Daniel Hunter Quartet - New Album!

Aidez-moi à financer mon deuxième album!

Visuel du projet Daniel Hunter Quartet - New Album!
Date de fin
4 195 €
Sur 4 000 €
104 %
s.m.h2882 jours

Waiting to hear this one!

sRg2883 jours

Keep on jamming!

n1c0jan2883 jours

Can't wait to hear it, godspeed!

maciekpysz2890 jours

Good luck! Looking forward to hearing it!;)

Nansy2899 jours

Looking forward to this new album Daniel. Congratulations!

Lound2900 jours

Wishing you every success with your new album Daniel xxx

paulhallahan2917 jours

Looking forward to hearing the new album Dan.

ylo672917 jours

much fun! looking forward to listen to your next cd

Marjolein.Forrest2918 jours

Hello Daniel, Wishing you and your fellow musicians all the best for for this exciting new project. Regards, Allan and Marjolein Forrest

An.Liz2919 jours

Almost a 1000e in less than 24 hours, good on you mate!