Voxtra, The Encounter of Vocal Heritage - Recording of an album

Soutenez l'enregistrement de l'album d'un ensemble vocal hors du commun, 'Voxtra' (Sardaigne-Albanie-Finlande-Madagascar-Belgique)

Visuel du projet Voxtra, The Encounter of Vocal Heritage - Recording of an album
Date de fin
5 007 €
Sur 5 000 €
100 %
watersparks2852 jours


Elma.Dalhuijsen2855 jours

Ik hoop dat het lukt, ben erg benieuwd. Succes!

muziekpublique2855 jours

Thank you Stttijn and Rjt! For your support, encouragement and allround appreciation :) See you soon!

rjst2856 jours

Good luck! Your music sounds great, and I am already eagerly awaiting the CD-release concert. :-) With best wishes, René J. STEINER

stttijn2858 jours

verschrikkelijk benieuwd!

muziekpublique2876 jours

Thank you so much Anne! We hope we will make it to our goal of 5000€. See you soon at our concerts!

Ara19612878 jours

I wish you a lot off luck and pleasure! Hope to see you at the concert :) With love ... Anne H.