Krokodil: The dinner is served

Krokodil, the dinner is served is a photojournalistic project which aims to put in evidence the aftereffects of the Krokodil drug usage. Also aims to evidence the life condition of people addicted with Krokodil. Due to its easy production this drug will soon "infect" all the world. I will be happy to have your help to make this story public.

Project visual Krokodil: The dinner is served
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Out of €3.100
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Krokodil: The dinner is served

<p> <iframe frameborder="0" height="412" src=";oe=UTF-8&amp;q=Ukraine&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=0x40d1d9c154700e8f:0x1068488f64010,Ukraine&amp;gl=it&amp;ei=B0ZPUK-CBY_JswaZpoHYAw&amp;ved=0CLEBELYD&amp;output=embed" width="500"></iframe></p> <p> -</p> <p> Krokodil or Crocodile isn't an animal, not in Russia or Ukraine or in other  former Soviet Republics. It is a social disaster. It is a new way of social disgregation. It is easy to be bites, it is easy to reach, it is easy tohave, it is easy and fast to die.</p> <p> Krokodil is a new drug mostly used in the Baltic area, Russia, Ukraine, and other nearest countries. It is cheap and easy to produce because Krokodil is nothing more than desamorphine a symple synthesis of codeine. Desamorphine clandestine production is easily made from codeine and red phosphorus and highly contaminated various toxic and corrosive byproducts.</p> <p> Krokodil drug takes this unusual name due to the appearance of the skyn of its users and the derivation from chlorocodide. Due to difficulties in producing heroin combined with easy and cheap access to over the counter pharmacy products containing codeine in Russia, use of Krokodil has been on the increase.</p> <p> The Krokodil becomes immediatly famous in the countries, because it is many times more powerful than heroin, easy to prepare about half hour, and very cheap about 2/3 euros against 40/60 Euros per dose of heroin.</p> <p> But it is well known also due to its aftereffects on the users. If a user miss the vein, infact, It causes phlebitis and other severe damnages on the skin, as the flesh fall off from the limbs (infacts it is sayd that krokodil eat the flesh, that's why the project name)  and gangrene that most of the cases requiring amputation in long term users. Life expectancies are said to be as low as two to three years. More over most of users suffer of other problems related to a less lucky life, as HIV/AIDS, prostitution and other problems like that. </p> <p> The aim of my project is to inform people that don't know the effects of this kind of young drug (firstly appeared in 2010 in Siberia) through the publication of the story on worldwide magazines and ebook.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <a href="">Krokodil: The drug that eats junkies</a><a href="">Independent</a> - Oleg glances furtively around him and, confident that nobody is watching, slips inside the entrance to a decaying Soviet-era block of flats, where Sasha is waiting for him. Ensconced in the dingy kitchen of one of the apartments, they empty the contents of a blue carrier bag that Oleg has brought with him - painkillers, iodine, lighter fluid, industrial cleaning oil, and an array of vials, syringes, and cooking implements.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img src=""></p> <p> -</p> <p> Krokodil o Crocodile non è un animale, almeno in Russia, Ucraina e negli altri Paesi della ex Unione Sovietica.</p> <p> È un disastro sociale, è una nuova strada di disgregazione sociale. È facilissimo esserne morsi, è facile da reperire, è facile da avere è facile e veloce morire.</p> <p> Krokodil è una nuova droga usata maggiormente nell'area dei paesi baltici, Russia, Ucraina e gli altri paesi vicini.</p> <p> È economica e facile da produrre, perchè Krokodil non è altro che desamorfina, una sintesi della codeina.</p> <p> La produzione clandestina di desamorfina è facilmente ottenuta dalla codeina, dal fosforo rosso e da altre sostanze tossiche altamente contaminate e da sottoprodotti corrosivi.</p> <p> La droga Krokodil prende il suo strano nome dalla conformazione della pella dei suoi utilizzatori, che sembra essere squamosa come quella del coccodrillo e dall'uso del chlorocodide.</p> <p> Vista la difficoltà nel produrre eroina e visto il facile accesso a prodotti che contengono lla codeina nelle farmacie russe l'uso della Krokodil è aumentato a dismisura.</p> <p> La krokodil diventa immediatamente famosa in tutta l'area perchè molte volte più potente dell'eroina, più facile da preparare, circa mezz'ora, e molto meno costosa (2-3 euro a dose contro i 40/60 euro per dose dell'eroina).</p> <p> Ma è anche conosciuta per i suoi effetti collaterali sugli utilizzatori. Se chi ne fa uso, infatti, manca la vena si può causare flebiti e altri danni alla pelle come il distacco della carne dall'osso, (infatti si dice che mangi la carne, da qui il titolo del progetto) cancrene che nella maggior parte dei casi finiscono in amputazione.</p> <p> Le aspettative di vita per chi fa uso di krokodil sono dai 2 ai 3 anni. Inoltre la maggior parte degli utilizzatori soffre di problemi relativi ad una vita meno fortuata, sono senza tetto, protatori di HIV/AIDS, si prostituiscono etc etc.</p> <p> L'obiettivo di questo progetto è informare la gente che non conosce gli effetti di questa droga (comparsa inizialmente nel 2010 in Siberia) attraverso la pubblicazione su magazine ed e book.</p> <p>  </p>

