"The Heat is On" (First Fundraising Tranche)

What are trees for? Where should we plant them, how must we care for existing ones? Can our relationship with nature restore abundance?

Project visual "The Heat is On" (First Fundraising Tranche)
End date
Out of €4.993
100 %

"The Heat is On" (First Fundraising Tranche)

Everyone is talking about the need to plant more trees, in addition to preserving existing forests and woodlands. But there is less clarity around how this can be done effectively, to secure a more harmonious relationship between humans and nature. One that fosters abundance - and reverses the course towards extinction that many species, notably butterflies, are on. We want to show what is possible and what is already being done, highlighting practical examples of optimal woodland management in the UK. While we initially planned to focus on biomass-related issues, the project has expanded as we realised there is a fuller lifespan to cover when it comes to trees and our relationship with them. Consistent with other First Move Productions projects, we aim to feature individuals whose values and expertise make a tangible difference, in the hope this will inspire others and prompt further dialogue or informed action. Numerous best practices are already being implemented but relevant insights need to be shared more widely.

Allocation of funds

The initial funds raised will allow us to spend more time on background research and preparations, ahead of filming and producing a short documentary (subject to funds).

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