22 augustus 2012
CircusNext is a European-wide operation with the aim of discovering, accompanying and supporting the new generation of circus authors. You want to take part in the adventure? Help us improve our support to artists from all over Europe by funding pre-selection residencies, a new help implemented for the 2012-2013 edition, as well as the participation in the selection week!
End date
Out of €4.350
25 %
<strong>></strong> <strong>Supporting European young authors in the field of circus arts</strong></p>
Arisen from the observation that young artists and companies encounter real difficulties in their creative process, CircusNext is intended to identify and support the emergence of young creators and to foster new ways of working within the field of circus arts. Considered as one of the main support operations for young authors and creators in this field, CircusNext maintains its objective of supporting and accompanying creation and public promotion.</p>
Carried out for the first time in 2002 in France, the operation became European in 2009. Over the years, it has become a key structure in the development of contemporary circus. The artists supported have been developing diverse and innovative aesthetics, and have distinguished themselves for experimenting new forms. The selected artists are assisted in their creative processes through a range of initiatives including residencies, a creation grant, and networking with international performing arts professionals. </p>
<a href="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/959309BabaFishDSC4085.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/959309BabaFishDSC4085.jpg"></a></p>
BabaFish<em>, I, Mistress & Wife</em> - Photo by BabaFish</p>
<strong><em><u>CircusNext: a 6-step operation</u></em></strong></p>
The selection process becomes annual from April 2012. Six major steps occur every year:</p>
· <strong>Call for projects:</strong> published throughout Europe. Applying artists are required to have completed their education and to be involved in a creation project, which must be either their first or second professional show.</p>
·<strong> Selection on application files:</strong> a jury gathering artists and performing arts professionals from all over Europe is in charge of selecting twelve projects.</p>
· <strong>Pre-selection residencies:</strong> an innovation of CircusNext 2012-2013. Pre-selection residencies aim at equalizing the preparation to the selection for pre-selected candidates. They are hosted by our European partners.</p>
·<strong> Selection week:</strong> the twelve pre-selected artists present a 20-minute model of their project to the jury in the Theater op de Markt in Neerpelt (Belgium). At the end of the week, five projects are selected and receive a creation grant.</p>
· <strong>Residencies:</strong> laureates benefit from at least one month of residency in one or several partner venues, which allows them to work on their models and make their project evolve. These residencies occur in the best possible conditions (appropriate places for circus arts practices, mentoring,...).</p>
·<strong> Public presentations:</strong> laureates present a finalized extract of their show to an audience of performing arts professionals and artists, but also general public. A public presentation gathering about 250 European professionals is held each year in Paris, at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, and concludes the support scheme.</p>
<a href="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/30755432subliminati20092010crditbenhopper.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/30755432subliminati20092010crditbenhopper.jpg"></a></p>
Subliminati Corporation, <em>File-Tone</em> - Photo by Ben Hopper</p>
<strong><em><u>A selection process led by renowned artists</u></em></strong></p>
To favour the emergence of truly innovative researches and aesthetics, the selection process is led by a jury made up of European experts, including renowned artists and performing arts professionals (members of the JTCE network).</p>
In 2012/2013, the members of the selection committee will be Antonia Kuzmanic (artist and laureate in 2010, Room 100 Company, Croatia), Giacomo Scalisi (director for Movimenta-te, performing arts venues in 5 cities in the South Portugal) and Jean-Michel Guy (researcher, reviewer specialized in circus arts, director for La Scabreuse Company, France). The jury will be chaired by Camilla Damkjaer (researcher in the performing arts field, Sweden).</p>
<a href="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/9487843Room10020092010byNicolasMichel.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/9487843Room10020092010byNicolasMichel.jpg"></a></p>
Room 100, C8H11N02 @ Théâtre de la Cité Internationale - Photo Milan Szypura</p>
<strong><em><u>An area for exchange with performing arts professionals</u></em></strong></p>
The CircusNext platform is a way for the artists to meet performing arts professionals and make themselves known, in particular during the selection process and public presentations. This networking is essential to the development of the projects and their viability.</p>
> <strong>A European-wide cooperation platform</strong></p>
CircusNext is a cooperation project designed and organized by a variety of European partners (cultural centres, artistic creation centres, performing arts venues, education venues and circus schools, festivals, organisations dedicated to circus arts development, organisations dedicated to artistic support).</p>
Convinced of circus arts wealth and of the benefit of working together, several European cultural operators have decided to work together in order to set up a support scheme for the next generation of circus authors in Europe.</p>
<a href="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/1501461Lesobjetsvolants20012002tournemainsetautresobjetsalainjulien.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/1501461Lesobjetsvolants20012002tournemainsetautresobjetsalainjulien.jpg"></a></p>
Les Objets Volants, <em>Tournemains et autres objets</em> – Photo by Alain Julien</p>
The project aims at encouraging the emergence of new artists in Europe, creation and mobility, circulation of contemporary circus arts, and intercultural dialogue.</p>
