WE WALK ON THE HEAD. 1st EP from the album (The color of the world)

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Project visual WE WALK ON THE HEAD. 1st EP from the album (The color of the world)
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Out of €500
28 %

WE WALK ON THE HEAD. 1st EP from the album (The color of the world)

<p>Nancy Needs You It&#39;s time to help! Album (The color of the world) 4 languages French, Spanish, English, Portuguese. Style &quot;eclectic&quot; Pop, Rock, Metal, Jazz Blues Variety. It&#39;s the color of music ...</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Your help will be used to finish are album has financial the clip etc ...Music in yogurt I like yogurt :) <a href="https://youtu.be/WRDb3ogDreI?list=PLUE7SMzzmcEv568B_YBZQdTOOUWF-rQAx" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/WRDb3ogDreI?list=PLUE7SMzzmcEv568B_YBZQdTOOUWF-rQAx</a></p>


Featured reward

2 Albums


2Albums, + Videos + Bonus

Firt Album A defaut d'aimer


Albums Canada Recording+Bonus.

Nancy gets naked.


3 Albums, + Videos + Bonus and visual dedication.

Estimated delivery: May 2019

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