La Boutique Bio & Passion

Participate in the creation of the Bio & Passion shop: 100% Organic 100% Reunion products carefully chosen from our partners.

Project visual La Boutique Bio & Passion
End date
Out of €3.000
12 %

La Boutique Bio & Passion

Bio & Passion opens its shop to offer a unique offer: 100% Organic and 100% Reunion Island products. In this new kind of shop, there will be no import products. The production and processing of all the products offered by the Bio & Passion store and its partners will all come from local production and certified AB. This unique offer in Reunion is a major challenge. It will promote all the small producers and local organic brands within a single place of reception. We need you to help us finance the development of this unique space and help promote organic stakeholders in Reunion.

Allocation of funds

By participating in this crowdfunding fundraiser, you will allow us: to develop the place; ensure comfort and compliance with regulatory aspects; carry out accessibility work for people with reduced mobility; to build up the first stocks with our partners; to promote organic players in Reunion Island.


Confit de citron offert


Un citron confit au sel de 200g

Estimated delivery: July 2022

Confiture offerte


Une confiture pays de 200g à découvrir afin de vous remercier

Estimated delivery: July 2022

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