STAGE 1: The production of the new collection! For our first stage, which we estimate at €4,500, we need your help to finance the production of the new collection. This includes the costs of the various raw materials to produce the pieces, labour costs and our first investments, such as our very first digital embroidery machine! STAGE 2: Produce more exclusive pieces and invest in an industrial sewing machine! Once the first level is reached, we will be able to go even further by creating more exclusive pieces, new series of pieces and invest in an industrial sewing machine and an overlocker to guarantee a high quality and optimal production! We estimate this second level at 9 000€. We are opening this fund so that each person wishing to invest and support us in this project can do so to the extent of his or her ability, because each contribution will be a step closer to the launch of this project which is close to our hearts. If you would like to help us but are not interested in making a contribution, you can also participate with an unrequited donation. T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R C O N T R I B U T I O N ❤️ T E A M A S C A R R E A U ♦