Allocation of funds

<p> I am planning a trip Russia and/or Ukraine to photograph this story which I find interesting for me and for all, as the social impact of the problem. I usually work in social issues; in the past I have worked in Argentina covering the crisis in 2002, Romania South Africa, Burundi. I am working on this project with the aim to start a long term project about the drugs in Europe, their effects and roads. Why I start from Krokodil? Because  I have some contacts with some organizations that will help in my work, it is the one of the most powerfull, and harmful drug of the moment, it doesn't need pushers,  and it is easy to have. It is may be the new way to the self production.</p> <p> I planned the following expenses:</p> <p> - Flyght: € 1500,00</p> <p> - Hotel: € 1000,00</p> <p> - E Book: € 600,00</p> <p> TOTAL AMMOUNT € 3100,00</p> <p> Other expenses: Internal transports, food, work post production, texts for the e book, etc are on my own charge.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img src=""></p> <p> Sto pianificando un viaggio in  Russia e/o Ucraina per fotografare questa storia che ho trovato molto interessante per me ma anche per tutti visto l'aspetto sociale del problema. Di solito lavoro nella fotografia sociale; in passato ho lavorato in Argentina per coprire servizi sulla crisi del 2002, Romania, Sud Africa, Burubndi. Ho iniziato a lavorare su questo progetto con l'obiettivo più ampio di una storia a lungo termine sulla droga in Europa, i suoi effetti e le sue "vie". Perchè cominciare dalla Krokodil?, Perchè ho qualche contatto con delle organizzazione che si occupano del problema e che potrebbero aiutarmi nel mio lavoro, perchè è una delle droghe più forti e dannose al momento, non ha bisogno di spacciatori, ed è facile da ottenere. Questa droga potrebbe essere l'inizio della produzione propria.  Ho pianificato le seguenti spese:</p> <p>  </p> <p> - Volo: € 1500,00</p> <p> - Hotel: € 1000,00</p> <p> - E Book: € 600,00</p> <p> TOTAL AMMOUNT € 3100,00</p> <p> Altre spese: trasporti interni, cibo, post produzione del lavoro, testi per l'e book, etc. sono a mio carico.</p>



Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - And a signed print card 13x18 cm


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - And a signed print card 13x18 cm - A signed print 20x30 from the accomplished work.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A signed print of a landscape 40x30


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A signed print of a landscape 70x100


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A set of 10 geographics prints 15x20 of my area.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A set of 10 geographics prints 20x30 of my area.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A signed and numbered print 70x100 from the accomplished work.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed and numbered print 70x100 from the accomplished work - Meet the photographer (in his area). I will meet you in your home (In my area or nearest cities) for a slide show of the pictures taken. For people outside my area I will be happy to have a skype meeting.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - 70x100 signed and numbered print from the accomplished work - A meeting with the photographer (In his area) for a photography course, based on a slide show of the pictures taken and a talk about the project and the subject. For people outside my area, I will be happy to have a skype meeting.


Your name in my article on my personal web log page - Your name on the acknowledgements page of the - A bookmark - A signed print card 13x18 cm - A meeting with the photographer (In his area) for a photography course based on a slide show of the pictures taken with a talk about the project and the subject. For people outside the photographer's area, will be held a skype meeting. A little digitally printed catalogue 20x20 of the work accomplished.

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