15 november 2015
If the quality is us, our success is you, thank you to participate to this societal table, dice today !!!
End date
Out of €3.800
13 %
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It is above all a human adventure and collaborative, a spectacular event constantly fed by impromptu events, in a performative shape.</p>
The action is the result of collaboration since October 2010, between Spanish flamenco dancer a young Cynthia Cano Candel and Valerie Ruiz visual artist and video artist, creator and director of this performance, designed for multiple players.</p>
<img alt="Cynthia-1445935894" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/244986/CYNTHIA-1445935894.jpg"></p>
<strong> </strong></p>
<img alt="8-1445950513" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/245071/8-1445950513.jpg"></p>
<a href="http://ruizvalerie.com/">http://ruizvalerie.com/</a> <a href="http://www.cynthiacano.com/">http://www.cynthiacano.com/</a> </p>
As you can see, the human is at the heart of this event. These are also the Valerie Ruiz colours that create this device and feeds on many years of experience with various public.</p>
"It is under the terms of<strong> Emociónalive all that occurs this one-time assembly that forms the base material and the performers of my last performance / installation"</strong></p>
<img alt="Ok_caleidoscope-1447160960" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/250037/ok_CALEIDOSCOPE-1447160960.jpg"></p>
<strong>At the heart of the approach is the question of "how to find a form of harmony, beauty, peace, joy of living in a sometimes chaotic daily experience. Offer ways to find hope for tomorrow.</strong></p>
<strong>Support this approach, but also support a PEACE process.</strong></p>
<u><em>"Without actually naming him, I have always acted in the heart of my work for peace, today the need to name it becomes alarming. I will do everything that directs my steps towards IT by inviting all generations to join this work, so does our lives, our children. (...) Humour is a characteristic shape that describes our tears now, laugh to cry, the only weapon that can transform their own, laugh! (...) My works are all acts of love that unite people, our struggle is the silence that comes after seeing them, hope! "Valerie Ruiz</em></u></p>
<img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"></p>
<strong>"Men" </strong>invitee representing the idea of humans so male or female. The guest will come from different worlds such as contemporary dance, music, comedy, opera singing, flamenco, crafts, culture, street, etc ....</p>
<strong>"Women"</strong>: two women will be present. One of them was performer and video artist, his art draws from the material, creating a dialectic of everyday gestures. The other, through the art of flamenco dance, has articulated a strong expression.</p>
<img alt="Dessin-1445885027" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/244819/DESSIN-1445885027.jpg"></p>
Fed by impromptu events, under a performative shape,<strong> t</strong>he implementation of this multidisciplinary device poetically explores our everyday thinking while collectively our future. </p>
<img alt="Gros_plan_1-1445885046" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/244820/GROS_PLAN_1-1445885046.jpg"></p>
<em><strong>"The feminine and masculine as white notes, black, eighth notes. </strong><strong>Color balance and values. "</strong></em></p>
► This artist trio will not cease to invite each other to enter the world of the other, to establish fed phrasing of chaos and inter aesthetic.</p>
<strong>'Fast setting</strong> is a response to a notion of time that echoes with the idea of plaster which in its liquid form, passes the rigid shape.</p>
<strong>► Before and after the action takes place an immediate meeting with the public in a playful, festive and participatory.</strong></p>
This invitation underlines the opening that art can offer to the difference in its broadest term. The artistic media are platforms that decompartmentalized, which open the minds and hearts who work for PEACE.</p>
<img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"></p>
<u>Corresponding needs:</u></p>
Our plan is to meet a need to create new creative platforms gathering collective intelligence, broad-based partnerships, public participation, dialogue between all, to reinvent the collective.</p>
<strong>You are part of it !</strong></p>
Valerie Ruiz, our designer and artistic director came from Alsace, arrived there 5 years ago in this village in Salles in the Lot et Garonne. Spanish artists came quickly to assist. Thus was born LEPOL'art and the first movement of this event with a first performance 20mn, "contemporary revolution or flame wine", which evolved in 2012 in the South West under the name translated into Spanish. The audience was delighted and touched, we continued.</p>
<img alt="Lasllamas-1445885712" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/244826/LASLLAMAS-1445885712.jpg"></p>
<strong><u>Description of the action:</u></strong></p>
This second movement called "Men-Women rapid approach" to finalize a video in Murcia (Spain), birthplace of Cynthia, between a metal factory and the city.</p>
"The part filmed in Murcia is live. This true sound and visual partition that I created, became artists to create support material used as support to the imaginary performance before your eyes, like a saying of our contemporary.</p>
The acceleration of time makes thinking slow. At the heart of this contradiction that drives us, provides a representation of all those that compress our daily lives, represented by the steps of flamenco dancing and his journey to us. We offer live chatroom to invite the public to think with poetry today about these different times.</p>
It takes great mastery of improvisation and mutual confidence to join this resistant way. The confidence of artists is a vital movement to express the fragility of an era. The transformation of our becoming allthat we do together, in this same confidence. "</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F3UzX3uE4yKM%3Fwmode%3Dopaque&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D3UzX3uE4yKM%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
