FaceBike - Moto Clube Faro Bikers

FaceBike is a photographic project celebrating the bikers during the Moto Clube Faro "International Motorcycle Meeting"in Portugal.

Project visual FaceBike - Moto Clube Faro Bikers
End date
Out of €3.950
26 %

The publications

<p> We just get the info...Our FaceBike Series 2012 won the third Prize - Portraiture category (culture) - in PX3 International Photo contest 2014...PX3 is one of the more prestigious photography contest in the world. We are so proud... and this validate our KissKissBankBank FaceBike project 2014. Thank you everyone for your support!</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Let&#39;s meet in Moto Clube Faro - July 17th to 20th.</p> <p> Regards</p> <p> Epaillard + Machado</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Winnerlogo" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/106963/winnerlogo.jpg" /></p>