Etienne de la Sayette KOBUGI album release

Support Etienne de la Sayette new album release ! "거북이" 제작 후원 / 드 라 싸이애뜨 에티앤의 두번째 솔로 앨범 / 히토 벤의 그래픽 디자인 !

Project visual Etienne de la Sayette KOBUGI album release
End date
Out of €3.000
181 %

Our commitments

Etienne de la Sayette KOBUGI album release

<p><img alt="" height="410" src="" width="410" /><br /> <br /> <strong>A brief overview by <a href="" target="_blank">Etienne</a>: </strong><br /> <br /> <em>After having released albums on many labels <a href=";type=Credits" target="_blank">in recent years</a>, I am embarking on an experience that is completely new to me: taking on a complete DIY approach. After recording this&nbsp;album alone, I will have it pressed and distributed by myself, bypassing the traditional intermediaries (label / publisher / distributor ...) and thus promote a new &quot;short circuit&quot; : a direct&nbsp;channel from producer to consumer! &nbsp;Buy &quot;Kobugi&quot; directly from the source !<br /> <br /> On this occasion I am also launching <a href="" target="_blank">MUJU RECORDS</a>, my microlabel.<br /> <br /> Crowdfunding tools like Kiss Kiss Bank Bank today allow this kind of approach and are a fun and rewarding alternative to the purchase of dematerialized discs and online streaming,&nbsp;So today my appeal is to contributors to finance the pressing of CDs and Vinyls of this album, which is already recorded. <strong>I propose to listen, here exclusively on </strong></em><strong>Kiss Kiss Bank Bank</strong><em><strong>, the first three songs of the album: </strong></em></p> <p>&quot;거북이&quot; 앨범은 제가 지난 2년 동안, 라이브 무대와 녹음제작 등... 여러프로젝트를<br /> 진행하던 시기에 자유시간을 활용하여 제작된 곡들 입니다.</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="500" scrolling="no" src=";display_name=SoundCloud&amp;;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=soundcloud" title="SoundCloud embed" width="500"></iframe></div> <p><strong>PRESENTATION OF THE ALBUM 앨범소개</strong><br /> <br /> <em>&quot;Kobugi&quot; brings together pieces created over the past two years in moments of calm between concerts and recordings that I have with other projects (Film scores, <a href="" target="_blank">Akal&eacute; Wub&eacute;</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Baeshi Bang</a> etc.)<br /> <br /> I have played all of the instruments without ever using virtual instruments or MIDI. Everything is played by hand, OGM free&nbsp;! &quot;Kobugi&quot; follows on from the album&nbsp;&quot;<a href="" target="_blank">Maputo Queens</a>&quot; that I produced in 2016. There you can find some of my obsessions such as the timeless vibe of African kalimbas, as well as organs from the 60ies.<br /> <br /> The four guests on this album are all long-time accomplices : Sam Nash AKA Racecar, authentic Chicago MC from Belleville, Erik Aliana Cameroonian bard, whose song always&nbsp;releases palpable emotions, Lansin&eacute; Diabat&eacute;, master of the Guinean balafon and Stefano Lucchini who is the skillful drummer in my Korean project <a href="" target="_blank">Baeshi Bang</a>.</em></p> <p><em>To finalize &quot;Kobugi&quot; I did not leave the &quot;family&quot; framework since Fabien Girard who mixed the music is a friend with whom I have been working since the first <a href="" target="_blank">FRIX</a> albums fifteen years ago, and Rapha&euml;l Jonin who did the mastering is someone with whom I also enjoy working for many projects.</em></p> <p><em>Concerning the Artwork, it was a huge pleasure to collaborate once again with <a href="" target="_blank">Ben Hito</a>, and, thanks to his talent, his generosity and his enthusiasm, to make Kobugi an object both sound and visual. I hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as watching it!</em></p> <p>저는 대부분 곡들을, 가상, 미디어악기를 제외한, 다른 여러악기들을 직접 연주하는 데 심혈을 기울였습니다.&nbsp; &quot;거북이&quot; 는 2016년 제작된 &quot;Maputo Queens&quot; 앨범의 차기작 입니다. 앨범 커버와 포스터는 에티앤과 오랫동안 협업을 하고있는 유명한 Ben Hito 그래픽 디자이너의 작업입니다.