'Dream High Project' Cameroon

'Dream High' offers children of Cameroon, matter to dream, to escape their reality and project themselves into the future. August 2013.

Project visual 'Dream High Project' Cameroon
End date
Out of €1.620
10 %

The publications

<p> Bonjour &agrave; tous !</p> <p> Aujourd&#39;hui je vous propose de d&eacute;couvrir mon Interview pour AfrokanLife:</p> <p> <a href="http://www.afrokanlife.com/entertainment/art/diasportrait-de-constantin-noumbissi-designer-globe-trotter/" target="_blank">www.afrokanlife.com</a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Simon</p>
<p> La dur&eacute;e de la collecte &agrave; atteint son premier quart. Si je devais faire un premier bilan il serait tr&egrave;s positif. &#39;Dream High&#39; est un projet personnel&nbsp; au d&eacute;part qui n&#39;a pas encore fais ses preuves mais je suis surpris de l&#39;engouement que celui-ci suscite aussi bien aupr&egrave;s de mes proches que des personnes dont j&#39;ignore tout. Je suis vraiment contant que ma simple id&eacute;e de d&eacute;part est put parcourir tout ce chemin, tout vos encouragements et votre soutien me conforte dans l&#39;id&eacute;e que c&#39;est un beau projet qui m&eacute;rite de voir le jour et de se d&eacute;velopper. Merci &agrave; Na&iuml;ke et Agn&egrave;s pour leur aide ces derniers jours&nbsp;!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Il reste un mois et demi avant le d&eacute;collage mais il nous reste quand m&ecirc;me quelques petites taches &agrave; accomplir afin de minimiser les risques d&#39;&eacute;chec et pour pouvoir travailler dans les meilleures conditions.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Je vous tiens au courant !</p>
<p> Today, the team of <strong><a href="http://rootsmagazine.fr/" target="_blank">Roots Magazine</a></strong> answered our messages and is preparing some good surprise for us. I have nothing but a great feeling about it!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> ~Stay tuned!</p>
<p> The &#39;Dream High Project&#39; now have the support of <strong><a href="http://africanpulse.eu" target="_blank">African Pulse</a></strong>, a fair trade platform between Afro-contemporary fashion design and the Europeean market. We highly estimate this collaboration. Thank you so much for the <a href="http://africanpulse.eu/_shop/?product=dream-high-project" target="_blank">visibility</a> <strong>African Pulse</strong>!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &#39;Dream High Project&#39; gets more and more support from familly and friends, but we still need this first donation. Let&#39;s be patient!&nbsp;</p>
<p> &#39;Dream High&#39; project&#39;s first day on <strong>KissKissBankBank </strong>come slowly toan end et soon, we had some great news.<strong> <a href="http://www.akouma.tv/about.php" target="_blank">Akouma tv</a></strong>, plateform dedicated to promote the African culture gave us support with a collaboration&nbsp; ! We have a lot of admiration for their work and are so happy to hear from them. Plus, in the process of looking for local artist, we found&nbsp;<strong> Landry Mbassi</strong>, photographer/scenographer, to help us with the projects. So much great news on the first day !</p>