Mostra "100 anni di pace: la costruzione della pacedal'900 a oggi"

From a 20th-century counterstory's perpective: the roots of a peaceful future. Support the exhibition that unveils them.

Project visual Mostra "100 anni di pace: la costruzione della pacedal'900 a oggi"
End date
Out of €20.000
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Mostra "100 anni di pace: la costruzione della pacedal'900 a oggi"

<p>The XX century has seen the devastating violence of world wars and mass genocides; but it has as well seen the evolution of nonviolence as a political doctrine, which translated into new forms of struggle and emancipation. Aware of these changes and willing to explore and portray them, the Centro Studi Sereno&nbsp; Regis has promoted research and collection of the historical memory of peace-building and development of forms of nonviolent struggle and resistance, aiming to realize <strong>a photographic exhibition suitable for international distribution</strong>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This research will be a chance to present to civil society a <strong>historical narrative that has been little discussed so far</strong>. The exhibition &ndash; consisting of photographs, posters and documents &ndash;will help people become aware of the positive power they are endowed with, by means of which we can overcome the feeling of helplessness that negative events may arouse in us.</p><p>It is in fact important, for those who want to give their civil and political contribution to the society, to be able to see in history not only the bloodshed and pain caused by wars and genocides, but also patterns of a different paradigm for thinking and acting. Such a paradigm may in fact transform the very ground structure of our political culture and direct it towards peace. Presenting positive peace processes and experiences can certainly foster <strong>further development of peace itself</strong>.</p><p><strong>First section &ndash; No war</strong>: <em>beyond the concept of enemy</em></p><p><img alt="" width="100%" src="" /></p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Peace inside war, resistance against war, civil resistance. </strong>This part will focus of World War I and World War II: origins of the resistance movements in XX century; civil resistance during nazism and fascism; recent examples of &ldquo;spared blood&rdquo; in extreme violent situations (the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, the Rwanda case, nonviolent resistance in Palestine, minorities protection cases during recent wars).</p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Nonviolent movements and actions against militarism and for conscientious objection, anti-nuclear movements. </strong>Conscientious objection after World War II; resistance against wars in Vietnam and Iraq; nuclear disarmament campaigns; direct nonviolent actions.</p><p><strong>Second section &ndash; Satyagraha: </strong><em>power of nonviolence for justice</em></p><p><em>&nbsp;</em><img alt="" width="100%" src="" /></p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Nonviolent resistance against colonialism. </strong>From Gandhi to decolonization movements in Africa, Asia, America and Australia.</p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Movements for civil rights and economic and social justice. </strong>Movements against racial discrimination and apartheid; women and LGBT rights movements; trade unions struggles against liberalism globalization; right to land movements; ideas and experiences for a nonviolent economy.</p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Nonviolent resistance against occupations, tyrannies and totalitarian regimes. </strong>1989; China and Tibet; Myanmar; Sahrawi; Indonesia and East Timor; Philippines; Nepal; Chile; Arab Spring; and more.</p><p><strong>Third section &ndash; Gaia, our home: </strong><em>reconcile with Nature</em></p><p><em>&nbsp;</em><img alt="" width="100%" src="" /></p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Resistance against violence towards socio-eco-systems</strong>: campaigns against nuclear plants, against industrial pollution, movements to stop big dams and land-grabbing.</p><p>&middot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>From Ecocide to empathy and inclusion</strong>: initiatives and laws for animal rights; development of eco-feminism; defense of indigenous people and their territories; acknowledgment of Mother Earth rights; protection of climatic stability.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Our partner:</p><p>Centro di Documentazione del Manifesto Pacifista Internazionale (C.D.M.P.I.) <a href=""></a> Coordinamento Comuni per la Pace (Co.Co.Pa) <a href=""></a> Emergency <a href=""></a> FEI (Federazione Esperantista Italiana) <a href=""></a> Fondazione Luigi Micheletti <a href=""></a> Forum Trentino per la Pace e i diritti umani <a href=""></a> Gruppo ASSEFA Torino <a href=""></a> International Fellowship of&nbsp;Reconciliation IFOR <a href=""></a> Movimento Nonviolento <a href=""></a> Mundaneum <a href=""></a><em>&nbsp;</em> Pax Christi <a href=""></a> Pro Natura Torino <a href=""></a> Rete Internazionale di Musei per la Pace (INMP) <a href=""></a> WAR Resisters&rsquo; International <a href=""></a></p><p>About us<br />We are a no profit, indipendent, volunteering organisation born in 1982. Our mission is to spread the culture of peace and nonviolence. This means to us face all the aspects of&nbsp; violence: direct, cultural and structural and organize our efforts around 3 pillars: research (to demonstrate that nonviolence can be possible and it is not an utopia), education (to increase the number of people that know what does it means nonviolence applied to human society) and finally nonviolent action (because nonviolence is effective if it becomes a bottom-up programme of changing society).</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Your contribution will be used to cover part of the costs we are facing. Below you can find the complete budget:<br />Exhibition: exhibit setting up, graphic design, exhibition stands, printing and reproduction of exhibition materials &euro; 40,000<br />Production of original videos with archive footage: production, direction and editing &euro; 25,000<br />Implementation of educational activities for schools: training courses, guided tours &euro; 4,000<br />Production and realization of theatrical animations for schools within the exhibition &euro; 5000<br />Communication &euro; 3.000<br />Our goal is to raise up to &euro; 20,000 through this crowdfunding, for the expenses not yet incurred. If we reach this goal, the exhibition will be free! &nbsp;</p>



    From € 5 up to €19, you will receive a thank you postcard. Shipping to Italy is included.


      From € 20 up to € 49, if you like, you will receive the book "Practical Handbook of Nonviolence". Shipping to Italy is included.


        From € 50 up to € 99, if you like, you will receive the following books: "Peace Journalism" and "Unpublished Prophetic Readings" by Giovanni Salio. Shipping to Italy is included.


          From € 100 up to € 249, if you like, you will receive the following books: "Peace Journalism", "Unpublished Prophetic Readings" by Giovanni Salio and "Practical Handbook of Nonviolence". Shipping to Italy is included.


            From € 250 up to € 499 if you like, you will receive 5 books: "Peace Journalism", "Unpublished Prophetic Readings" by Giovanni Salio , "Practical Handbook of Nonviolence" and other two books based on availability of stocks. Shipping to Italy is included.


              From € 500 up to € 999, if you like, you will be allowed to organize the exhibition in your city. You will receive the materials in your city for free (in Italy)


                From € 1.000, if you like, you will be allowed to organize the exhibition in your city. You will receive the materials in your city for free (in Italy). Moreover, you will be allowed to organize an introductive seminar with at least 3 members from the working team.

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