3 april 2017
Collectif Kaboum
Circus show with acrobatics performances, poetry and humour.
End date
Out of €5.000
110 %
Collectif Kaboum
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<strong> PRESENTATION:</strong></p>
It’s in Barcelona that first started the idea to work together. Six people from all over the world meeting to accomplish a common project, create a contemporary circus show mixing poetry, humour, physical theatre and music whilst using the hand to hand technique. We therefore decided to create our Collective and start a first mega-mess: set up a show. On the long run, we’d like to perpetuate the Collective by settling in a region to create a cultural place where we could give classes, welcome artists looking for an inspirational space to create and play shows all year long. Moreover, we would like to buy a Big Top to continue our tours whilst going back to the roots of what the circus really is, going from town to town to transform the urban landscape during a magical parenthesis.</p>
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<strong> THE SHOW:</strong></p>
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It’s an invitation to dream together; what is better than a show from another universe to disconnect from reality whilst dealing with everyday life themes? This show comes to life in an ambiance just on this side of reality. A cart made from scraps becomes a trailer, a house, a set, a kitchen, a dormitory to name but a few, and arrives from nowhere into a perfect spot to rest for the night. Six people with different personalities, from different origins, live together in a tiny space. They don’t follow the norms of modern life society, the street is their home, and they pick up broken or discarded objects to fix, transform and give them a second life. Every one of them is part of a bigger whole, as a family who’s been living together for a while. They are the cogs and the gears of a devilish machine they created themselves, to “simplify” their lives. Every task is done as a group, with their own peculiar way of getting about it. Everything is ritualised, insane, complex and apparently logical and rational, in their opinion…. It’s in a poetic and humoristic universe that our six individuals will make you dream. This show opens up a debate about our society of consumption but also about travelling and the meaning of life in community. This show makes you question your everyday life, deals with sensitive subjects with finesse and allows you to rethink the way we live together.</p>
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Fabrizio Adamo </p>
He is not Italian, he is Sicilian. Curious and altruistic, he discovers the circus at 24 and it has been his sole passion ever since. He starts by practising acrobatics on the floor and on a trampoline then decides to follow a course to discover new disciplines and attends the circus school of Barcelona Rogelio Rivel. During his training he discovers the hand to hand technique and decides to become flyer and base. It’s as a mixture of both that he has joined the Kaboum Collective. </p>
Dorian Thevenet </p>
At first a self-taught juggler, Dorian then decides to attend the circus school of Bordeaux then the Regional Centre of Circus Arts in Lomme. He transmits his passion through juggling, balancing on his hands and acrobatic aerial tricks. He is who he is and he knows it. Thanks to his absurd sense of humour, he shares his universe with sincerity. </p>
Alessio Martelli </p>
Alessio discovers the circus world in Rome. He first learns to juggle at the Roman circus school. His eagerness to learn drives him towards a more complete training and he goes to the Vertigo circus school of Italy where he discovers aerial acrobatics which becomes his main discipline. In a nutshell, a simple evolution from juggling with objects to juggling with people. </p>
Alice Giacomini </p>
Born in Italy, Alice has always had a passion for sport. From gymnastics to synchronized swimming, it’s by chance that she discovers the circus and more specifically the aerial disciplines. She attends the Vertigo school in Italy where she meets Alessio and whom she discovers the hand to hand technique with. After leaving school, they decide to start a duo in Barcelona where they meet the team of the Kaboum Collective. </p>
Paul Mennessier </p>
He starts in 2011 his training in the Regional School of Circus Arts in Lomme to follow the teaching in acrobatics of the artists from the XY Company. He continues his training in the CNAC school then tours with the Philebulistes and the Romanès circus. Since then, he’s joined the Kaboum Collective where he carries everyone who can stand on their feet… or on their hands. </p>
Teresa Cusí </p>
Tere was born in Barcelona. She grows up amongst a family of artists and develops a deep interest for visual arts. After a training in artistic jewels’ arts in the Art school Massana, she decides to pursue another training in the circus which had always captivated her. She starts her training in the circus school Rogelio Rivel in Barcelona where she discovers the work in pairs through aerial acrobatics. In 2015 she trains under the direction of Abdeliazide Senhadji and Mahmoud Louertani (XY Company) in the Regional Centre of Circus Arts in Lomme to become a flyer in collectives.</p>
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Allocation of funds
<strong>OUR FUNDRAISING:</strong> </p>
First of all the money will help with the concrete realisation of our project on stage: A cart which can transform into different universes, which will be composed of secret compartments allowing us to play with it. Moreover, it’ll be removable for quick set change. We want to create a specific universe and costumes are necessary, as are the purchase and salvage of everyday objects that we will twist to be part of our devilish machines. Part of the money will therefore go into buying or making costumes and objects linked to our universe. This money will also allow us to pay for a part of our expenses whilst creating the project (food, accommodation etc.) Every penny left after those expenses will allow us to pay for the petrol to start our tours and for the actual costs of our journey.</p>
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- 2 contributions
un grand merci pour pour votre participation à notre projet
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 7 contributions
un grand merci et un bisou de toute l'equipe quand tu viens nous voir jouer
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 4 contributions
un grand merci, un bisou et une affiche dédicacée par le collectif du spectacle
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 18 contributions
un grand merci, un bisou une affiche dédicacée de toute l’équipe et deux invitations pour venir voir le spectacle dans la ville de ton choix sur notre tournée
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 4 contributions
un grand merci, un bisou une affiche dédicacée de toute l’équipe et deux invitations pour venir voir le spectacle dans la ville de ton choix sur notre tournée, et un t-shirt du collectif à ta taille pour que tu puisse frimer avec tes copains!
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 4 contributions
un grand merci, plusieurs bisous de toute l’équipe une affiche dédicacée, deux places offertes plus un repas offert avec toute l’équipe pour qu'on se raconte nos histoires
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 2 contributions
là, tu rentres dans la famille directement !
un super grand merci avec une montagne de bisous de l'équipe, une affiche dédicacée, deux invitations pour voir le spectacle avec repas après, et une nuit en caravane avec la compagnie pour se sentir vraiment à la maison !
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 1 contribution
Bien entendu là, tu es dans la famille donc toutes les autres contreparties vont de soi. En plus de ça, on te fait une surprise KABOUM pendant le spectacle!
Estimated delivery: May 2017
Tu viens quand tu veux à la maison pour faire un workshop de portées acrobatiques ! si tu veux ( peux) pas venir chez nous, t’inquiète pas, on vient chez toi !
Estimated delivery: May 2017
- 1 contribution
On joue le spectacle où tu veux, quand tu veux, avec invitation à vie à tous nos évènements !
Estimated delivery: May 2017
On te prend dans la prochaine création !
Estimated delivery: May 2017