"Dunozi, on est ensemble", projet de santé communautaire au Togo

"Dunozi, we are together", health project in Togo

Project visual "Dunozi, on est ensemble", projet de santé communautaire au Togo
End date
Out of €1.300
102 %

"Dunozi, on est ensemble", projet de santé communautaire au Togo

<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/610653/Capture_d__cran_2019-08-13___18.52.26-1565715203.png" width="100%" /></p> <p>Hello everyone,</p> <p>My name is C&eacute;line Vauthier, I am currently studying for a Master degree of Population and Development Sciences at the Universit&eacute; Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium.</p> <p>While travelling and working on my thesis in Africa, I went to the Kolowar&eacute; village in Togo. This opportunity made me realize that I truly wanted to do something for people who weren&rsquo;t born as lucky as the most of us are in&nbsp;Western Europe.&nbsp;Touched by the situation of poverty in which the villagers were, I decided to mount a project in partnership with the NGO &quot;Eco-village Togo&quot;. Charles Sedia Komla Dodzi, the President of this NGO helped me a lot during the creation of this project.</p> <p>In Kolowar&eacute;, more than a quarter of the population suffers from malaria and they do not have any health care budget available. Four hundred forty eight people die from malaria each year, which equals to one person dying every minute. Malaria, is a potentially fatal disease transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes.</p> <p>But, the Artemisia plant is a consistent solution! Drinking an Artemisia herbal infusion three times a day can successfully cure malaria over one week time and at a cost of one and a half euro only.</p> <p>The main objective of the &quot;Dunozi&quot; project is first to produce Artemisia, which will also create employment for 16 villagers, but above all to help treating thousands of malaria infected people every year for only one and half euro per individual over only a one-week period. In addition, the production of Artemisia generates profits, which will help financing access to health care for as much villagers as possible and in parallel to this, creating other projects such as making drinking water more accessible or funding scholarships for young uneducated children.</p> <p>Having concerns about the environment, the project was conceived in a totally ecological and sustainable approach, so that it does not involve any harmful impact on our planet.</p> <p>By contributing to the realization of this project, you are funding these four crucial main objectives:</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/610652/Capture_d__cran_2019-08-13___18.52.19-1565715190.png" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>200&nbsp;: creation of the ASBL</p> <p>400&nbsp;: rental of the house that serves as a sales, storage and training room</p> <p>700 : purchase of Artemisia packaging</p> <p>900 : creation of the ASBL + purchase of Artemisia packaging</p> <p>1300 : creation of the ASBL + purchase of Artemisia packaging + rental of the house which serves as sales, storage and training room</p>


Un grand merci pour votre soutien !


  • 2 contributions
Vous recevez un remerciement infini.

Un petit pas pour l'homme, un grand pas pour l'humanité !


  • 3 contributions
Vous recevez les photos et vidéos prises dans le village envoyées par mail + les contreparties mentionnées avant.

Votre aide nous est très précieuse, merci !


  • 1 contribution
Vous recevez une carte postale avec des photos prises dans le village + les contreparties mentionnées avant.

Nous avons besoin de personnes comme vous !


Vous recevez des photos 10cm x 15cm prises dans le village + les contreparties mentionnées avant.

Waouh, c'est incroyable, mille mercis !!


  • 2 contributions
Vous recevez un poster 40cm x 60cm d'une photo prise dans le village + les contreparties mentionnées avant.

Nous n'avons même plus les mots pour vous exprimer notre reconnaissance !


Vous recevez un poster 40cm x 60cm encadré + les contreparties mentionnées avant.

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