Passion selon Jean de Antonio Tarantino – pièce de théâtre et états de folie...

Give us a leg up ! Help us boost the last step of the theater production of the play Passion according to Jean by Antonio Tarantino!

Project visual Passion selon Jean de Antonio Tarantino – pièce de théâtre et états de folie...
End date
Out of €3.000
100 %

Passion selon Jean de Antonio Tarantino – pièce de théâtre et états de folie...

<p><strong><em>PASSION SELON JEAN&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;&nbsp; by &nbsp;&nbsp; Antonio Tarantino, </strong></p><p><strong>The theater play about a states of madness</strong></p><p>&nbsp;<p>The project will be on stage in France in a little less than a month, and just started a crowd-funding initiative to raise the last remaining few $ necessary to make this a reality.<br />&nbsp;<br />Though the dates are set, and the piece is finalised now, with rehearsals undergone, so we are in need of your help to be able to buy the remaining necessary d&eacute;cor, advertisement for the play, and be able to pay the artists and technicians which have for now given most of their time for free towards the production (which certainly goes to show how much they believe in the project!).</p></p><p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<br /><em><strong>Passion Selon Jean (John&rsquo;s Passion)</strong></em>, a theater piece writen by Antonio Tarantino<br />Directed by Olga Jirouskova<br />With Ulysse Bosshard and Pascal Larue<br />Scenography &ndash; Fred Nantel<br />&nbsp;<br />When and Where?<br />29 &ndash; 31 March 2018 at 8:30pm, Theatre de Chaoue, Allones, France<br />4 &ndash; 5 April 2018 at 9pm, La Parole Errante, Montreuil (Paris)<br />7 April 2018 8:30pm, Theatre du Tiroir, Laval<br />&nbsp;<br />Synopsis<br />The topic of the theater piece is the daily journey of two male characters &ndash; &ldquo;I-him&rdquo;, a schizophrenic who takes himself for Christ and that of John, his nurse, who is lost, thanks to his dedication, in the meanders of the institutional psychiatric hierarchy.</p></p><p>With ferocious humor and a furious stream of words, Antonio Tarantino discusses their daily journey through which he traces the stages of the Passion. The play thus depicts the two beings here linked by their fate and the confinement, these two left-behind, the nurse John and the innocent &ldquo;I-him&rdquo;, who perform with simplicity and humanity and ... even sometimes, joy, the daily journey - a daily ritual, a repetitive Mystery - that they manage to reinvent together as a way to escape.</p><p>This artistic initiative aims at drawing attention to a dangerous topical phenomenon; the tendency of our contemporary society to normalize all otherness, to eliminate any anomaly ... the unclassifiable, the &quot;edges of road&quot; and &quot;edges of line&quot;, to eradicate all those who do not fit in boxes, all those who do not keep the social pact.</p><p>This plays results from a strong desire to provide a fresh perspective on the border-line individuals: open, funny, touching sometimes, but never condescending and how we embrace them and gain from the experience we share &ndash; sometimes losing some of our apparent securing sanity in the process, for the best. Mental patients are recognized as individuals in their own right through the lens of what they bring to the world - their intrinsically singular and poetic view on life.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The company would be really greatly thankful for your help and on top of their warm thanks&hellip;<br />You&rsquo;ll get a drink on the house at the theatre shall you be able to make it to the performance, a personalised thank you card by the team, and up to 2 free tickets to the performance as well as a discount on future ones with your complimentary membership to the &ldquo;Collectif des Rhizomiques&rdquo;.<br />&nbsp;<br />You would be supporting the creation of an original adaptation by Olga Jirouskova of the written piece by Tarantino called &ldquo;John&rsquo;s Passion&rdquo;.<br />By your interest and financial support, help the artists add a stone to the building of our society,<br />one responsible for ALL its members and citizens, without excluding a part, even if it wanders on the roads and / or in the streets.</p>



    1 verre d'amitié offert.


    • 5 contributions
    Invitation à rencontrer les comédiens après le spectacle + carte de remerciement signée par les artistes + contrepartie précédente.

    Estimated delivery: April 2018


    • 7 contributions
    Invitation au spectacle exonérée pour 1 personne + les 3 contreparties précédentes.

    Estimated delivery: April 2018


    Invitation au spectacle exonérée pour 1 personne + 1 deuxième verre de l'amitié offert à la personne accompagnant + adhésion offerte en tant que “membre honoraire du Collectif des Rhizomiques“ + les contreparties précédentes.

    Estimated delivery: March 2018


    • 4 contributions
    Invitation au spectacle exonérée pour 2 personnes + 2 adhésions offertes en tant que “membres honoraires du Collectif des Rhizomiques“ avec le suivi des créations de la compagnie à venir et l'inscription en tant que ami sur le site + les 2 premières contreparties.

    Estimated delivery: March 2018


    Invitation exonérée pour 2 personnes au spectacle + 2 adhésions offertes en tant que “membres honoraire du Collectif des Rhizomiques“ avec le suivi des créations de la compagnie à venir et l'inscription en tant que ami sur le site + le DVD de l’enregistrement du spectacle + bien sur, les 2 premières contreparties.

    Estimated delivery: May 2018

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