Please support NECTOUX EXPERIENCE ON kissKissBankBank !

End date
Out of €1,800
101 %

Our commitments


<p><strong>Hi everybody!</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>Here we are&nbsp;!!!!! After several concerts and residences, we are almost ready to finalise our CD. Texts and compositions by Guillaume Nectoux, arrangements with 4 other musicians and friends. We like to describe our music as experimental Chanson Fran&ccedil;aises, bohemian and militant, with loads of musical influences.</p> <p><strong>We need you to materialize it:</strong></p> <p>-To burn the first 500 CD</p> <p>-To make a video (already started)</p> <p>-And above all to start the next CD recording&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>We count on you to make our dreams come true! And as we are decent people, there will be thrilling gifts!</strong></p> <p>-Our eternal gratitude</p> <p>-our CD and on platforms like Deezer, Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud&hellip;</p> <p>-Truly smart posters</p> <p>-And for the most generous an hour on a &ldquo;special&rdquo; chat line with the group member of your choice.</p> <p>We hope to meet you as soon as the lockdown is over for one of our concerts, here and there, with new songs, and as usual a neat music and topics dear to us.</p> <p>Musically yours</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>So far we did everything by ourself, with the inherent joys and complications. It took us a year and a half to get our first EP ready for mastering and burning.&nbsp;</p> <p>We are already preparing the second EP and we would like to release it beginning of 2021. If we get a bit of money we&rsquo;ll be able to hire a sound engineer.</p> <p>In order to be more visible and also for pleasure we would like to release a video and get the service of a small team for filming and editing.&nbsp;It will deepen our creation process.&nbsp;</p> <p>A second EP and a professional video will help us to gain credibility to access concert halls and residence places as well as recording studios.</p> <p>As much as I can be fond of&nbsp;the homemade side, fundraising will help us to grow professionally, to widely broadcast and share more quality music.</p> <p>So if you are enough to quickly donate 10 or 20 Euros against a CD, we&rsquo;ll be able to launch our next recording session, and an to shoot an awesome video.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Featured reward

Our new EP « Escapade » freshly burnt + the digital version.


  • 13 contributions
You’ll receive by post or hand in person our new dedicated EP and the link to download it

Estimated delivery: May 2020

Our new EP digital version


  • 3 contributions
A bit before the official release you will receive via e-mail a link to download the new EP, WAV or MP3

Estimated delivery: April 2020

Our new EP « Escapade » freshly burnt + the digital version+ poster


  • 18 contributions
You’ll receive by post or hand in person our new EP, the link to download it and a dedicated poster

Estimated delivery: May 2020

Our new EP « Escapade » freshly burnt + the digital version+ poster+ surprises


  • 8 contributions
You’ll receive by post or hand in person our new EP, the link to download it and a dedicated poster. Besides the great A3 poster, will come a lock of the singer’s hair which might be extremely worthy in a far future and will allow you a Voodoo initiation. And for the reluctant ones, the singer shall meet you for a philosophic moment on the beach or in a cafe of your choice around South East of France as soon as we are back to normal.

Estimated delivery: May 2020

All the above described lots and more


  • 1 contribution
Well if somebody is ready to through that amount of cash it’s clearly a friend or family, and we’ll find time for a good moment somewhere in South East of France this summer.

Estimated delivery: May 2020

All the above package and more, more, more


All the above package. For such an amount we’ll come to you for a private concert, if necessary with a sound system for a friendly moment. Of course if it’s out of South East we’ll have to think about it. We’ll bring wine and cheerfulness.

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