Thirteen Moons (Treize lunes)

We recorded last March. We need a boost to help cover the costs of manufacturing the CD before we head to the States for a concert tour.

Project visual Thirteen Moons (Treize lunes)
End date
Out of €1,500
108 %

The publications

<p> La collecte s&#39;est termin&eacute;e avec succ&egrave;s le 16 d&eacute;cembre. Le Cd est maintenant parti &agrave; la fabrication, il arrivera mi-janvier. Nous avons pu faire un tirage sp&eacute;cial de 500 exemplaires aux USA qui sera directement livr&eacute; &agrave; Grayhawk, en Louisiane. Merci &agrave; tous pour votre participation. Vous recevrez le(s) CD (s) fin janvier, avant notre d&eacute;part aux USA pour une tourn&eacute;e en Louisiane et &agrave; New York avec &quot;Thirteen Moons&quot;.</p>
<p> We are on&nbsp; the eighth day and have already reached 84%. This means that we will soon reach our goal for the project.<br /> Don&#39;t hesitate to pass on the link as going over our goal will enable us to begin to plan for a second pressing of the CD in the States which would be ideal for the project<br /> Thanks to everyone for your&nbsp; prompt and enthusiastic participation!</p>
<p> Thank you for supporting us! We have 58% on the 4th day. To be continued... Share the link with your friends!</p>
<p> It is of course possible. Register you for an amount corresponding to 15&euro; x the nb of desired C.Ds. (Ex: 30 &euro; for 2 C.Ds / 45 &euro; for 3 C.Ds)<br /> <br /> It is then necessary to you to specify in the comment of your contribution: &quot; I prefer several copies of the C.D to the proposed rewards&quot;.</p>