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>Some info on the nine tracks on the disc :</strong><br /> <br /> 1 - JAJINMORI feat. Racecar<br /> I came up with this piece through a rhythm called &quot;Jajinmori&quot;, used in Korean traditional music. I discovered this rhythm during a collaboration with Korean percussionists in Busan in&nbsp;2016. Racecar&#39;s flow leads us to somewhat labyrinthine mood successions.<br /> <br /> 2 - LOULOU<br /> Loulou is a &laquo;&nbsp;chamber music afrobeat&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;experiment with bits of Steve Reich inside - it also echoes the song entitled &quot;Lord Bougainvillard&quot; which is on my previous solo album &quot;<a href="" target="_blank">Maputo Queens</a>&quot;</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer">3 - KOBUGI KING<br /> &quot;Kobugi King&quot; is a soaring groove filled with shamanic invocations.<br /> <br /> 4 - SAFARI KAMER feat. Erik Aliana<br /> Same rhythmic principle as &quot;Jajinmori&quot; with a much more Cameroonian mood this time, thank you Erik !<br /> <br /> 5 - ANANSI<br /> Anar manifesto with dirty accents, evoking the ultra-saturated kalimbas of &quot;Konono #1&quot; - While writing this piece, I also thought of certain sounds from Marc Ribot&#39;s Ceramic Dog.<br /> <br /> 6 - ANCHI BALE GAME<br /> The only cover on the album, here we have a version 2.0 of an Ethiopian classic found on an old cassette in the depths of Addis Abeba.<br /> <br /> 7 - BAD BAD BAD<br /> Pale early morning groove with a wahwah organ as an alcoholic crooner.<br /> <br /> 8 - TORTOISES<br /> Reggae breathing - inhale, breathe ... it breathes: transverse flute and sea shell choirs<br /> <br /> 9 - WAR BUSINESS feat. Racecar<br /> This closing track worships its title written in a moment of dull anger - with Racecar to close the loop.</div> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>TRACKLIST</p> <p>1 - JAJINMORI feat. Racecar 4&#39;58<br /> 2 - LOULOU 6&#39;28<br /> 3 - KOBUGI KING 5&#39;55<br /> 4 - SAFARI KAMER feat. Erik Aliana 5&#39;38<br /> 5 - ANANSI 4&#39;28<br /> 6 - ANCHI BALE GAME 5&#39;06<br /> 7 - BAD BAD BAD 5&#39;41<br /> 8 - TORTOISES 4&#39;26 option<br /> 9 - WAR BUISNESS feat. Racecar 4&#39;50<br /> total time: 47&#39;18<br /> <br /> Credits<br /> Production / Recording / Compositions / all instruments: Etienne de la Sayette<br /> (except 6 composed by Tegenu Balkew) 에티앤 드 라 싸이애뜨&nbsp;: 프로덕션, 녹음, 작곡, 여러악기들<br /> Mixing: Fabien Girard 믹싱<br /> Mastering: Rapha&Icirc;l Jonin 마스터링<br /> Guests<strong> </strong>초대<strong> : </strong><br /> Racecar: voice (1, 9)<br /> Erik Aliana: voice (4)<br /> Lansin&eacute; Diabat&eacute;: balafon: (1)<br /> Stefano Lucchini: drums (3, 5, 7, 9)<br /> Artwork : Ben Hito<br /> <br /> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Etienne de la Sayette - official site</a></strong></p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>The funds will go to :</strong></p> <p>-300 CDs making : 750 &euro;<br /> - 300 Vinyles making : 1750 &euro;<br /> - Artwork : 500 &euro;</p> <p><strong>Extra funds will go to refund :</strong></p> <p>- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang comission (8%) - 240 &euro; minimum<br /> - Mixing : 1800 &euro;<br /> - Mastering : 700 &euro;<br /> - Postcards and posters printing : 300 &euro;<br /> - SDRM (copyrights) : 500 &euro;</p> <p>Thank you to indicate the name of the person who must appear on the dedications, or if you do not wish a dedication to inform us. Do not forget to include shipping costs if you wish to receive your item by mail.</p> <p>Do not include shipping costs if you have the option of receiving your album by hand</p> <p>-----------</p> <p><strong>모금액이 어떻게 사용될까요&nbsp;?</strong></p> <p>리워드 내역&nbsp;:<br /> - 앨범 500장 제작&nbsp;: 500유로<br /> - LP 300장 제작&nbsp;: 1500유로<br /> - 그래픽 작업료&nbsp;: 500 유로<br /> <br /> <strong>초과액의 경우, 잔여금 지출 내역&nbsp;:</strong><br /> <br /> - 믹싱&nbsp;1800 유로<br /> - 마스터링 700 유로<br /> - SDRM (저작권료) 500 유로<br /> - KKBB % 240 유로<br /> <br /> 수령 방법 및 배송 안내<br /> 후원금이 성공할 경우, 2020년 4월에 주문 상품을 받을 수 있습니다.<br /> 우편으로 상품을 배송받을 경우, 배송비 옵션을 선택하여 주시길 바랍니다.</p>


