Gaze, the magazine of female perspectives : N°2!

👁 Let's flood the world with female gaze 👁

Project visual Gaze, the magazine of female perspectives : N°2!
End date
1.716 pre-orders
Out of 500
343 %

Gaze, the magazine of female perspectives : N°2!

<p>Building on the success of its launch campaign, thanks to your support and enthusiasm, Gaze was able to enter the publishing landscape with a&nbsp;first issue, and a growing community of women and men eager to <strong>renew their imaginations</strong>, open up to <strong>women&#39;s stories</strong>, and participate in the <strong>revolution of representation</strong>&nbsp;that is underway. Issue N&deg;2 is coming in June!</p> <h2><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></h2> <h2>In issue N&deg;2...</h2> <ul> <li>Witness the gentle encounter between Canadian writer <strong>Nancy Huston</strong> and French author and sex worker <strong>Bebe Melkor-Kadior</strong></li> <li>Follow reporter Laur&egrave;ne Daycard <strong>to meet older lesbian couples </strong>on an intimate and political quest</li> <li>Discover the most personal of <strong>Morgane Ortin&#39;s love letters </strong>: a letter to herself</li> <li>Follow in the footsteps of <strong>Kathleen Hanna</strong>, who guided the punk riot girl movement in the 90s</li> <li>Listen to the secrets of a modest mother-daughter duo, on <strong>heritage&nbsp;and trans identity</strong></li> <li>Embark on the future with an<strong>&nbsp;anticipation story&nbsp;</strong>by Illana Weizman, at the heart of a parenting revolution</li> <li>But also: the specialist in art history<strong> Margaux Brugvin</strong>, the Kurdish journalist <strong>Zehra Dogan</strong>, the photographer <strong>Denisse Ariana Perez</strong>, the tireless advocate of equality <strong>Rokhaya Diallo</strong> ... And many surprises.</li> </ul> <h2><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br /> What is&nbsp;<em>Gaze</em>?</h2> <p>Our imaginations have been shaped by the male perspective for so long that they are in dire need of alternatives! It is with this ambition that Gaze, the magazine of feminine perspectives, was born in 2020. Gaze is a <strong>beautiful semi-annual object without any advertising,</strong>&nbsp;between magazine and book and&nbsp;<strong>bilingual</strong>&nbsp;(French-English). Through <strong>intimate stories</strong>,<strong> immersive&nbsp;reporting</strong>&nbsp;and a ton of<strong> photography,</strong> it explores the social, intimate, and cultural issues of the condition of women. It is <strong>entirely thought out and made by women and non-binary people</strong>.</p> <h2><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></h2> <h2>Support ind&eacute;pendant publishing!</h2> <p>To pre-order the second issue of Gaze is to treat someone or yourself to a <strong>beautiful independent magazine with rich, unique, and inspiring content</strong>; It is also supporting a project led by women (which is still far too rare in the publishing world), who support <strong>the work of women and non-binary people</strong> with multiple profiles and remarkable talents.</p> <p>Because we have imagined a responsible economy for Gaze, we have chosen a pre-sales system that allows<strong> the right number of copies to be printed, avoiding waste and allowing the magazine to last</strong>. Pre-ordering issue 2 is also helping us to install Gaze in the editorial landscape in the long term.</p> <h2>Who is&nbsp;<em>Gaze</em>?</h2> <p>Gaze gives way to different contributors in each issue. And behind the scenes, they are&nbsp;a team of four women.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Gaze is also a mixed gender advisory&nbsp;board, made up of actors of change who share its values: <strong>Laurianne Melierre</strong>, journalist and media entrepreneur&nbsp;; <strong>Ariane Geffard</strong>, literary agent; <strong>J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Ruskin</strong>, founder of media platform Usbek &amp; Rica; <strong>Elvire Duvelle-Charles</strong>, filmmaker and feminist activist, founder of Clit R&eacute;volution.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Gaze is an ad-free magazine. We have built its model in such a way as to guarantee its <strong>editorial independence</strong>: to be sustainable, <strong>we need&nbsp;the support of our readership</strong>!</p> <p>The magazine is a beautiful object that we want you to enjoy proudly exhibiting, collecting, coming out of your bookshelf in two, five, ten years. We have also chosen to print it in France to reduce its carbon impact. <strong>Manufacturing</strong>, therefore, constitutes a major expense item; the second item of expense is of course the <strong>remuneration of the contributors</strong> because each is paid for her work.</p> <h2>Beautiful rewards to join the movement !</h2> <p>We offer you rewards with which you will be proud to show your support for Gaze! A brand new <strong>tee-shirt with a slick design</strong> to wear your sisterhood&nbsp;on you (the design that you see here is placed on the back side)&nbsp;; <strong>a sheet of stickers</strong> to display your feminism everywhere ;&nbsp;and finally,<strong> large format limited edition prints </strong>from 5 talented female photographers with whom we have collaborated.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Our prints, from left to right : Lucile Boiron (flowers), Adeline Rapon (autoportrait) Joanna Wiezbicka (self portrait&nbsp;tee-shirt), Aline Zalko (factory on fire), Ulla Deventer (woman chewing&nbsp;gum), Elena Helfrecht (snakes). You can see them in full on our website&nbsp;(<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>) and choose your favorite.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>


Featured reward

Sisterhood club


  • 185 contributions
You subscribe to Gaze for two issues: you'll receive N°2 in June 2021 and N°3 in December 2021 (free shipping). 2 issues of Gaze + your name in the magazine + our "women supporting women" t-shirt (unisex) to proudly display your sisterhood

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Gaze #2


  • 497 contributions
You'll receive, at home, a week before everyone else, the second issue of Gaze (free shipping). Once in the basket, you have the option of making an additional donation. Gaze number 2 + your name in the magazine

Estimated delivery: June 2021

“Women supporting women" Tee-shirt


  • 41 contributions
Our "women supporting women" tee-shirt, to spread sisterhood everywhere you go. Genderless fit, made in Europe, printed in France (free shipping). Chose size as you would for a standart man's tee-shirt.

Estimated delivery: June 2021

One year of female gaze


  • 194 contributions
You subscribe to Gaze for two issues : you recieve N°2 in June and N°3 in December (free shipping). 2 issues of Gaze + your name in the magazine

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Two years of female gaze


  • 16 contributions
You subscribe to Gaze for two years, or 4 issues that you'll receive at home (free shipping). 4 issues of Gaze + your name in the magazine

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Collector pack


  • 4 contributions
You subscribe to Gaze for one year, i.e. 2 issues that you'll receive at home (free shipping), and choose a large format print (in a limited and numbered edition) among the works of 5 photographers with whom we have collaborated. 2 issues of Gaze + 1 large limited edition print + your name in the magazine

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Connoisseur Pack


  • 12 contributions
The total: you subscribe to Gaze for two years, or 4 issues that you receive at home (free shipping), and we offer you a little something to proudly display your love of the female gaze. 4 issues of Gaze + your name in the magazine + our "women supporting women" t-shirt + our sheet of stickers to proudly display your feminism everywhere

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Benefactor Pack


You are a company, a collective or an association: offer 10 yearly subscriptions to your team (free shipping); the Gaze team will carry out a workshop on gender representations for them. 10 yearly subscriptions (2 issues) + a workshop on gender representations for your team + your name or that of your brand in the magazine

Estimated delivery: June 2021

Make a donation

Give what I want
