Hand-stitched / Brodé-main - T-shirts & Sweatshirts

Aidez-moi à lancer ma marque de t-shirts et sweats brodés et personnalisables, 100% faits à la main par une petite Américaine à Paris !

Visuel du projet Hand-stitched / Brodé-main - T-shirts & Sweatshirts
Date de fin
3 700 €
Sur 3 000 €
123 %

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ombline le Lasseur3293 jours

C A N O N ! j'ai hâte de recevoir mon tee-shirt !

capucinegeay3297 jours


aconners3305 jours

Good luck to you Amy! Your talent is one-of-a-kind!

jaweems3306 jours

Amy, What great joy it brings to learn that you are chasing your dreams. I know that you are going to have a great time with your new business venture, and there's not a single doubt in my mind that it will be a smashing success. Stich on, sister! Much love and grosses bisous to you.

mamabethfuqua3312 jours

Love you Amy! Proud of you!

abshier183312 jours

I think you are going to exceed your goal. Best of luck! I am SO happy for you!!