. The&nbsp;1st&nbsp;EP &quot;<strong>Ribbons &amp; Razors</strong>&quot; was released in 2014, and the 2nd one &quot;<strong>Soon</strong>&quot; in 2016 featuring&nbsp;the excellent&nbsp;<a href="">Ga&euml;l Faye</a>, Jos&eacute; Shungu, and Boogie Bang on the classic &quot;<a href="">Security</a>&quot;.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>☛&nbsp;<strong><u>RIBBONS &amp; RAZORS</u></strong> - [2014, EP, 6 tracks]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src=";;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500" height="281" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>☛&nbsp;<strong><u>SOON</u></strong> - [2016, EP, 6 tracks]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src=";;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500" height="281" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>With more than&nbsp;<strong>60 gigs</strong>&nbsp;together, it&#39;s on the stage that the&nbsp;project reveals its power.&nbsp;<strong>Sorg &amp; Napoleon Maddox</strong>&nbsp;deliver an energetic, captivating&nbsp;show&nbsp;that takes us back to golden age Hip-hop.</p><p>Check all the gigs of the&nbsp;&quot;Checkin Us&quot;&nbsp;<strong>tour&nbsp;</strong>in France during March/April 2018.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>08.03 &bull;<strong> LE MANS</strong> | TBA</p><p>09.03 &bull; <strong>NANTES</strong> | Stereolux - Festival Hip OPsession - <a target="_blank" href="">Tickets</a></p><p>16.03 &bull; <strong>MACON</strong> | La Cave &agrave; Musique - <a target="_blank" href="">Tickets</a>&nbsp;</p><p>18.03 &bull; <strong>STRASBOURG</strong> | Fat Black Pussycat - Festival Ind&rsquo;Hip&rsquo;Hop - <a target="_blank" href="">Tickets</a></p><p>21.03 &bull; <strong>PARIS</strong> | Le Hasard Ludique&nbsp;</p><p>29.03 &bull; <strong>BESAN&Ccedil;ON</strong> | Les Passagers du Zinc</p><p>06.04 &bull; <strong>MAUBEC</strong> | Gare de Coustellet - <a target="_blank" href=";SPC=8006">Tickets</a></p><p>07.04 &bull; <strong>DIJON</strong> | P&eacute;niche Cancale&nbsp;</p><p>27.04 &bull; <strong>AGEN</strong> | Le Florida - 1&egrave;re partie de Ga&euml;l Faye - <a target="_blank" href="">Tickets</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Booking: <strong>AFX</strong> - [email protected]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>&copy; Pierre Etienne</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>&copy; Bastien Jourdet</em></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>We are producing this album&nbsp;<strong>independently</strong>, but we are surrounded&nbsp;with professional collaborators necessary for promotion, design and distribution. The album will be available in shops across<strong>&nbsp;France</strong>&nbsp;(FNAC, ...).</p><p>However, without a record label, we are paying all the costs of this production. Obviously, this is an expensive undertaking. For this reason, we request your financial assistance. Of course, we have prepared beautiful rewards in exchange for your financial support, (CD, vinyls, shirts, private workshops, collaborations, ...).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The costs in details:&nbsp;</p><p>- Mastering: 400&euro;</p><p>- Artwork &amp; Design: 400&euro;</p><p>- Press + SDRM costs: 1800&euro;</p><p>- Merchandising (t-shirts, stickers, ...): 500&euro;</p><p>- Promotion: 1500&euro;</p><p>- KissKissBankBank commission: 400&euro;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The fundraising will be transferred directly on the account of L&eacute;o Dufourt (Sorg) who will be in charge of the repartition of the costs.</p><p>If we reach the objective of 5000&euro;, we will spend the profits making a new video clip.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The&nbsp;<strong>collaborators</strong>&nbsp;of the&nbsp;album are as follows:&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>CD &amp; Vinyl Distribution: <strong>L&#39;Autre Distribution</strong></p><p>Digital Distribution: <strong>IDOL</strong></p><p>Promotion: <strong>Ping Pong</strong></p><p>Publishing: <strong>Alter-K</strong></p><p>Booking: <strong>AFX</strong></p><p>Artwork &amp; Design: <strong>Ease</strong></p><p>Mastering: <strong>Thomas Fournier</strong></p>



  • 22 contributions
DIGITAL ALBUM (WAV, MP3) + thanks on the Facebook page

Estimated delivery: March 2018


  • 35 contributions
CD DIGIPACK signed and shipped + digital album + thanks on the Facebook page

Estimated delivery: March 2018


  • 31 contributions
VINYL 12'' signed and shipped + digital album + thanks on the Facebook page

Estimated delivery: March 2018


  • 17 contributions
SHIRT (MW - S/M/L/XL) shipped + all the previous offers

Estimated delivery: March 2018


  • 9 contributions
SCREEN-PRINT POSTER shipped + all the previous offers

Estimated delivery: March 2018


  • 2 contributions
INVITATION to the RELEASE PARTY Show in Besançon, France on march 29th + all the previous offers

Estimated delivery: March 2018


    WORKSHOP for beginner or advanced , young or adult (Beatbox with Napoleon, or Beatmaking/MAO with Sorg) + all the previous offers

    Estimated delivery: February 2018


    • 1 contribution
    FEATURING/REMIX - Napoleon’s voice on your track, or a Remix of Sorg of your track + all the previous offers

    Estimated delivery: February 2018


    • 3 contributions
    PRIVATE CONCERT within a radius of 200km from Besançon, or 200km from Cincinnati, Ohio + all the previous offers

    Estimated delivery: February 2018

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