Construction d'une micro-centrale solaire au village Afan-Essokyé

Energy for the poor and disadvantaged peoples of Afan-Essokye

Project visual Construction d'une micro-centrale solaire au village Afan-Essokyé
End date
Out of €2.500
0 %

Construction d'une micro-centrale solaire au village Afan-Essokyé

<p>The project consists of building a 25 Kw solar micro-power plant that will produce electricity for this lost village in the Campo / ma&#39;an National Park in Cameroon.</p> <p>Afan-Essoky&eacute; is a small village located in Cameroon, south region, department of the ocean, district of Campo. This very poor village in the Campo / Ma&#39;an National Park is completely cut off from the rest of the world. No health center, electricity, a road in very bad condition, the nearest primary school is more than 15 km.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The project launched comes in the wake of other projects that we have recently realized namely: the campaign of detection of diseases and the care of the patients suffering from paludism, HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, etc .., maintenance a small stretch of road.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>We had this idea of ​​building a micro-solar plant following the repeated attacks of tigers and other snakes that suffer these peoples visibly abandoned in the forest. We think that light can keep these predators away.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>La collect servira &agrave; acheter des &eacute;quipements n&eacute;cessaires (panneaux solaires, batteries, support, c&acirc;bles, etc .. .), et &agrave; payer la main-d&#39;&oelig;uvre de l&#39;ing&eacute;nieur et des techniciens qui installeront le syst&egrave;me</p> <p>Mais au-del&agrave; des travaux, votre soutien sauvera des vies, et c&#39;est une nouvelle histoire de cette communaut&eacute; villageoise qui d&eacute;butera.</p> <p>Je percevrai l&#39;int&eacute;gralit&eacute; de la collecte.</p> <p>&Eacute;crivons ensemble cette histoire...</p>


Featured reward

video of construction and inauguration of solar power station


    Acknowledgment of the village chief and all the community + name written on the list and on the donor's plaque + family photos in front of the solar power plant + video of construction and inauguration of the solar power station

    Estimated delivery: May 2019

    thank you message


    Thanks message from the village chief in your mail box

    name written in list of donors


      Thank you message from the village chief in your mail box + name written in list of donors

      Estimated delivery: April 2019

      family photo in front of solar power station


        Message of thanks from the village chief + written on the list of donors + family photo in front of the solar power station

        Estimated delivery: April 2019

        name written on the donors plate


          Acknowledgment of the village chief, name written on the donor's plate, family photos in front of the solar power station

          Estimated delivery: April 2019

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