24 juni 2016
GATE11.CO "Galerie Arts & Sports" dope sa créativité
GATE11.CO travels around France for graphic arts. Let's meet the best designers, illustrators and creative of France. Help us out! Thanks!

End date
Out of €3.000
105 %
GATE11.CO "Galerie Arts & Sports" dope sa créativité
<strong>GATE11.CO is a brand new online store dedicated to design and sport.
<strong>The collaboration of sport fans and talented artists, on a universal pitch : </strong></strong>the T-shirt.</p>
Our new concept-store offers sport-addicts a unique, hand-picked vision from the world of sport and eSport, far away from standardize official products.</p>
GATE11 is <strong>bridging the gap between two worlds often opposed: Sport’s fans and artistic creation!</strong> And we love the idea of going against the stereotypes.</p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"></strong></p>
<u><strong>FANS OF THE ARTISTS</strong></u></p>
Each design on the site is created by independent artists we found all over France, Europe and the entire world. Graphic designers, illustrators, letterer, tattoo artists… All the artists give their vision of sport and showcase it on www.gate11.co.</p>
<strong>The artist is compensated on every single sale on our site</strong>. All the artists get a <strong>dedicated page</strong> to showcase their work and we help them promote it.</p>
<u><strong>A PALETTE OF SPORTS FOR YOU</strong></u></p>
What’s coming up? Football, rightly so, but a whole lot more: cycling, eSports, outdoor, team sports, racing, combat sports, golf, running, Olympic sports, boardsports, horseback riding… <strong>Every single sport, one after the other, will be available on our gallery.</strong></p>
<strong>Euro 2016, Tour de France, Rio’s Olympics… Summer 2016 will be packed with sport events! No time to be bored!</strong></p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"></strong></p>
<u><strong>GATE11 OPENS ON JUNE 11th</strong></u></p>
<strong>GATE11 is brand new.</strong> We are currently working on our first event sale, Euro 2016. We are also preparing other collections releasing in the coming weeks.</p>
Our project is funded on relationship, supporting and promoting talented artists’ creative vision. Pretty much the basics of crowdfunding! </p>
Our whole concept is based on our ability to curate and welcome new designers and illustrators to expend our collections. We are true head coaches. (without having to deal with sex tapes scandals…!)</p>
<strong>To do so, we had an idea at GATE11</strong>. Instead of staying in our workshop, hooked to our emails, we decided to hit the road, to do <strong>our own TOUR DE FRANCE</strong>, seeking for our regional talented designers. <strong>This is when we need your help!</strong></p>
Allocation of funds
(guarantee without doping at GATE11!)</p>
This crowdfunding will help us financing <strong>one of the main goal of our concept : <u>Building and developing an artist community. </u></strong></p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"></strong></p>
<u>Why the Tour de France?</u> As true craftsmen, the Tour de France is a very important step, <strong>it's essential to meet talented artists from all over the country.</strong></p>
<u>The concept?</u> Following the path of the Tour de France, and in the cities around, we'll meet with as many artists as we can, to find the <strong>cream of the crop of designers and illustrators </strong>who will collaborate with us.</p>
Throughout the event, a special sale "Tour 2016" will be organized on www.gate11.co. Our goal is to meet the artists who created for this sale to chat with them, learn about their process and inpirations, promote their current work and discuss future collaborations.</p>
<strong>One stage > One designer > One shirt!</strong></p>
Every day, after each stage, a new design will be revealed along its creator. The artist will present the design and we will have time to get to know him/her better: work and promotion around a drink..</p>
<img alt="02_eng-1464816547" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324664/02_eng-1464816547.png"></p>
We also want to use this Tour de France GATE11 to discuss future projects with artists from all over the country: Rio 2016, eSport, New seasons starting at the end of the summer...</p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"></strong></p>
<strong><u>WANNA COME ALONG!?</u></strong></p>
You are going to allow us to cross France, <strong>let's return the favor and make you travel as well!</strong></p>
We'll share the story of every single artist's meet up on our site www.gate11.co and on our social media accounts. A<strong> postcard</strong> full of our KissKiss will also be sent to make you share our experience.</p>
<strong><u>WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY?</u></strong></p>
Once we paid all the partners and contributors (see chart below), the money left will finance the trip, cover the cost of going around eating during the journey!</p>
We couldn't do this project without bringing artists along on this crowdfunding campaign. This will allow us to reveal some of the designers and to showcase and sell their work.</p>
<strong>We will also compensates the artists using the money collected during the campaign. This is essential for us.</strong></p>
<img alt="20_eng-1464816690" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324665/20_eng-1464816690.png"></p>
<em>NB : Check out all the "ARTISTES" and "GATE 11" shirts at the bottom of the page.</em></p>
<strong><u>WHAT ROUTE?</u></strong></p>
<strong>The more you help us, the longer the trip</strong>.</p>
Oh you think we are going on vacations? No, no, no! Long days are coming, we want to meet as many artists as we can and live the Tour among you, the fans. <strong>No hotel, no fuss! The bare minimum!</strong></p>
<strong>We'll do our Tour de France in a van, </strong>just like any cycling fan!</p>
<img alt="03-1464385169" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322223/03-1464385169.png"></p>
<u><strong>1 CAMPAIGN, 4 OBJECTIVES ! </strong></u></p>
Our campaign will be successful if we reach <strong>3000€. </strong>But thanks to you we can hope to go further.</p>
<u><strong>Objective 3000€</strong> : We follow 7 stages</u></p>
<img alt="04_eng-1464816724" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324666/04_eng-1464816724.png"></p>
<u><strong>Objective 5000€</strong> : Follow 10 stages</u></p>
<img alt="05_eng-1464816740" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324667/05_eng-1464816740.png"></p>
<u><strong>Objective 8000€</strong> : Follow 15 stages</u></p>
<img alt="06_eng-1464816754" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324668/06_eng-1464816754.png"></p>
<u><strong>Objective 15000€</strong> : Follow 24 stages</u></p>
<img alt="07-1464816766" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324669/07-1464816766.png"></p>
<u><strong>YOUR COMPENSATION ? WE HAVE SOME TREATS !</strong></u></p>
<strong>From 5 to 4000€! </strong></p>
There is something for everyone, don't hesitate to spread the word around with people who could be interested. We are sure you know some sport's fan who would love an original shirt.</p>
If the campaign is successful (of course it will be!) we'll get in touch with you individually to discuss what product you want: design, color, size, gender...</p>
<strong>A massive thank you for all the support we already received. See you soon on the road!</strong></p>
Below you'll find all the shirts and sweatshirts you can get for supporting the campaign.</p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"> </strong></p>
<strong><u>Artists' shirt :</u></strong></p>
Throughout the entire event we'll reveal more designs and shirt, stay tuned for every update.</p>
Let's start with two artists who decided to trust us early on, thanks to them!</p>
Collaborations with <a href="http://www.ladislasdesign.com/portfolio/easy-rider-project/" target="_blank">Ladislas Chachignot</a> & <a href="http://www.georgewilliamsdesign.com" target="_blank">George Williams</a>.</p>
<img alt="Tshirt_artiste_v2test-01-1464768327" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324176/Tshirt_artiste_v2test-01-1464768327.png"></p>
<strong><img alt="Puce_gate_11-01-1464698780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/323772/PUCE_gate_11-01-1464698780.png"> </strong></p>
<strong><u>T-shirts & sweats GATE11 :</u></strong></p>
<img alt="Tshirt_gate11_v3-01-1464768379" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/324177/Tshirt_gate11_v3-01-1464768379.png"></p>

