10 years of Zaps
Hi everyone,
📷 You were 753 Kissbankers
a year ago to support the fundraising which ensured the production of Zaps in 2020.
📷 Thank your support.
iZap4u is celebrating its 10th anniversary and more than 284 épisodes
have already been released, alternating social topics, humor, politics and entertainment in a format of 100 to 120 minutes. A short version of the Zap that lasts 10 to 20 minutes and gathers all the entertaining sequences is also released every 2 weeks on Youtube
where the project began in 2013.
Special Zaps are also released in summer ; they gather all the sequences on a specific topic taken from regular Zaps, like this episode about ecology :
As you already know, I'm now working full-time on the production of Zaps and refuse any advertising funding to preserve my editorial freedom but also because internet advertising has already shown its limits and is way too intrusive in my opinion, especially when there are add breaks during the program.
📷 All this to say that the site and the Zaps exist by the sole will of the community and if you enjoy watching them and want it to keep going, I will need your help.
📷 A 5-euros-per-month subscription, which is 60 euros per year, has been introduced in order to ensure the production of Zaps.
📷 Those who subscribe will thus have access to all the Zaps published throughout the year.
📷 So why is this crowdfunding?
The aim is to offer a discount to those who wish to have access to all the Zaps that will be published in 2022, the annual subscription price going from 60 euros to 40 euros for all donors.
For those who want to get the stickers in addition to the access to all the Zaps that will be published in 2022, the price is 60 euros.
📷 In 2021, subscribers got access to Zaps 271, 272, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280 and 283.
I need your help to finance the production of Zaps in 2022. This crowdfunding will last 60 days and Zaps 285, 286, 287, 288 and 289 that will be released during this period will only be accessible to donors.
So why is this crowdfunding?
The aim is to offer a discount to those who wish to have access to all Zaps that will be published in 2022, the annual subscription price going from 60 euros to 40 euros for all donors.
For those who want to get the stickers in addition to the access to all the Zaps that will be published in 2022, the price is 60 euros.
📷 All donors will have preview access to all the Zaps that will be released during the fundraising.
📷 Thanks to those who will support my work.