To do so, collaborations have been initiated in France, collaboration with Spain (Murcia) have already been written. This work must continue. Games are the collaboration between Valerie Ruiz, artist, and Cynthia Cano, a young flamenco dancer who has just made a landmark move to the Theatre of Murcia. All stakeholders, both from the Spanish side and the side of the LEPOL'art <a href="http://lepolart.com/">http://lepolart.com/</a> association, have invested heavily and the work already done should not be lost. At this stage, only lacking the financial means to be able to produce the spectacular event film. Of course, fees for the artists of the project are also included in the budget, this action is also supporting action to contemporary creation.</p>
<strong>We need you !</strong></p>
<strong>In short: </strong></p>
Diffusion, mediation and support for research through the implementation of artistic events to audiences located in a zone called "distant".</p>
Co-production France-Spain.</p>
Transdisciplinarity, pooling of resources at various levels (local, regional, national and international).</p>
This action, which must be deployed over several years, will first be initiated in Aquitaine in the Lot et Garonne department.</p>
<em><img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"></em></p>
<u><strong><em>" The Drac Aquitaine showed its interest and support this year but it is not enough and the March elections were marked by a lot of controversy in the partner share, such as theatres, places that encouraged us, due to the difficulty of carrying many events that challenge executives, with ideas for discussion today! The new season starts, we firmly believe that it is you, the public, who choose to strengthen our volunteers and professional artists who are working hard to give birth to this event, which will then definitely convince the places that also share a love of artistic quality.</em></strong></u></p>
<u><strong><em>We are expected in several regions of France and Spain we aim, Europe, South America etc."</em></strong></u></p>
<strong><em>The quality of the final product depends on us, that our success depends on you, thank you for participating in this event! "Valerie Ruiz</em></strong></p>
<strong>Calendar :</strong></p>
By end November 2015: filming and shooting.</p>
Spring 2015: first representation</p>
Season 2015/2016 and 2017/2018: launch a tour programmed with places with which we are currently in discussion.</p>
Planned duration: 2 years renewable according to balance sheet</p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"><img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"><img alt="Ballon_rouge-1446578130" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/247786/ballon_rouge-1446578130.jpg"></p>
There is so much to make and we are so much all in the wedge.
This artistic adventure as much as citizen overflows generosity, you know it as us, without the need to describe it to you.
The scale of the work which spreads to offer you each steps of our reflections has no limit, this humble basic request has to assume an urgent and necessary present to continue with you.
For a birth, we don't count, the LEPOL' art association needs you too because it is for our future in all that it bustles....
This outpouring of solidarity from you, is, what we wish you of better to see soon a sky of stars dazzling you.</p>
<strong>Budget :</strong></p>
Would require us to collect <strong>€ 5,000</strong> Minimum today:</p>
►<strong> € 2300</strong> so that we can shoot the film in Murcia in a high quality format. Professional A camera is required which could be used to the whole concept of the association later.</p>
►<strong> For € 1000</strong> costumes during the performance in Murcia.</p>
►<strong> € 800</strong> for both editing software.</p>
►<strong> € 1100</strong> for equipment.</p>
● More ideally <strong>€ 8000</strong> for these four years of work conducted by all volunteers would really allow us to launch to our partners this second movement, carrying the engagement of artists,and development hybrid and human projects around all of us.</p>
● But with <strong>€ 10 000 </strong>guests are craftsmen who can better express their know-how with adequate and sophisticated food or materials for your enjoyment.</p>
● With <strong>€ 15 000</strong> for the annex but valuable material that accompanies any event. Then we can guarantee a product dissemination and prospecting: website, digital publishing and paper, photos and DVD, posters, etc. To enjoy and participate more personally in this important act that involves us all.</p>
<strong>All these compensations are so many steps towards you to be better known this artistic approach. In each of its stages, it gives the tempo of the present.</strong></p>
<strong>Today, the associative tool bottom in the fact that we are all, human being. It is a creative platform without size pre-established to let vibrate our liberties.</strong></p>
<strong>If you do not want compensations, it is very simple, you just have to check the corresponding box.</strong></p>
<strong>It is with the great pleasure and the emotion as well that we shall register your names on the credits of the visual partition with which the artists are going to express and to have a dialogue. On the site also, to indicate that it is as well thanks to you as this human adventure is born!</strong></p>
<strong>If the collection takes place really well one launched by red, mediatized balloon, will be dedicated to you to thank you and send a peace message.....</strong></p>
<strong>IN SHORT ! A picnic basket of quality for peace for all.</strong></p>
new postcard designed by Valérie Ruiz who ensues from the artistic work ' the Contemporary revolution '
Estimated delivery: January 2016
3 new postcards designed by Valérie Ruiz which ensue from a series create during an exhibition named 'Totem sans Tabou' to Fiac...