- 2 contributions
An individual thank you on our facebook page and website.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 4 contributions
Everything above + A personalized post card sent from our Tour de France, loaded with KissKiss.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 15 contributions
Everything above + 1 adult t-shirt Gate11 (woman or man) OR 1 kid shirt Gate11 (boy or girl) and stickers to put on mommy and daddy’s car. Shipping cost included for France, +6€ for international shipping.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 8 contributions
1 T-shirt Adulte "ARTISTE" parmi la sélection (Homme ou Femme) + 1 remerciement personnel de l’artiste sur ta page Facebook + contreparties précédentes // soit, en tout, 2 t-shirts // Frais de port France Métropolitaine inclus >> +6€ vers l'international
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 4 contributions
Everything above + 1 adult sweatshirt Gate11 (man or woman) + a lifetime premium account on Gate11.co to get promo codes. That's 2 shirts and 1 sweatshirt for you. Shipping cost included for France, +6€ for international shipping.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 1 contribution
The group, club & company offer. 10 adult shirts (woman and man) + a shout-out to your group on our social medias + a postcard from the Tour + an individual thank you on our social media. Shipping cost included.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

- 2 contributions
1 day with the Gate11 team in the van following the Tour, mixing cycling and design, meet-up with artists and a traditional pic-nic, including surprise and the Gate11 hat + everything in the 100€ contribution package. For one person based in metropolitan France, including round-trip transportation from your location. Stage chosen by Gate11.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

A weekend with Gate11, to live a unique design & sport experience. A cycling promenade around Annecy’s Lake with 3 stars snacks + lunch break in a secret and unique location + a special meet-up + time in our workshop to print your own shirt with your name on it and diner including reblochon, wine and sausage on a boat in the middle of the Lake, if you feel like it you can get a ski ride behind the boat! The rest of the night is up to you. And as we say here everything stays in the valley! Also include the 100€ contribution package x2. Available for 2 people, roundtrip transportation from your location in metropolitan France and lodging on Saturday night included.
Estimated delivery: July 2016

It's the Tour de France... So we are going to follow the codes! You witness the full body waxing of the four founders + 1 year of Artists shirts on GATE11.co (1 shirt / week = 52 shirts) // Hurry up, we can only shave once, there is only one reward!
Estimated delivery: July 2016