free donation


  • 9 contributions
Un don de 5 euros contre nos remerciements éternels !

KOBUGI CD numbered w dedication


  • 23 contributions
"Kobugi" CD digipack - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication / "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication


  • 27 contributions
"Kobugi" VINYL 140g, numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication / "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI CD numbered w dedication + 1 "Kobugi" poster + 1 "Maputo Queens" poster


  • 13 contributions
"Kobugi" CD digipack - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 1 "Kobugi" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 42 cm, 150g paper + 1 "Maputo Queens" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 21 cm, 150g paper / "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개 + 포스터 2개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI CD numbered w dedication + 9 postcards


  • 5 contributions
"Kobugi" CD digipack - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 9 colector postcards designed by Ben Hito (13.5x9.5 cm) 300 g paperboard / "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개 + 엽서 9개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI CD numbered w dedication + MAPUTO QUEENS CD w dedication


  • 11 contributions
"Kobugi" CD digipack - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + "Maputo Queens" CD digipack - Etienne previous solo album - 10 tracks, artwork by Ben Hito - with hand written dedication / "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개 + "Maputo Queens" 앨범 사인 CD 1개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI CD numbered w dedication + 2 posters + 9 postcards


  • 42 contributions
"Kobugi" CD digipack - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 1 "Kobugi" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 42 cm, 150g paper + 1 "Maputo Queens" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 21 cm, 150g paper + 9 colector postcards designed by Ben Hito (13.5x9.5 cm) 300 g paperboard "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개 + 엽서 9개 + 포스터 2개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication + 1 Kobugi posters + 1 Maputo Queens poster


  • 5 contributions
Kobugi VINYL LP - 140g, numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 1 "Kobugi" unreleased posters designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 42 cm, 150g paper + 1 "Maputo Queens" unreleased posters designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 21 cm, 150g paper "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개 + 포스터 2개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication + 9 postcards


  • 3 contributions
"Kobugi" VINYL LP - 140g, numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 9 colector postcards designed by Ben Hito (13.5x9.5 cm) 300 g paperboard / "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개 + 엽서 9개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication+ KOBUGI CD w dedication


  • 4 contributions
Kobugi VINYL LP - 140g, numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + Kobugi CD digipack - with hand written dedication / "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개 + "거북이" 앨범 사인 CD 1개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication + 2 posters + 9 postcards


  • 7 contributions
"Kobugi" VINYL - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + 1 "Kobugi" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 42 cm, 150g paper + 1 "Maputo Queens" unreleased poster designed by Ben Hito - 60 x 21 cm, 150g paper + 9 colector postcards designed by Ben Hito (13.5x9.5 cm) 300 g paperboard "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개 + 엽서 9개 + 포스터 2개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI VINYL numbered w dedication + MAPUTO QUEENS VINYL w dedication


  • 8 contributions
"Kobugi" VINYL - numbered (limited edition), with hand written dedication + "Maputo Queens" VINYL Etienne previous solo album - 10 tracks, artwork by Ben Hito - with hand written dedication / "거북이" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개 + "Maputo Queens" 앨범 사인 LP (vinyl) 1개

Estimated delivery: April 2020

KOBUGI personnaly delivered by Etienne


"Kobugi" in the format of your choice, CD or Vinyl, delivered to your place by Etienne and accompanied by a mini private concert. (+ Travel costs outside of Ile de France, for internationnal delivery please contact us)

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