Contre-Attaque - Jeu de société de foot

Contre-Attaque is a football board game played with cards in which you will take the place of a manager looking for victories and titles.

Project visual Contre-Attaque - Jeu de société de foot
End date
Out of €10.000
26 %

Contre-Attaque - Jeu de société de foot

<p> <u><strong>Who are we?</strong></u></p> <p> We are a team of 4:</p> <p> - Cédric is the experience: he is one of the authors of the game Jack Bananas, enjoyed by hundreds of people, and is an experimented player.</p> <p> - Gregory is the artist: he’s in charge of the cards’ drawings and shares his ideas in terms of ergonomics.</p> <p> - Loïc is the imagination: he rephrases the rules, finds new ones, and makes sure that everything stays coherent.</p> <p> - Emilien is the organizer: he had the idea from the start and his main mission is to coordinate the different tasks.</p> <p>  </p> <p> If you want to contact us or if you have any questions, please write to</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>If we don't reach the expected amount:</strong> your investment will of course be completely repaid with thanks to have believed in this project with us.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Logo_concours_top_30" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> The game was selected amongst the 30 firsts of the Boulogne-Billancourt international challenge of boardgame creation.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <u><strong>The game</strong></u></p> <p> <strong>The rules</strong></p> <p> Contre-Attaque is a deck of cards for 2 to 4 players where you play the role of a manager in search of victories and rewards. Buy football stars, choose the best training, manage your game and score goals in order to beat the other teams. A game lasts 30 to 45 minutes and is within the reach of 8 years old and more.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>The competition</strong></p> <p> Contre-Attaque is a football team management game. Become a team manager, recruit stars during the mercato when the season begins. Be careful! Other managers may want the same stars as you do and try to ruin your purchase. Confront your opponents during thrilling games. Define a tactic that includes your stars, look for the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents and materialize your actions into goals. Be surprising thanks to actions performed during your training sessions, the cheering of your supporters or vicious low blows. Even if cunning managers are successful during the mercato, subtle tacticians may be the real winners during confrontations!</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Proto" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>The cards</strong></p> <p> <strong>Stars</strong></p> <p> The cards "stars" are the main assets of your team. Each star has a talent (between 2 and 5) and a number of balls (that stands for its number of activation during a football match). During a scoring opportunity, the manager can activate his stars and then take profit of their talent. If a star doesn’t have any ball left when an opportunity comes up, that means that he is too exhausted to play.</p> <p> Experimented free-kicks specialists are symbolised by a logo that can be seen near the drawing. When the referee awards a free-kick they can try to score.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="3stars" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Goal keepers are treated differently and are never tired. Of course, their talent is an asset for the defense but they are not always able to stop a shot.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="2keepers" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Positions</strong></p> <p> At the start of the game, each manager receives 7 cards "Position" ( They stand for the number of soccer players lined up on a row (defenders, midfields, forwards).</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Position_resize" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Opportunities</strong></p> <p> The cards "Opportunities" are both-sided cards. According to the result of the opportunity, the striker puts down either a card with a side “goal” or “missed chance”. That is also a reminder of the number of turns during a game, and the result at the end of it.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Millions</strong></p> <p> The cards "Millions" stand for the currency used in the game.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="3millions" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Highlights</strong></p> <p> Each manager receives 4 cards "Highlights" of his colour. They symbolise the team’s supporters. He can then buy extra cards “Highlights” at the start of the season.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="6momentsforts" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>9 extra stars</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="9stars" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <u><strong>Box contents:</strong></u></p> <p> - 1 rule of the game (French/ English)</p> <p> - 4 cards Managers</p> <p> - 8 tokens Agents (2 per Manager)</p> <p> - 4 wooden cubes (8 mm)</p> <p> - 16 cards Opportunities</p> <p> - 4 cards Power gauge</p> <p> - 48 cards Stars, including: 16 defenders, 16 midfields, 16 forwards</p> <p> - 6 cards Goal Keeper</p> <p> - 28 cards Position (that allow you to set your tactic)</p> <p> - 46 cards Highlights</p> <p> - 28 cards Millions: 26 of 10 Millions, 14 of 30 Millions, 8 of 50 Millions</p> <p> - 1 dice</p> <p>  </p> <p> <u><strong>Videos</strong></u></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Preview of the game</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src=";feature=oembed" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>How the game works</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src=";feature=oembed" width="540"></iframe></p>

Allocation of funds

<p> <u><strong>Manifacturing and sending</strong></u></p> <p> For the sake of reducing our environmental footprint and use quality materials, our  game will be produced in Europe, at Ludofact, a german manufacturer. The deck will be delivered in a nice box of 189*136*65mm with nearly 200 cards, counters, wooden cubes and a dice. Manufacturing will start this summer in order to forward the game in October.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <u><strong>Forming a community</strong></u></p> <p> KissKissBankBank is a crowdfunding website but we would like to get more than the money: each contributor that will pay at least 10€ will gain the right to vote for soccer players that are not yet in the deck of cards.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <u><strong>If we overcome the expected amount:</strong></u></p> <p> - If we reach the sum of 17.000€, the game will be available in german</p> <p> - If we reach the sum of 20.000€, the game will be available in spanish</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>If we don't reach the expected amount:</strong> your investment will of course be completely repaid with thanks to have believed in this project with us.</p>



We wil send a personal Thank you e-mail. Your help is welcome! :)


Team B: Your name on the Thank you Page of the official website!


Substitute: You will vote to choose the missing caricatured players + offer Team B


Starter: You will get the pdf version of the game + offer Substitute


First division (only in France): You will get one box of the game + offer Starter


First division (outside France): You will get one box of the game + offer Starter


European Cup (only in France): You will get an additionnal box of the game (2 boxes in total) + Your name in the Thank You part of the box + offert First Division


European Cup (outside France): You will get an additionnal box of the game (2 boxes in total) + Your name in the Thank You part of the box + offer First Division


European Cup Champion (only in France): You will get an additionnal box of the game (3 boxes in total). This box will be dedicated to the name of your choice. + offer European Cup


European Cup Champion (outside France): You will get an additionnal box of the game (3 boxes in total). This box will be dedicated to the name of your choice. + offer European Cup


    World Champion - Goal Keeper: You can choose a professional forward player to caricature + offer European Cup Champion


      World Champion - Midfield: You can choose a professional forward player to caricature + offer European Cup Champion


        World Champion - Defender: You can choose a professional forward player to caricature + offer European Cup Champion


          Golden Ball: Your own picture as a player in the game, you can choose your name, position and nationality + offer European Cup Champion

          Make a donation

          Give what I want

          Sold out

          Sold out


            World Champion - Forward: You can choose a professional forward player to caricature + offer European Cup Champion