The Spoils of War: an exhibition in virtual reality

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Visuel du projet The Spoils of War: an exhibition in virtual reality
Date de fin
21 390 €
Sur 20 000 €
106 %

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Les Petits Frenchies soutient le projet The Spoils of War: an exhibition in virtual reality

Les publications

<p>APPEL A L’ACTION !! Plus qu’un jour : c’est le compte à rebours final ! On n’a pas encore atteint notre objectif. Mais si chacun de nos contributeurs bien-aimés encourageait un autre membre de ses amis ou famille à nous soutenir, on atteindrait les 100% en 24h ! S’il-vous-plaît, partagez autour de vous !</p><p> </p><p>Contribuez, pour sauver « Le dégel » de Monet (1881) :-)</p><p><img alt="Monet_s_thaw-1526549247" src=""></p>
<p><strong>UMA</strong> sends a massive <strong><a href="">#ThankYou</a></strong> to those who have supported our ambitious project and contributed to our <a href="">#crowdfunding</a> campaign!</p><p>We've reached <strong>45%</strong> of our goal. There are <strong>9 days left</strong> to help us get to <strong>100%!</strong> Each donation enables us to conduct<strong> research</strong>, purchase <strong>reproduction rights</strong> from museums, and create <strong>3D modelisations </strong>in<strong> <a href="">#virtualreality</a></strong></p><p><iframe src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>
<p>UMA’s mission to create another<strong> impossible exhibition</strong> continues… But we need your help each step of the way to bring <strong>“The Spoils of War” </strong>to life!</p><p><strong>Every donation</strong> on our KissKissBankBank crowdfunding campaign enables us to <strong>conduct historical and iconographic research</strong> and to <strong>purchase reproduction rights</strong> from museums. Furthermore, your contributions will help us modelise, in <strong>virtual reality</strong>, a <strong>specialized scenography</strong> that tells the complex narrative of the artworks. Ideas to recreate the interior of the <strong>Jeu de Paume</strong> are on UMA’s creative horizon...</p><p><em><strong>Don’t hesitate </strong></em>to make a contribution that will help artworks stolen during WWII find their way back to the present! UMA sends a massive <em>THANK YOU!</em> to those who have already contributed!!</p><p><img alt="Michelangelo_900x900-1525097319" src=""></p>
<p>On a atteint 25% du but ! MERCI à tous nos Kissbankers pour leur soutien !!</p><p>On a aussi de nouveaux partenaires : ils viennent de Prague et de Bratislava, et vous pouvez les retrouver en bas de notre présentation du projet !</p><p>N'hésitez pas à partager le projet autour de vous !</p><p><img alt="Raphael-still_missing-1520531859" src=""></p>