COMER x parís.méxico

Support parís.méxico adventure to open a NEO-FONDA or contemporary MEXICAN CANTEEN and SAY BYE to the clichés of Mexican Food.

End date
Out of €5.000
157 %

Our commitments

COMER x parís.méxico

CANTEEN, GROCERY, CATERING & EVENTS Discover the essence of Mexican Cuisine with a simple and modern approach COMER x parís.méxico will be a new type of MEXICAN CANTEEN, a "NEO FONDA" and a small GROCERY where you can discover my new creations of sauces, spices and other surprises specially selected for you!🌶 but also my HQ to continue catering your events (private or corporate). COMER project means to me a way to share with you values ​​that are close to my heart: - a warm and simple place that goes back to the roots and the essentials - contemporary Mexican cuisine inspired by traditional flavors and techniques but favoring, as much as possible, the use of a maximum of fresh seasonal products Many Thanks you for your support - I have been working on this project for over two years and I am now ready to continue the adventure by opening in this new place and being able to welcome you. What you will find at COMER? “Mexican recipes and fresh seasonal products”. A contemporary cuisine rooted in the traditional and ancestral techniques and know-how of Mexico, all with my personal touch and creativity. COMER x París.México is a mix of : - FOOD on site / to take away: dishes and selected wines and beers - GROCERIES : parís.méxico SAUCES and spices, DIY TACOS KITs and other surprises prepared for you! - EVENTS and CATERING : Chefs table and Pop-up dinners, privatizations, catering services and service outside the walls. A place FAR from the CLICHES: - Inspired by contemporary Mexican architecture - Friendly and warm atmosphere... - Located at 96 rue d'hauteville, 75010 My commitments: - TASTE - Careful sourcing - Veggie options - Homemade Who am I? Hola, my name is Carlos Moreno (parís.méxico), I am from Tabasco in the south-east of Mexico. I work as an independent chef and caterer for pop-ups and events. I arrived in France more than 15 years ago to pursue my studies. In 2019, I started a new challenge, sharing my culture through its cuisine and showing a different face of Mexican cuisine. Since 2020 I have been working in collaboration with restaurants or as private chef. During lockdown, I launched my "Taco kis" for delivery and also launched my "Salsa Macha" COMER parís.méxico. I had the chance to cook for you the past years during. I am now ready to open the doors of a place to welcome and I am counting on you to achieve this challenging project on which I have been working for two years. GRACIAS, THANK YOU !

Allocation of funds

This funds will allow me to complete with my savings in order to finance - the renovation to make this place functional and pleasant to welcome you - the purchase of the necessary kitchen equipment - the financing of your counterparties and the fundraising campaign You are part of this adventure! Your contribution will allow me to finalise the renovations before opening! Thanks to your support I will be able to achieve this final stretch, I prepared some surprises to thank you. Do not hesitate to spred the word about COMER x parís.méxico and to share on social media. MUCHAS GRACIAS and can´t wait to welcome you!




  • 1 contribution
¡ MUCHAS GRACIAS! +BIG BIG thanks your contribution and support to parís.méxico adventure! + 1 sweet offered during your first visit

Estimated delivery: October 2022

SALSA Macha 🌶 🌶


  • 16 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! + 1 jar of 190gr of salsa macha with peanuts and smoked chili peppers + 1 recipe to cook with salsa macha + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure

Estimated delivery: October 2022



  • 5 contributions
+ a voucher for a lunch menu 1 person - take away + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gif

Estimated delivery: November 2022

LUNCH MENU on site


  • 26 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! + A voucher for a Lunch menu for 1 person on site + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: October 2022

🌮 TACO KIT for TWO including Drink (DELIVERY PARIS)


  • 17 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! + 1 taco kit for 2 people (DELIVERY PARIS AND PETITE COURONNE) + 2 agua fresca + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small suprise gift

Estimated delivery: October 2022

Tortillas Workshop 🌽


  • 6 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! + participation (1 person) to a grooup workshop to learn how to make corn tortillas + a recipe card to have fun in the kitchen + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: November 2022

Atelier SALSAS 🌶


  • 13 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! + 1 voucher (1 person) to participate to a group workshop to learn how to prepare Mexican salsas + a recipe + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: November 2022

Pop up Dinner pre-sale


  • 3 contributions
+ Voucher for a pop up dinner (1 person) +5-course menu +1 glass of wine + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: November 2022

Private Tacos Party for 4 people


  • 2 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! +Taco fiesta - A private cooking workshop for 4 people with tasting + 4 beers + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: November 2022

PRIVATE DINNER for 10 Friends


  • 3 contributions
MUCHAS GRACIAS! +A special private dinner with for 10 friends + 3 bottles of wine + great thanks for your contribution to parís.méxico adventure + a small surprise gift

Estimated delivery: November 2022

Make a donation

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