3 maart 2017
Bloody Skulls : Mission Cléopâtre - Un match de roller derby au Caire
Help the Bloody Skulls and the Cairollers to organise the first French-Egyptian bout in the history of roller derby !

End date
Out of €4.000
133 %
Bloody Skulls : Mission Cléopâtre - Un match de roller derby au Caire
A little more than one year ago, one of our skaters, Kouign Karnage, had the chance to train with <strong>the only roller derby team in Egypt, the Cairollers</strong>. When she was there she realised how difficult it was for those young women to follow their passion: high cost of the equipment, difficulties in finding places for their training sessions... But also dealing with prejudices and the disapproval of people around them, in a very conservative society. The result is, in 4 years of existence the Cairollers never had the chance to play an official match!</p>
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<img alt="Cairollers-1486139953" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/390266/Cairollers-1486139953.jpg"></p>
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Since then, a crazy idea started growing among the Bloody Skulls… <strong>What if we all go to Cairo to play the first Arab-European match in the history of roller derby?</strong> This crazy idea will become reality on the 15th of April 2017. Thanks to you!</p>
<strong>Roller Derby: sport and solidarity</strong></p>
<strong><img alt="Photo_groupe_bloody-1486556786" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/391670/photo_groupe_bloody-1486556786.jpeg"> </strong></p>
This bout will be above all a moment of sharing and solidarity, in the pure roller derby spirit! Since its creation, the Marseille Roller Derby Club has benefited from the help of other clubs in France (Amazones from Aix en Provence, Baywitch Project from Nice, DCCLM from Montpellier...)</p>
Now it’s our turn to help! The Cairollers, because of their isolation, don’t have the chance to count on other clubs in the cities nearby. That’s why, besides the bout, <strong>we want to participate to one of their training sessions </strong>to share our knowledge. Also, one of our referees will be with us to <strong>train some players in refereeing</strong>, which will allow the Cairollers to organise their future events without help from outside.</p>
<img alt="Clip__91-1486571877" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/391755/Clip__91-1486571877.jpg"></p>
On request of the Egyptian players, we’ll also organise a collection of materials among French skaters. As the economic situation has significantly deteriorated in the last months, the purchasing costs of roller derby equipment doubled. A pair of skates is equivalent to two average monthly salaries!</p>
<strong>A bout... and a documentary film!</strong></p>
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In short, it will be a journey full of meetings and exchanges that will be immortalized by Kouign Karnage in a documentary… We’ll invite you to discover it as soon as it’s ready :-)</p>
Allocation of funds
Our club works <strong>without grants.</strong> Our members’ personal means allow us to develop our projects. We also get some income selling our merchandising (tee-shirts, stickers) and from the organisation of one match at home each year. Nevertheless, the Bloody Skulls generally pay out of their pocket when they play in championship bouts.</p>
That’s why, <strong>for the first time, the MRDC appeals to your generosity</strong> in order to finance this sports and solidarity project, which is really important for us.</p>
<img alt="Photo_bloody_metz-1486573804" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/391781/photo_bloody_metz-1486573804.jpeg"></p>
A complete roller derby team of 14 players and our coach will join in the journey. On request of the Cairollers, there will also be 5 referees with us, for the match and the refereeing training.</p>
So, in total <strong>we have to make 20 people fly to Cairo</strong>. Here is the budget we established:</p>
Plane tickets: 7000 euros</p>
Visas: 500 euros</p>
Accommodation in youth hostel: 500 euros</p>
Transportations and expenses on site: 1000 euros</p>
That means a <strong>total amount of 9000 euros</strong>. We asked some private firms to help us finance the project through sponsoring.</p>
We appeal to your generosity to <strong>help finance the plane tickets</strong>. Each skater/referee will participate of up to 150 euros. We still have 4000 euros to find!</p>
<img alt="Map-1486508062" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/391543/Map-1486508062.png"></p>
<strong>The goal is 4000 euros… and 200 participants!</strong></p>
To thank you, we prepared some nice rewards. You will also <strong>participate to the development of roller derby in Egypt</strong>: for each contribution, we’ll send 1€ to the Cairollers, to help them finance the renting of the Cairo Stadium, where the bout will take place. The cost is 200€, a considerable amount in Egypt.</p>
<img alt="3-1487019649" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/393315/3-1487019649.jpg"></p>
<strong>What if we exceed?</strong></p>
Beyond <strong>4000 euros</strong>, you will help us to finance the costs of the rewards and Kiss Kiss, which will be around 1000 euros.</p>
<strong>5000 euros</strong> the rewards are paid. The rest will allow us to pay for the visas and the accommodation.</p>
More than<strong> 200 participants</strong>: you will help the Cairollers to pay for the renting of the gymnasium for their training sessions.</p>

- 17 contributions
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + a big Shokran (thank you) from the Bloody Skulls and the Cairollers

- 30 contributions
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A photo of the bout with a personalized message from skaters from Marseille and Cairo + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: May 2017

- 46 contributions
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A Cairollers sticker + A limited edition sticker "Les Bloody Skulls: mission Cléopâtre" + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: May 2017

- 12 contributions
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + An invitation for the private projection of the documentary "Révolution Rollergirls", in the presence of the film maker and the Bloody Skulls + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: April 2018

- 19 contributions
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A Cairollers tee-shirt + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: April 2018

- 1 contribution
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A VIP ticket (entry+reserved seat+free drink) for Block me up! 3 roller derby bouts on the 14th of may 2017, in Marseille + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: May 2017

- 3 contributions
[Pack "discovering Roller derby"]
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A skating introduction course for one person (skating lesson led by our coaches in Marseille - equipment provided) and an invitation to assist to a Bloody Skulls training session + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: June 2017

1 euro donated to the Cairollers + A Skype meeting with the Cairollers and your name in the credits of the documentary "Révolution Rollergirls" + previous rewards
Estimated delivery: May 2017

- 1 contribution
[Special roller derby team]
A private bootcamp for your team by Dr Woosh (player of the national men’s roller derby team in Calgary 2016) and/or Bloody Skulls skaters, performing in the French championship (N1 category)
- Potential travel and accommodation costs for the coaches at your charge
Estimated delivery: April 2018

1 euro donated to the Cairollers + An invitation (for 2) to share a diner with the Bloody Skulls in Marseille. We propose egyptian dishes ((taameya, foul, baba ganoh ...) homemade with love, spices and recipes we will bring from Cairo.
We will of course show you pictures and tell you about our trip and impressions
+ Previous reward
Estimated delivery: July 2017
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out

Sold out
- 10 contributions
[ Look Hellbow Skating ]
A nice pair of socks offered by our sponsor to be the fastest skater on the track!
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + a pair of socks Hellbow Skating + stickers + photo
Estimated delivery: May 2017

Sold out
- 10 contributions
[ Look Hellbow Skating ]
An unicorn tee-shirt offered by our sponsor Hellbow Skating.
1 euro donated to the Cairollers + Tee-shirt (according on size availability) + invitation for private projection + Stickers + Photo
Estimated delivery: May 2017