Back on track #2

Support the second stage of this ambitious project and be a part of the adventure!!! Walk, resist, create...

Project visual Back on track #2
End date
Out of €800
124 %

Back on track #2

<p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><strong>PR&Eacute;SENTATION</strong></p><p>I am a artist and I lived and work in France since10 years. I am of Moldavian origin, but having created new roots in France, I feel French in the soul.<br /><br />When I left my country, I felt the need to forget my past, persuaded that it was the only possible way&nbsp;with the aim of the construction of a new life on a new territory. However, to forget its&nbsp;past it&#39;s to forget what we really are and to be incomplete. In echo in the current events, the migrants, my own past reappears inside of me. This&nbsp;is why I wish, by the walking, &quot; to go back &quot;, on the territory of my childhood, to retie links with my buried roots.</p><p>The notions such as: the memory, the identity and the territory feed my reflection. I am fascinated by the idea that the memories of the places which we knew in the past, live in us constantly and that in a quasi-imperceptible way they influence our present. Places live in us beyond the time when we really lived there.<br /><br />Through the narrative, the sound, the installation, the mapping, the drawing and the paint, I question on the role of the territory and the travel in our society. So, the crossing of countries and territories which are unknown for me, feed my reflection and my artistic work.</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>Heterotopia&nbsp;/ Fragments<br />Place of the liberty, 74240 Gaillard&nbsp;<br />46&deg;11&rsquo;02.3&rsquo;&rsquo;N 6&deg;12&rsquo;35.9&rsquo;&rsquo;E</em></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>Enter / Between&nbsp;<br />2016<br />View of the exhibition&nbsp;&quot; Teritoires &quot;, Church of C&eacute;l&eacute;stins, Avignon</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE PROJECT</strong></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>The BACK ON TRACK&nbsp;project is an art performance which consists in traveling by&nbsp;foot 4000 km to connect&nbsp;France, my&nbsp;adoption country with&nbsp;Moldavia, my origin country.<br /><br />Outing with a backpack, a tent and a bare minimum besides the artistic equipment, this performance is cuted in 6 stages. Every stage corresponds to a country: France; Italy; Austria; Hungary; Romania and the last stage Moldavia.</p><p>The first step of this long adventure began the summer&nbsp;2017. During this first stage I crossed France&nbsp;from Ax-les-Thermes to Montgen&egrave;vre with more than 800 km in 52 days.<br /><br />This summer,&nbsp;I leave to make the second stage of this project. I will start from my stop point of the last year (Montgen&egrave;vre) and shall cross the North of Italy until Udine. All in all more than 800 km.</p><p>During May and June&nbsp;2018 you can walk day after day on the tracks of my adventure of&nbsp; the year 2017 by going on my blog:<strong>&nbsp;</strong><a target="_blank" href="">Victoria Niki_BACK ON TRACK 2017</a></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE TECTONICS OF THE CERTAINTIES / An exhibition inspired by the walking</strong><br /><br />The theme of this exhibition was inspired by reflections led during the performance &quot; Back one track &quot; last year. During this walking&nbsp;I was seized by the unstable character of things. The contents of my backpack were my only certainty. All which surrounded me was unpredictable.<br />While all my education was built on the basis of the certainty, I realized that I had to get loose from it if I wanted to go forward.</p><p>Return things to a simple formulations to seize the reality with it. Fix in a point the shivers of the lost landscapes. I like thinking that any landscape is inhabited by old&nbsp;landscapes which are overlaped in the one that we see here and now.<br />Like the landscapes, the ideas, the certainties and the myths appropriate&nbsp;to the common imagination of the human beings collide, slide and wrinkle while stratifying.</p><p>The money became a certainty and a reliable system created by the man capable of stepping over any cultural gap without discriminating on the basis of the religion, of the gender&nbsp;or of the age.<br />In his relentless fight&nbsp;for&nbsp;searching&nbsp;for the happiness and for the freedom, the&nbsp;Human forgets&nbsp;his state of dust. He turns away from the nature and worships the money&nbsp;to reach his purpose.<br />The dreams are hanging on but the anchor which holds them is much more fragile than what we believe. So the Human is moving&nbsp;forward on a fragile steps with&nbsp;the risk of seeing them shying away under his feet.</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>Certainty&nbsp; 2018 ; installation 120 x 200 cms, organzas, glass balls;&nbsp;View&nbsp;of the exhibition &quot;The tectonics of the certainties&quot;, Museum of underwater archaeology, Saint Rapha&euml;l</em></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>Fragilis / Up<br />2018<br />installation of&nbsp;24 fragile maps</em></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>Dream-catcher&nbsp;&nbsp;2018 ; china, rope, lead weight</em></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p><em>Happiness / The impermanence of things; 2018 ; coins, corrosive solution</em></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>To realize my project of walking&nbsp;which is going to connect&nbsp;France to&nbsp;Moldavia&nbsp;I am going to need funds&nbsp;which are going to cover the various freshly following. I hope you will support this&nbsp;ambitious and long-term project.</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p><p>TOTAL: 600&euro;<br /><br />To <strong>SUPPORT</strong> this project it is also:<br /><br />- Contribute to the creation of works intended to be shown during future exhibitions,<br /><br />- Participate in a way in this adventure,<br /><br />- Contribute to the evolution of my artistic work,<br /><br />- Be an active witness of this experience.<br /><br />_______________________________________ ______________<br /><br />In case the collection would exceed the wanted sum, and according to the amount, the money will serve in:<br /><br />- The purchase of missing materia;</p><p>or<br /><br />- The purchase of recording equipment (camera);</p><p>or<br /><br />- The purchase of tools and diverse materials to create new works;</p><p>or<br /><br />- The purchase of tickets to make the return: Ax-les-Thermes - &gt; Montgen&egrave;vre and Udine - &gt; Ax-les-Thermes.<br /><br /><strong>The funds of the collection will arrive on my personal account.</strong></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="" /></p>


MERCI pour votre soutien!


  • 5 contributions
une carte virtuelle de remerciements personnalisées + une invitation au vernissage d'une prochaine exposition

Merci pour votre SOUTIEN! Back on track en images


  • 3 contributions
2 images de fond d'écran réalisées à partir de photos prises lors de la marche ; une carte virtuelle de remerciements personnalisées

Estimated delivery: November 2018

Merci pour votre SOUTIEN engagé! tirages "Hétérotopies / Places de la Liberté"


  • 5 contributions
1 tirage numérique d'un croquis du projet « Hétérotopies / Places de la Liberté», format A4, signé et numéroté; 2 images de fond d'écran réalisées à partir de photos prises lors de la marche; 1 carte virtuelle de remerciements personnalisées

Estimated delivery: January 2019

SOUTIEN Aventurier! tirages Back on track


  • 2 contributions
1 tirage numérique de photo à choisir par vous-même, format A3, signé et numéroté ; 2 images de fond d'écran réalisées à partir de photos prises lors de la marche; 1 carte virtuelle de remerciements personnalisées; Et un GRAND MERCI !!!

Estimated delivery: January 2019

SOUTIEN Audacieux! Oeuvre originale


    1 sculpture de la série "Hétérotopies / Fragments"; 1 carte virtuelle de remerciements personnalisées; Et MILLE MERCI !!!

    Estimated delivery: January 2019

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