Estimated delivery: January 2016
Série de 8 cartes postales inédites conçues par Valérie Ruiz qui découlent d'une série crée lors d'une exposition nommée Totem sans Tabou à Fiac...
Series of 8 new postcards designed by Valérie Ruiz And signed which ensue from a series creates during an exhibition named 'Totem sans Tabou' to Fiac...
Log book, work of 40 pages published as a paper blog or the artists and the public had the floor with text, reproduction of works of the period of Valérie Ruiz's pictorial writing during 5 years of life that she lived with the Theatrical universe, the sketch of the reflection of the water during her arrival in artistic dumping in the hospital center of Mulhouse, international reverence in the creation realized with Le Ballet du Rhin which invited her, also the synthesis of a retrospective in 2000 in the Space of Contemporary Art André Malraux of Colmar, who finalizes this exceptional pad, an offer which will be signed for you by the artist.
Estimated delivery: January 2016
Invitation in the event or final DVD + magnetized rose resulting(coming) from a new installation during "Totem sans tabou" to Fiac.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
Edition Cercle d'Art Titre ' INVISIBILITY' Un véritable objet d'art, cette édition 2008 qui contient un DVD, présente toute la recherche et création du processus actuel de l'œuvre de Valérie Ruiz. Dans un étui créé à cet effet avec deux volets et des visuels photographiques très important, une pagination centrale qui comporte le texte de présentation écrit de la belle plume de François Barré. Une interview de l'artiste par Corinne Melin, un texte de cette dernière également autour du 'Merveilleux' .
1 Sélection de 6 cartes
+ 1 aimant ( rose ) issu d'une installation
+ 1 reproduction surprise photo/vidéogramme en cours signées par les deux artistes Valérie et Cynthia.
Estimated delivery: November 2016
An unpublished drawing signed around the subject ' Men women fast taking ' size special mail, serial card Kisskissbankbank!
Trust the artist that be going to be awesome!
A note of poetry and humor around a partition of life!!!
Estimated delivery: December 2016
Exceptionnel !
Edition Cercle d'Art
Un véritable objet d'art, cette édition 2008 qui contient un DVD, présente toute la recherche et création du processus actuel de l'œuvre de Valérie Ruiz. Dans un étui créé à cet effet avec deux volets et des visuels photographiques très important, une pagination centrale qui comporte le texte de présentation écrit de la belle plume de François Barré. Une interview de l'artiste par Corinne Melin, un texte de cette dernière également autour du 'Merveilleux' .
Il vous sera dédicacé et signé par l'artiste. Et, exceptionnellement pour l'occasion, y sera introduit, une photo de Cynthia lors de la prise de vue de notre film, qu'elle signera. Merci de votre contribution et au plaisir de ce partage.
Estimated delivery: December 2015
Cette aquatinte rehaussée d'un acte unique, réalisées par Valérie Ruiz, vous est proposée à ce prix exceptionnel pour ce moment exceptionnel de partage. Dimension 20x25cm
Estimated delivery: December 2015
This aquatint raised by a unique act, realized by Valérie Ruiz, is proposed to you in this exceptional price for this exceptional moment of sharing. Size 20x25cm
Estimated delivery: December 2015
This aquatint raised by a unique act, realized by Valérie Ruiz, is proposed to you in this exceptional price for this exceptional moment of sharing.
Dimension(Size) 20x25cm
Estimated delivery: December 2015
Let us dare!
Valérie Ruiz whose artistic initiative is at present to create installations in a chosen, private or professional context, 'in situ' suggests realizing you a which depicts and reflects your context. Conception(design) and realization according to your universe to be defined. Picture of today.
Companies or private individuals...
Become men(people), women and especially actors, go on board!!!!
A prototype waits for you, be experimental!
An improvisation around a table around dish and of but....
Or? A particular invitation on your place.
Orchestrated by Valérie Ruiz, a subject? Yours, in dialogue in a question which imports us all.
A shape of Work in progress which revitalizes your context at your home(with you).
This alive page will be filmed.
To serve you as it, to communicate with and to serve a common-core syllabus of questioning.
Promote healthy and common ideas to encourage a group to come and to protect the earnings of our freedom.
Guests will be chosen to answer in color of the subject.
Estimated delivery: April 2016