Shoot the Mini Transat 2013
<u><strong>The Mini Transat 6.50</strong></u> is a solo transatlantic yacht race on boats of 6,50m covering over 4,000 miles. Created in 1977 by Bob Salmon and organized every odd year since. The crossing is always done in two stages - from France, with a stop for about 10 days in the Canary Islands, before joining Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (2013 edition). </p>
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<u><strong>The Project and its beginnings</strong></u></p>
Opportunity and fate aligned on an April day in Pornichet. I had the chance to meet lots of interesting people and I found a calling. Since then I followed every mini race this season. Following every departure and arrival, I captured the images and the emotion of their adventures at sea and their lives on the docks preparing for the races, passionate discussions, joy and at time disappointment and fear.</p>
These unforgettable months changed my life and a dream was born - shoot the Mini Transat 2013 and turn it into a film of the adventure.</p>
Watching all the sailors reach the end of their projects would make me very happy. I will use all possible energy and techniques to transmit their emotions, turmoil, trials and tribulations, hope, despair, happy times and rough times, the visual richness and the magic of this legendary race.</p>
Having completed an internship within the class association and fleet, I am well integrated within the fleet and skippers. This gives me a unique opportunity to bring this adventure to film.</p>
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<strong><u>Why fund it ?</u></strong></p>
Your financial support will help fund : </p>
- the <u><strong>costs of this expedition - around 2500 euros</strong></u> - These include transportation on a sailboat following the mini race fleet and transportation back to France. </p>
<u><strong>If the goal is achieved, please don't hesitate to continue funding! This will help me to :</strong></u></p>
- buy some needed <u><strong>camera equipment </strong></u> (waterproof cover, extra batteries, flash memory cards, devices for the filmed material, lenses and so on).</p>
- <u><strong>sailing clothing</strong></u> I'll need during the expedition (lifejacket with harness, waterproof jacket and pants, fleece pants and tops, thermal underwear, etc..)</p>
- <u><strong>food</strong></u></p>
My heart is set on accomplishing this project and your financial help, no matter how small, will set me so much closer to achieving this goal.</p>
Thank you!</p>
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