"More than quality coffee"

Project visual DEVOTIONS CAFE
End date
Out of €3.000
102 %


<h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>WHAT EXACTLY IS DEVOTIONS&nbsp;?</strong></h2> <p>Today, DEVOTIONS, is a <strong>specialty coffee shop</strong> in Paris. The shop is located at 5 rue RAMEY, 75018.</p> <p>We offer few single origin coffee bean and different methods of extractions. Also, we have a<strong> healthy food offer</strong> using seasonal products. Everything is fresh. DEVOTIONS guarentee you freshness and quality products.</p> <p>DEVOTIONS, is a space where you&#39;ll be able to find advice from our <strong>skilled baristas</strong> in choosing your coffee beans for home use. We&#39;ll be able to grind your coffee within the method you&#39;ll be using: Drip coffee, Chemex, Aeropress, French press, Italian stove top... You&#39;ll be able to buy small coffee equiment too.</p> <p>DEVOTIONS,&nbsp;it is also a proposal of&nbsp;<strong>Barista Workshops</strong>. You can take part in courses to discover the world of Coffee; Latte Art, espresso extraction, drip coffee methods for&nbsp;home use.</p> <p>DEVOTIONS is <strong>one playlist a month</strong> on Spotify. Perfect to listen to us while walking the dog, brewing some coffee, doing your weekly run.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>WE SEE FURTHER.</strong></h2> <p>Today, DEVOTIONS is a coffee shop, it&#39;s true. But, more than that, it is a vision, a philosophy. Our project is to share our specialties with you.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:center">&quot;More than good coffee, a lifestyle&quot;</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>In the long term and in the best of all worlds, we want DEVOTIONS to become the benchmark in terms of specialty coffee with the creation of a brand combining coffee-design-lifestyle.</strong></p> <p>We are&nbsp;THOM &amp; RID, co-founders of DEVOTIONS. We want to pass on our own expertises.</p> <p>THOM, Barista for almost 9 years. I am a coffee expert and I have a sense of detail. I am bringing organization and knowledges to the project. My devotion: Coffee</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>RID, Professionnal Photographer. I am a traveller and curious. I am bringing the creativity to the project. My devotion: Photography</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>THIS IS THE LAST BIT</strong></h2> <p>The project has already made good progress. The big works are done and we need you to make the concept even more concret and finalize it.</p> <p>On this page, on the right, you will find all the contibutions that you can make to the project. Every contibution, even the smallest, will be welcome.</p> <p>We thank you in advance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>WHY CONTRIBUTE?</strong></h2> <p>The big works are done&nbsp;but the material and final touches to bring out DEVOTIONS identity remain to be worked out: awning, writings on the front window, ...</p> <p>Here is how the pot will be composed:</p> <p>Commission KissKissBankBank 9% = 270e</p> <p>Material 51% = 1530e</p> <p>Decor purchases 40% = 1200e&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Of course, the more the goal is exceeded, the stronger the identity will be.&nbsp;😊</p>

Allocation of funds

<h2 style="text-align:center"><strong>IN EXCHANGE OF YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS.</strong></h2> <p>We wish you a big massive thank you! But not only...</p> <p>Each contribution refers to a return from us; proportional return to the amount of your donation. Up to you.</p> <p>We want as many of you as possible to come and discover the place. That&rsquo;s why we don&rsquo;t send gifts except the &ldquo;monthly deliveries&rdquo; of the 100e&nbsp;and 300e&nbsp;contributions.</p> <p>We will contact you all when DEVOTIONS opens.</p> <p>Follow us on Instagram: DEVOTIONSCAFE</p>


Kiss Kiss


  • 2 contributions
A big Thank You! for your help and our Homemade Granola recipe via email

a HUGE Thank You and...


  • 15 contributions drinks and cakes for 2 people

a MASSIVE Thank You and...


  • 12 contributions
...1 coffee bean bag (250g) + 1 DEVOTIONS tote bag or T-shirt

a DEEP Thank You and...


  • 4 contributions
...1 coffee bean bag (250g) sent to you, every month, for 3 months AND 1 DEVOTIONS tote bag or T-shirt

a MAGNIFICENT Thank You and...


  • 2 contributions
... 1 LatteArt workshop for 2 people + 1 coffee bean bag (250g)

a GIGANTIC Thank You and...


  • 2 contributions
...1 coffee bean bag (250g) sent to you, every month, for 3 month + 1 DEVOTIONS tote bag or T-shirt + 1 Aeropress. The whole package!

Make a donation

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