<img alt="Mlit_r-1467318560" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/335177/MLIT_R-1467318560.png"></p>
Sandra is a Swedish Art Director and Graphic Designer based in Paris.</p>
She has a true passion for architecture, beautiful paper, graphic design and printing the reason why she decided to start <strong>ÄLVIS. </strong></p>
A brand that's all about the fantastic material paper, where passion and design comes together. </p>
<strong>The Swedish esthetics, the strength of the graphic design, the fragility and the beauty of the paper, the delicate impression, the environmental protection, constitute ÄLVIS. DNA.</strong></p>
The first launch took place in Paris and in Sweden at the end of 2015. A limited edition of X-mas cards and beautiful paper garlands, distributed in shops which believed in the project, <strong>ÄLVIS.</strong> also had the opportunity to be presented at the Louis Vuitton's X-mas market. A second limited card collection was launched in the beginning of this year.</p>
<img alt="Kort-zoom-3-1467039444" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/333954/KORT-ZOOM-3-1467039444.png"></p>
The return has been fantastic.</p>
After this incredible beginning it seemed natural to start develop new products.</p>
A reflection then started about how we live, about our lifestyle and what <strong>ÄLVIS.</strong> as brand could do to embellish this everyday life.</p>
Today, we are exposed to a wild rhythm of life, we make lists, we note the priorities and we plan. When we have an idea, we write it down to not forget, for others they will sketch it down.</p>
These moments when we think, we write, we make lists, we draw, we organize, we produce, deserve their time and especially their products.</p>
Beautiful materials & colors, inspiring and functional objects in our daily environment make us feel better, inspires us more and make us <strong>happier.</strong></p>
<strong>ÄLVIS. </strong>stationery line is thought to answer these needs and inspire you more in your life. Sketch books for amateurs and professionals of sketching, architecture and the design, note blocks, for your pocket, bag desk, desk planner and more...</p>
<img alt="Stationaery-2-1467017725" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/333799/STATIONAERY-2-1467017725.png"></p>
After the self-financing of the 2 first projects, your contribution to the crowd funding will allow <strong>ÄLVIS. </strong>to reach next step in its development and production of the first stationery line. We are a small structure and cannot support all the expenses by our own.</p>
<u>The designer has created a collection of:</u></p>
• <strong>Note books format A6 & A5</strong>, Graphic printed cover in several différentes couleurs. Pages: "blank", lines & dotted.</p>
<img alt="Notebooks-def-2-1467026375" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/333850/NOTEBOOKS-DEF-2-1467026375.png"></p>
• <strong>Sketch book.</strong> For drawings or sketches. Different papers and weights. </p>
• <strong>Note book A5. C</strong>over "surprise". Pages "blank".</p>
• <strong>Z note books. </strong>A "recto verso" note book. Design and conception WIP. Format A5.</p>
• <strong>Desk planner.</strong></p>
The stationery line will be manufactured in Paris. <strong>ÄLVIS.</strong> <strong>Eco Friendly</strong> and only <strong>FSC certified paper.</strong></p>
<strong><u>The crowd funding will be divided accordingly:</u></strong></p>
<img alt="Kaka-eng-2-1467201803" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/334671/KAKA-ENG-2-1467201803.png"></p>
<strong>Beside your contributions ÄLVIS. will finance 30%.</strong></p>
<em><strong>Our first goal 5 500 € </strong></em></p>
I've done some savings but it's not enough... I need 5 500 € more to be able to launch the production of the entire stationery line. I had a lot of demands by our retailers and customers. The next step is <strong>now</strong>. I need your support to reach the target so the next step in <strong>ÄLVIS. </strong>development and production will come true.</p>
<strong>IF WE OVERPASS THE TARGET!?</strong></p>
<img alt="Poster4-life-style-1467331180" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/335216/POSTER4-LIFE-STYLE-1467331180.jpg"></p>
<strong><em>With </em><i>7 000 € </i></strong></p>
We will launch the production of other items already in design progress and we will be able to open our E-shop too. This would be completely incredible!</p>
<em><strong>With 10 000€</strong></em></p>
If your donations explodes the target, we will be able to participate at the Copenhagen interior fair "Northmodern". This is beyond my words of greatfullness! </p>
<strong> </strong></p>
<strong>Thanks to your contribution</strong> <strong>ÄLVIS. </strong>will widen its range and will accompany you in your projects, big and small.</p>
<strong>Thank you for believing and being a part of it!</strong></p>
<img alt="Pin-vector-i-love-super-small-1467327411" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/335211/pin-vector-I-LOVE-SUPER-SMALL-1467327411.png"></p>
<a href="https://www.instagram.com/alvis_paper/" target="_blank">www.instagram.com/alvis_paper</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/alvispaper" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/alvispaper</a></p>
Copyright © 2016 ÄLVIS. All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés </p>