Vivarium occupies Tangente!

Help us remount the performance Vivarium for indoor spaces in Montréal and beyond!

Project visual Vivarium occupies Tangente!
End date
Out of $CAD2,270
139 %

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Caisse Desjardins de la Culture supports the project Vivarium occupies Tangente!Tangente supports the project Vivarium occupies Tangente!

The publications

<p>Merci à tous!! OMG! Vous avez levé 139% de notre but, ou $3160! C'est énorme!</p><p> Tout ça ira au travail, et on se débrouille à activer les cadeaux que nous avons à vous remettre sous peu. Vos noms sont dans nos coeurs, nos coeurs sont dans le travail, et le travail émergera une autre fois dans le monde bientôt.</p><p> </p><p>Merci encore!</p><p> </p><p>- Lucy (et Paige, Noémie, et Patrick)</p>
<p>Dear friends and accomplices / À nos cher.ère.s ami.e.s et complices! <img alt="Eleno_guzman-1512411565" src=""></p><p>We’ve had a busy month of November with a development residency at Tangente and an excerpt of the installation-performance shown at Parcours Danse in Montréal. Rest assured we have not forgotten the gifts we have yet to send out to you.</p><p>Have any of you tried your ringtone? I’m very curious to hear your feedback!</p><p>Nous avons eu un mois de novembre assez chargé avec une résidence de développement à Tangente et une vitrine sur la performance-installation à Parcours danse à Montréal dernièrement. Mais ne soyez pas inquiet.ète.s! Nous n’avons pas oubliés que nous avons des cadeaux à vous rendre encore!</p><p>En passant, il y en a d’entre vous qui ont essayé le sonnerie de cellulaire? J’aimerai bien avoir vos commentaires :)</p><p>Thank you and until soon! Merci et à bientôt!</p><p>Lucy</p>
<p>Dear friends and contributors!

</p><p> </p><p>We are getting close to our final day, and I'm so grateful for all the support Vivarium has received from you. This is the final weekend to contribute, the campaign closes on Monday November 6th at 2:22 in the afternoon, EDT.

</p><p> </p><p>You've gone above and beyond! Please help us keep pushing, by spreading the word. We'll be sending out rewards in the month of November, so there's still much to look forward to. This is only a beginning!
</p><p> </p><p>-- Lucy</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Vivarium35s-1509814357" src=""> Photo: Zuzu Knew</p>
<p>Yesterday, we went outside to create and improvise in the woods on the mountain, in anticipation of snow this week, and to remember what it is to be in the midst of everything. Here are a few screenshot from the video destined to one of our Kiss Kiss Bankers who gave more than 200$ (!) to the campaign. I'm excited to share your rewards with you all!</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Screen_shot_2017-10-23_at_13.12.57-1508779212" src=""> <img alt="Screen_shot_2017-10-23_at_13.11.08-1508779182" src=""></p>
<p>This summer, Noémie collected plants from gardens all over the city, installing them in her pop-up garden during our performance at Suoni Per Il Popolo in the courtyard of the National Theatre School.</p><p>A family member from Australia sent me these pictures from her yard,  with her donation. A digital garden begins to unfold...</p><p><img alt="Img_2893_1_1-1507781494" src=""></p><p><img alt="Img_2894_1_1-1507781503" src=""> <img alt="Img_2895_1_1-1507781512" src=""></p>
<p>Dear friends and supporters,</p><p> </p><p>I am just overwhelmed by the generosity that people have shown towards this project so far. We are already at 73%. I want to take the time to recognize the following people for their gifts :</p><p> </p><p>STEPHEN MAY</p><p>JULIE SCRIVER</p><p>NICOLA POPLAWSKI</p><p>THEA CULLEY</p><p>SHARON MAY</p><p>NATHALIE SENÉCAL</p><p>CLAIRE MAY</p><p> </p><p>With so much time left on the campaign, I am very hopeful that we might aim towards our second-tier goal of<strong> $3670. </strong>That amount will go towards a second working phase in which we will further deepen and develop the nuances for each new site we will visit in the coming months.  </p><p> </p><p>Thank you again for your engagement with Vivarium!</p><p> </p><p>-- Lucy</p>