The Atlantic Alone: Representing Great Britain in the 2015 Mini Transat

1 stove, 2 buckets and a compass; Lizzy is all set to race solo across the Atlantic, on a boat barely twice the size of a Topper dinghy...

Project visual The Atlantic Alone: Representing Great Britain in the 2015 Mini Transat
End date
Out of €8,000
102 %
acouper3170 days

Good luck from the Coupers. Looking forward to hearing all about it - safe sailing x

mikemccandless3171 days

Enjoy it Lizzy! All the best from the Kiravans team :)

Candyman3176 days

Go for it Lizzy, you have worked so hard for this! Best wishes Peter & Peta

joewink3177 days

Joe Winkley good luck Lizzy

SophieJez3177 days

Good luck Lizzy

Peta.Stuart-Hunt3181 days

We are all determined to get you there and back. x

swinkley3181 days

Good luck Liz!!

Alison.Hawkins3182 days

Good luck Lizzie from all the young sailors at Queen Mary Sailing Club watching you and building their own dreams! Wishing you Fair winds and fine weather :)

Freddie_QM013191 days

Good Luck! Sorry I could not give you more, I'm poor!! x

McIntyreAdventure.com3197 days

Hi Lizzy _ you are an inspiration to so are doing everything right with real passion, so let the adventure continue...good luck, safe sailing and just keep doing what you are doing!!....... from everyone at McIntyre Adventure...Happy to join all your other amazing sponsors...Don

PETAL3201 days

Good luck with all your adventures, Liz. xx

Mark G3205 days

Hi Lizzy - paid for the food ! Have a stunning trip. You deserve to win !! Mark x