By actively encouraging and facilitating meetings between circus performers and artists from other fields and different countries, Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe fosters artistic diversity for the development of circus arts in Europe. This involves sharing different experiences and acquiring a professional practice.</p>
All the partners implement CircusNext’s activity program. Each member of the platform hosts some of the activities (residencies, selection weeks, public presentations, labs, etc.) and co-finances the creation grants.</p>
<a href="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/542070circusplatformV4copy.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/542070circusplatformV4copy.jpg"></a>
<strong>Members of the CircusNext platform:</strong></p>
<em>France </em>: Association JTCE // Les Migrateurs associés pour les arts du cirque // Le Maillon - Scène européenne // La Cascade, maison des arts du cirque et du clown // La Grainerie</p>
<em>United-Kingdom </em>: Circus Futures // Crying Out Loud</p>
<em>Belgium </em>: Circuscentrum // Theater Op de Markt // Humorologie // Fondation Mons 2015 // Le Manège</p>
<em>Sweden</em> : Subtopia</p>
<em>Norway </em>: Circus Xanti</p>
<em>Finland </em>: Cirko</p>
<em>Germany </em>: UteClassen Kulturmanagement</p>
<em>Spain </em>: La Central del Circ // Carampa // Circo Nove</p>
<em>Italie </em>: Festival Mirabilia</p>
<em>Poland </em>: Keijos</p>
<em>Portugal </em>: Centro Cultural Vila Flor</p>
<em>Czech Republic </em>: Cirqueon</p>
> <strong>Why do we use crowdfunding? </strong></p>
At the moment we need to find new fundraisers and we would like to involve you in our project!</p>
Our goals for this first experiment of crowdfunding?</p>
- to achieve our collect of the necessary funding to improve our support scheme for young circus authors in Europe</p>
- to spread the word about CircusNext</p>
- to share our passion for contemporary circus</p>
- to be closer to you! </p>
<a href="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/3265382Unlouppourlhomme20052006apprisparcorps.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/3265382Unlouppourlhomme20052006apprisparcorps.jpg"></a></p>
Un loup pour l’homme, <em>Appris par corps</em>. </p>
Allocation of funds
The fundraising on KissKissBankBank will help us finance the pre-selection residencies for pre-selected artists who express the need for it (travel costs, accommodation, meals, and premises) and will also contribute to backing the participation of the pre-selected artists to the selection week in Neerpelt (travel costs) in addition to the support already given by our European partners (accommodation, meals, technical assistance, hosting European professionals and the selection committee).</p>
<em><strong>Pre-selection residencies are implemented for the 1st time in 2012-2013!</strong></em></p>
<strong>Thanks to your support</strong>, the 12 pre-selected artists or companies will be offered pre-selection residencies in order to prepare the selection on stage. Your contribution will thus help improve their creation conditions and the CircusNext support scheme. You take part in the emergence of new authors in the circus arts field. You will also contribute to the costs of the selection week. As CircusNext is not a competition, young artists are not asked to pay for their participation. We take in charge their costs linked to travels, meals, and accommodation. </p>
<strong>More precisely</strong>, the fundraising will cover the costs of the pre-selection residencies and of the selection for 5 artists (= an artistic company).</p>
<u>Pre-selection residencies</u>: </p>
• travel costs: 5 artists * €150 (travel average budget) = €750</p>
• accommodation: 5 artists * 7 days * €40 (budget per day per person) = €1400 </p>
• meals: 5 artists * 7 days * €30 (budget per day per person) = €1050</p>
• premises : €400 (weekly rate)</p>
• travel costs: 5 artists * €150 (travel average budget) = €750</p>
<strong><em>total expenditure: €4350</em></strong></p>
<strong>We hope to collect more than €4350</strong> to cover the costs for a maximum of artists. For your information, 12 artistic companies with an average of 5 artists per company will be pre-selected during the first phase of the 2012-2013 CircusNext operation (we will keep you informed of the exact number of pre-selected artists on September, 5th). </p>
<a href="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/4021661DeFracto2009201ByPierreMorel.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/4021661DeFracto2009201ByPierreMorel.jpg"></a>DeFracto, <em>Circuits fermés</em> – Photo by Pierre Morel</p>
THE "LOVE FROM THE TEAM" PACK: a personalized “thank you” email + a subscription to our newsletter + your name on our website, our Facebook and Twitter
THE "LIVING TO THE RHYTHM OF CircusNext" PACK: a “CircusNext” postcard from Paris and one from Neerpelt announcing the selected artists + the previous pack
THE "AS IF I WAS THERE!" PACK: an exclusive photo-report of the selection week in Neerpelt + the previous packs
THE "I KNOW THEM!" PACK: an invitation to a cocktail with the organizing team in our office + a photo-souvenir signed for you by the team + the previous packs
THE "DISCOVERY OF CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS" PACK: two tickets for a previous laureates' show during the 2012-2013 season in a European city + a discussion with Jean-Michel Guy about the show and contemporary circus in Paris + the first three packs
THE "PANORAMA OF CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS" PACK: a ticket for 4 contemporary circus shows during the 2012-2013 season + the first three packs
THE "NEXT AND PREVIOUS" PACK: a meeting with a selected company in a residency place (depending on where you live in Europe) with a guided tour of the venue, a lunch with the artists to chat about their artistic project, and the possibility to attend a rehearsal + the first three packs
THE "CIRCUS OR DEATH!" PACK: a "very important crowdfunder" invitation to attend the selection in Neerpelt (Belgium) during 3 days from 13th to 15th November 2012. We will take in charge your meals and your tickets for 12 artistic presentations. (If you are not available at these dates, feel free to contact us in order to find together another way for you to discover CircusNext’s backstage!) + the first three packs