In Absentia - Helder Seabra

Help us create the new production by co-funding us! Every little bit helps. Your support will ensure that our artists will be paid.

Visuel du projet In Absentia - Helder Seabra
Date de fin
10 720 €
Sur 10 500 €
102 %
llosey3124 jours

Wow congratulations from your friends in London!!!

Hugo.Pinto3125 jours

I know In Absentia is going to be a success!

dauwken3128 jours

Sincerely hope you reach your target amount; if so, we definitely come and watch your performance. Good luck, especially to bibm

ierryth3128 jours

toï toï

Mady.van Belle3129 jours


CYPRIEN3129 jours

Best of luck on your project! And special thoughts to Jeffrey! ;-) Cyprien

Jelle la barbe3129 jours

Merde, c'est tous en français, quoi? Allez, bonne chance!

panguerreiro3129 jours

Não é muito mas é o que se pode agora boa sorte meus queridos xxx Paulo

Gillesnoel3130 jours

Curiosity and motivation are the most beautiful engines.

davidcatanho3131 jours

Não nos conhecemos, mas já ouvi falar muito de Ti! Desejo-te muita Sorte. Espero que a Sofia (irmã da Ines Cerqueira) goste da surpresa.

SibylleEleonore3152 jours

Beau et émouvant projet, bonne chance Helder

llosey3152 jours

Good luck Helder! Hope to see you soon Luke & family