7 maart 2016
1er video clip du Kosmik Vortex: Black Laces
Contribute to the first videoclip of Kosmik Vortex.Influences:Nina Hagen,Led Zeppelin,Magma,Pink Floyd,Klaus Nomi,Hendrix,Black Sabbath,

End date
Out of €1.700
129 %
1er video clip du Kosmik Vortex: Black Laces
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="405" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FFIrgpoV8SKk%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFIrgpoV8SKk%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FFIrgpoV8SKk%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
Hello to all the Kosmik Kissbankers !</p>
We are an avant-garde music band who plays rock psychedelic opera after having been exposed at a high volume to Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath, Sonic Youth, Miles Davis, Klaus Nomi, Nina Hagen, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Magma, Led Zeppelin and many others.</p>
We are researchers, artists as unusual as our music is.</p>
It started as a duo in Berlin and the project evolved until to have a mature quatuor in 2015.</p>
<img alt="Dscn1609-1453822645" height="378" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/271090/DSCN1609-1453822645.JPG" width="504"></p>
Photo by Remy Chanteloup</p>
With Julie Deletoile at vocals, SebLee DoubleSix at the guitar, Dominique Chanteloup at drums and Nico Baïa at the bass we pass on this experience on stage at a high performance level and the feed-backs of our four first concerts in our area were prouving it to us.</p>
<img alt="Seb-ju_tm_juin2014__3-1453742191" height="247" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/270819/Seb-Ju_TM_juin2014__3-1453742191.jpg" width="480"></p>
Photos by David Savary</p>
But actually we don't have any quality video which can transmit correctly the energy, the transe and the musicality that makes a Kosmik Vortex show so special.</p>
<img alt="Tutti_langeais_juin2015-1453742422" height="282" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/270820/Tutti_Langeais_juin2015-1453742422.jpg" width="506"></p>
Photo Remi Angeli</p>
That's why we decided to make a very good quality video of the track "Black laces" in live conditions.</p>
We will go for that to the studio La Perrée with Faunebox at the camera for this video clip.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F8_ef_lEnzXE%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8_ef_lEnzXE%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F8_ef_lEnzXE%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
Of course we would like to have a very good movie so we have to gather all the necessary means for it, and that's why we need you.</p>
So why would you support such a project ? Yes, why ?</p>
<img alt="Julie_guinguette_09-2016-1454078076" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/272031/Julie_Guinguette_09-2016-1454078076.jpg"></p>
Photo Francis Blot</p>
Because you need, we all need, to share together that big shiver that makes a rock'n'roll show so exciting.</p>
You need this powerful feeling that makes you get goose bumps and stick you down to the ground, the thing that when it's going through your both ears gets your neurons into the Lotus posture, haunted by a voice that would make you cross the Arctic Field naked in winter while screaming...</p>
<img alt="1406_2808-1453742934" height="261" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/270826/1406_2808-1453742934.jpg" width="360"></p>
Photo David Savary</p>
We saw our public making this experience at the Kosmik Vortex concerts.</p>
That's why we want videos that relay our concert feeling perfectly to you.</p>
It will also help us to promote the band to festivals, labels and agencies</p>
for more gigs and more Kosmik Vortex !</p>
And by contributing to this project, you also contribute to the</p>
independance of music production, and therefore, to the cultural freedom.</p>
<img alt="Seb-ju_tm_juin2014-1453823145" height="455" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/271092/Seb-Ju_TM_juin2014-1453823145.jpg" width="487"></p>
Photo David Savary</p>
Dear beloved public, friends, pals, family, worshipers trapped by the avant-garde culture, spellbounded by furious soli, live music and rock'n'roll.Kosmik Vortex is the bridge, the cosmic vortex that must pass on the torch of the seventies rock totally renewed itself by a modern vision.</p>
Let's become our kosmik sponsors !!!</p>
<img alt="Kv_arcadeinstitute_22-03-2015-1453802959" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/271004/KV_ArcadeInstitute_22-03-2015-1453802959.jpg"></p>
Photo Carmen Morand</p>
Allocation of funds
<u>Recording and mix at Studio La Perrée : 400€</u></p>
<u>Video by Faunebox : 750€</u></p>
<u>Mastering at the Studio Electriccity : 100€</u></p>
<u>Shipping costs : 200€</u></p>
<u>Packaging costs : 30€</u></p>
<u>Kisskissbankbank costs : 136€</u></p>
<u>Stickers, badges, posters and homemade cd : 350€</u></p>
<u>T-shirts offered by Julie Delétoile : 460€</u></p>
<strong>What Happens if we exceed the amount of 1700€ ?</strong></p>
If the goal is overtaken:</p>
Of 300€: We finance all the costs (but not the T-shirts)</p>
Of 300€ to 700€ : We finance all the costs and also the 100 T-shirts which are offered by Julie Delétoile at the moment.</p>
Of 700€ to 1200€: we finance the T-shirts, all the costs,and a part of the amount needed for the next Kosmik video.</p>
The inscription on the Honnour List in our official Kosmik Vortex website with our thanks.
Estimated delivery: June 2016
- 1 contribution
The previous reward + the video clip of the track "Black Laces" in digital copy and limited edition with our personal thanks inside.
Estimated delivery: June 2016
- 11 contributions
The previous rewards + the video clip "Back Laces" on a home-made autographed physical cd sended at your house.
+ the KosmikWave autographed member card that authenticate you as fan club member.
Estimated delivery: June 2016
- 7 contributions
The previous rewards + the cd album "Opening the Limits" autographed + the KosmikVortex round badge 32mm limited edition + three KosmikVortex stickers 3,5cmx10cm.
Estimated delivery: June 2016
- 8 contributions
The previous rewards + the limited edition Kosmik Vortex T-Shirt .
Estimated delivery: June 2016
Previous rewards + the invitation for one person to one Kosmik Vortex concert + the invitation to come with us on stage to be thanked by the public and us as a without a glitch kosmik support.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
- 1 contribution
The previous rewards + the poster of the Kosmik Vortex autographed in limited edition
Estimated delivery: June 2016
- 4 contributions
The previous rewards + the invitation to one private Kosmik Vortex rehearsal + the invitation to have a kosmik drink with the band + the invitation for two persons to one Kosmik Vortex concert. The transport costs to our mothership are at your charge.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
- 1 contribution
The previous rewards + two more limited edition of the Kosmik Vortex T-Shirts + one more limited edition 32mm Kosmik vortex round badge + three more stickers 3,5x10cm Kosmik Vortex.
Estimated delivery: June 2016
All the previous rewards + we come everywhere to play for you in metropolitan France, in Germany, in the UK, in Belgium, in Netherlands and in Swiss with the sound equipement if you got a venue ( and the lights )able to welcome a Kosmik Vortex (max 100 persons). Make shure you've got many earplugs for the audience. You have also to provide food, drinks and the accomodations; our transport costs is at our charge.
If you want a concert with more public than 100 persons, you got to provide the sound and lights equipements with the two technicians needed.
Estimated delivery: June 2016