Mapping the quality of school climates around the world

World observatory for our kids

Project visual Mapping the quality of school climates around the world
End date
Out of €30.000
6 %

Our commitments

Mapping the quality of school climates around the world

<p><strong>The project in 2 words:</strong><br /> The goal of this project is to create a global interactive map detailing school climates and to set up field teams to collect the indicators needed to build the map.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Creators and origins of the project</strong><br /> Our non-governmental organization is called Campus of Mediators. Our mission is to fight against violence and cyber-violence in schools. The president, Jacky Pamart, being a former victim of school bullying decided to write a book to talk about it (Arr&ecirc;t Demand&eacute;, Publibook; T&eacute;moignage &eacute;dition). We created this organization in 2013, following the publication of this book as well as his media appearance in &quot;Le Grand Journal&quot; of Canal+ and in the France T&eacute;l&eacute;vision report &quot;Souffre-douleurs, ils se manifestent&quot;. Subsequently, we were affiliated with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2017.<br /> Since then, we have been working to bring civil society into global decision-making and have initiated the creation of a committee attached to the United Nations: the Committee for Healthy and Positive School Climates.<br /> To complement the work of this committee, we decided to create a global monitoring tool to analyze school climates in real time.</p> <p><br /> <strong>The project in detail</strong><br /> The goal of this project is to create an interactive global map detailing school climates. This map will be updated in real time as information is gathered in the field by humanitarian mediators, by information transmitted by partners and by information found on the internet.<br /> To create and train &quot;humanitarian mediators&quot; to be sent to the field in &quot;sensitive&quot; areas or areas where we have little information.<br /> We want to ensure that all schools in the world are not, or no longer, at the mercy of various events: war, sudden political change and other disasters or problems that can influence school climates and the education of children.<br /> This project supports the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations for the year 2030.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> <strong>Counterparts and the role of contributors</strong><br /> Donations of 10&euro;: a mini Campus flag, stickers, 24 ODD pins<br /> Donations of 20&euro;: same as 10&euro; + hard notebook Campus<br /> Donations of&nbsp;50&euro; : same as 20&euro; donations + Campus pens, portable battery and 8G USB keys<br /> Donations of&nbsp;100&euro;&nbsp;: same&nbsp;50&euro; donations + Earth flag (large size), water bottle, book stop requested, highlighting on the &quot; Wall of Fame &quot;.<br /> Donations of 250&euro; : same donations 100&euro; + sponsorship of a humanitarian mediator, inauguration of the monitoring center<br /> Donations of 500&euro; : same donations 250&euro; + book stop requested autographed, sending of the future book &quot; from mother to son &quot; autographed, creation and follow-up of a team of humanitarian mediators in the name of the patron<br /> Donations of 1000&euro;: same&nbsp;donations 500&euro; + Meeting and meal with the team of Campus of&nbsp;mediators&nbsp;in their premises, visit of the monitoring station, membership to Campus des m&eacute;diateurs for 5 years, training of mediators, invitation to the next school climate committee in Geneva.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>What will the funds be used for?</strong><br /> To equip us with digital equipment in order to follow the interactive map at all times: televisions, computers (10% of the amount raised)<br /> To buy office equipment for the employees: tables, chairs, small office equipment (10% of the amount raised)<br /> To train the humanitarian mediators (30% of the amount raised)<br /> To deploy the humanitarian mediators in the field (50% of the amount raised)</p>









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