Paris Music Tales : 1er album

Help us produce our first album !

Project visual Paris Music Tales : 1er album
End date
Out of €4.000
121 %

A Nous KissKiss

A NOUS Paris

Paris Music Tales : 1er album

<p>Hi !</p><p> </p><p><strong>Paris Music Tales</strong> is a trio created by guitarists Samy Zouari and Martin Gioani (myself). We love gypsy swing, waltzes, classical music and latin music (amongst others) and <strong>we love even more this city of Paris we live in</strong>. We want to share memorable moments with you, through our music and our compositions.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Paris_music_tales__1_-1509662985" src=""></p><p>Most of our compositions have already been written, and <strong>these “music tales” of Paris tell different stories</strong>, sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter : “grabuge”, “le charme discret”, baston !”, “Paris, la pluie”... We have yet recorded a few (unfinished versions) to give you a glimpse of it : watch the video just above.</p><p> </p><p>The next step we want to take with Paris Music Tales is <strong>recording a CD with these compositions</strong>, for your enjoyment, for ours but also to make it easier for us to produce ourselves (and by the way, we’re looking for gigs : don’t hesitate to contact us).</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Kisskiss-0-1509663350" src=""></p><p> </p><p>We think that <strong>making a crowdfunding campaign is a great way to kick-start this project</strong>, by creating a direct relationship between you and us. Wherever you may live in the world, we can keep in touch if you help us making it happen.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>For this recording to happen, we need a few euros. How much ?</p><p> </p><p>- 2000 euros for recording + mastering</p><p>- 1000 euros for making 500 CDs + SDRM / SACEM copyright protection fees</p><p>- Design of the album + pictures : 500e</p><p> </p><p>Let’s not forget 29% of legal fees (8% for KissKissBankBank, 23% of what remains for legal taxes).</p><p> </p><p><strong>We hope your contributions will be numerous</strong> and that we’ll reach 4000 euros. We even hope we’ll collect more than 4000 euros. If it’s the case, here is what we’ll do :</p><p> </p><p>- 500 euros : Video shooting in Paris, in various places we love</p><p>- 1000e-2000e : Hiring a press officer</p><p>- 500e : Making an even better design for the album</p><p> </p><p>We thank you deeply for your support ! <strong>Please share this with your friends and your family</strong>, through Facebook, Youtube, etc…</p><p> </p><p><strong>Update :</strong> 75 % already ! To thank all those who helped us, here are 2 new compositions "Paris, la pluie" and "Grabuge".</p><p> </p><p><iframe src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" allowfullscreen="" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><p> </p><p><iframe src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" allowfullscreen="" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><p> </p><p>Huge kisses from Paris !</p><p> </p><p>Paris Music Tales <strong>//</strong> <em>Martin, Samy &amp; Felipe</em></p>



  • 1 contribution
A big THANK YOU + 1 bonus track

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 13 contributions
A big THANK YOU + a digital version of the CD + 1 bonus track

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 26 contributions
A big THANK YOU + the CD sent to your house + 1 bonus track

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 20 contributions
A big THANK YOU + the CD sent to your house + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 25 contributions
A big THANK YOU + the CD signed and sent to your house + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 12 contributions
A big THANK YOU + 2 CDs signed and sent to your house (one to offer ?) + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 3 contributions
A big THANK YOU + 2 CDs signed and sent to your house (one to offer ?) + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 5 contributions
A really BIG THANK YOU + all the scores of the CD (2 guitars + 1 bass) including transcribed solos + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 7 contributions
A really BIG THANK YOU + a 1 hour guitar lesson with Samy, Martin or both (in Paris or through Skype) + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


  • 1 contribution
A really BIG THANK YOU + a 1 hour guitar lesson with Samy, Martin or both (in Paris or through Skype) + all the scores of the CD (2 guitars + 1 bass) including transcribed solos + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


A BIG, BIG THANK YOU + a 1 hour session with the band (you play if you want, what you want) + all the scores of the CD (2 guitars + 1 bass) including transcribed solos + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


A HUGE THANK YOU + a private gig at your place with 2 guitarists Samy and Martin (in Paris/fees not included otherwise) + all the scores of the CD (2 guitars + 1 bass) including transcribed solos + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018


AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU + a private gig at your place with the trio (in Paris/fees not included otherwise) + all the scores of the CD (2 guitars + 1 bass) including transcribed solos + 1 CD signed and sent to your house + your name in the booklet + a word of the musicians + 3 bonus tracks

Estimated delivery: May 2018

Make a donation

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