Projet pour la conservation des tortues marines en Malaisie

Save the sea turtles from Tioman Island with me !

Project visual Projet pour la conservation des tortues marines en Malaisie
End date
Out of €500
100 %

Projet pour la conservation des tortues marines en Malaisie

Hello everyone, My name is Anaïs, I'm 18 and I'm a first year student at ISTOM, an engineering school in Cergy-Pontoise where I learn how to realise economical, social and agricultural projects in developing countries. As part of my studies, I have to do an internship abroad to understand and take part in the operation of an association or a NGO. I chose the association Juara Turtle Project. It works for the sea turtle preservation, the population's sensitization and research in this area. I appeal to potential donors to show generosity in supporting this beautiful project. a The internship takes place from 08 july to 22 july on Tioman Island in East Malaysia. a Why should sea turtles be protected? a The use of fishing nets is responsible for the capture and death of a large part of the sea turtle population. Egg Collection is an old tradition and practice in Malaysia. The association is conducting an awareness campaign among the island's inhabitants to protect the eggs. Beach development creates more lighting and noise which affects baby turtles by disorienting them as they try to find the sea. Climat change, sea pollution damage marine habitats. The turtles may die by swallowing garbage (plastic bag). The sale of turtle shells is also a threat. My missions in the association : a During 2 weeks, I'm joining the Juara Turtle Project staff. The actions I will lead are the following : -Morning and night beach walk/boat patrols for nesting -Protecting nests and eggs -Helping baby turtles to reach the sea -Collecting data on turtle nesting -Helping staff, cleaning visitors areas -Guiding visitors, sensitize the local population -Feeding injured or disabled turtles -Cleaning the hatchery I really hope this project will move you as much as I do.

Allocation of funds

<p><u>Costs</u> :</p><p>-Accommodation by the association : 300€</p><p>-Travel: 760€</p><p>-Food : 150€</p><p>-Vaccines and malaria treatment : 180€</p><p>-Equipment (hiking boot, mosquito net...) : 200€</p><p>Total : 1590 €</p><p> </p><p><strong>The campaign is used to pay the association, food and vaccines which represents 500 €.</strong> The journey and the necessary equipment is my responsibility. <strong>The extra money would allow me to bring school equipment and toys for the children of the surrounding villages.</strong></p><p> </p><p>The funds will be paid into the account of Anaïs Gonnet.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Thank you for your contribution to this wonderful project ! Feel free to contact me for more information.</strong></p>



Un grand merci !

Estimated delivery: July 2017


  • 1 contribution
Un très grand merci !

Estimated delivery: July 2017


  • 1 contribution
Un très grand merci ! + Un bilan de la mission sur votre boîte mail !

Estimated delivery: August 2017


  • 2 contributions
Un très grand merci ! + Un bilan et les photos de la mission sur votre boîte mail !

Estimated delivery: August 2017


Un très grand merci ! + Un bilan et les photos de la mission sur votre boîte mail + 1 carte postale !

Estimated delivery: September 2017


Un immense merci ! + Un bilan et les photos de la mission sur votre boîte mail + Une carte postale + Un tirage de votre photo préférée !

Estimated delivery: September 2017


Un immense merci ! + Un bilan et les photos de la mission sur votre boîte mail + Une carte postale + Un tirage de votre photo préférée + Un souvenir surprise de Malaisie !

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 2 contributions
Un immense merci ! + Un bilan et les photos de la mission sur votre boîte mail + Une carte postale + Un tirage de votre photo préférée + Un souvenir surprise de Malaisie + Un repas typique malaisien au retour du voyage !

Estimated delivery: September 2017

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