International Solidarity Projet - LSI 2021

Support our International solidarity project in Senegal! Support out class and our trip!

Project visual International Solidarity Projet - LSI 2021
End date
Out of €1.400
112 %

International Solidarity Projet - LSI 2021

Who are we? We are students who are signed up at the 'Pôle Innovant Lycéen' in France, a public structure for students who have disengaged with the traditional school system but who are looking to reconcile with their education. We are students in the International Solidarity Class who are interested in discovering other cultures, helping others and fighting for sustainable developement. The main focus of our class is to learn about and participate in humanitarian activities and building connections with charities and non-profit organisations. We also learn to promote and communicate the actions of these charities through the making of films, podcasts, reports and interviews with our partners. The students in the 'International Solidarity Class' are organising a solidarity project in Senegal in collaboration with three partners: - SEED, a French non-profit organisation which aims to improve the quality of lives of the inhabitants living in underpriviledged areas by giving them access to electricity and clean water. - Cinécyclo, a organisation that aims to educate people through the projection of films and the organisation of debates. All the electricity required to project the films is produced by the guests pedal power! - Ecoles élémentaire des Parcelles Assainies - a primary school in Dakar which opens its doors to volunteers in order make learning fun and more international. We need your help in order to finance the material we need to bring in order to be able to install a solar panel, carry out our workshops with the kids at Soprim Primary School and make our project come to life! Follow us on social network: - Via our blog: - On Instagram : @classe_lsi_2k21 Find out more about the non-profit organisations below: - -

Allocation of funds

For the project with the organisation SEED, we need 600 euros to buy the material required to install a solar panel in a village in the Saint-Louis region. We also need 400 euros in order to organise two film projections and debates in partnership with 'CinéCyclo' in Dakar. Finally, we need 400 euros to be able to buy the sports material, the art supplies and the other ressources required for the workshops and animations that we will organise for the pupils at the Soprim Primary School. Follow us on our Social Network pages: Our Blog du Lycée de la Solidarité Internationale : Instagram du LSI 2021 : @classe_lsi_2k21 Our account on Polarsteps: Informations about the charities we will work with:


Featured reward



  • 21 contributions
Une invitation à une projection du film qu'on aura réalisé sur notre voyage, suivie d'un apéro, ce sera l'occasion de nous rencontrer et de visiter notre lycée !

Des épices ramenés du Sénégal


  • 13 contributions
Pour vous remercier de votre contribution généreuse, nous proposons de vous ramener des épices du Sénégal !

Un UPcycling cadeau - fait avec l'amour et les mains des élèves !


  • 2 contributions
Nous vous proposons un cadeau 'UPcycling' : un objet unique, écologique et fait avec l'amour et les mains des élèves !

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