
Diapomed is a medical database providing slides for medical training in French.

Project visual Diapomed
End date
Out of €10.000
0 %


<p> Diapomed is a free online scientific library whose purpose is to: Meet the need for access to information and medical education, the results of research devoted to the treatment of HIV / AIDS disease and hepatitis.   Experts give simple means of communication, ready, to make available to Francophones and Francophiles the same information as the English kits through slides and clinical cases documented exclusively in French.   Facilitate access to medical informa6on all French speaking directly.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Francophonie represents 870 million people, including 200 million French speakers in the world. French is the second most spoken first language in the European Union (16%), followed by English and German.   But the French are totally dependent on HIV medical sites in English. If there is currently enormous efforts for access to treatment in developing countries, access to information, yet medical education need to be improved because many deaths and infec6ons could be prevented by providing good medical information to doctors and pra6ciens field.   Treat millions of people is not enough. It should also empower health professionals to train to better manage patients.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p> This money will fund the translation of conference abstracts and existing articles from English to French</p>



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