20 oktober 2014
REQUIEM FOR LAIKA | a short musical
Help ons om een korte musical te filmen over Laika en een monument!

End date
Out of €3.750
100 %
REQUIEM FOR LAIKA | a short musical
<img alt="Prtscr_capture_2-1411723779" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/122907/PrtScr_capture_2-1411723779.jpg"></p>
REQUIEM VOOR LAIKA is een korte musical over een monument uit het Sovjettijdperk dat wordt achtervolgd door de geest van de spacehond Laika.</p>
Speelduur: 15 '</p>
Genre: musical</p>
Verwachte einddatum: 2016</p>
<img alt="Buzludzha__bulgaria___nate_robert-1411733699" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/122963/BUZLUDZHA__BULGARIA___Nate_Robert-1411733699.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Laika_spomenici-1411723639" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/122903/laika_spomenici-1411723639.jpg"></p>
<strong>HARTELIJK BEDANKT!</strong></p>
We zijn ontzettend dankbaar voor de hulp van iedereen tot nu toe! De reacties op REQUIEM VOOR LAIKA waren verbazingwekkend en elke dag komen we dichter bij het maken van onze droomfilm.</p>
We zouden dankbaar zijn voor elke vorm van steun, ongeacht het bedrag, en hier hebben we het niet alleen over geld, maar elke vorm van steun - materiaal of niet, het is allemaal zeer gewaardeerd!</p>
In ieder geval wordt u terugbetaald in de vorm van goed karma uit de kosmische ruimte!</p>
<img alt="Mogosoia_palace-1411750994" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/123041/Mogosoia_Palace-1411750994.jpg"></p>
- 1 contribution
You will get a big THANK YOU on Facebook on behalf of the team!
Estimated delivery: October 2014
- 3 contributions
You will get a POSTCARD from one of the shooting locations signed by the film's crew, along with a THANK YOU on Facebook!
- 8 contributions
You will get access to a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of the film, along with a personalized POSTCARD and a mention on Facebook!
- 6 contributions
You will receive a POSTCARD from one of the shooting locations with a short POEM written by the director just for you.
Along with it, you will get a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of the film and a big THANK YOU on Facebook!
- 1 contribution
Instead of on a postcard, you will get a VIDEO POEM written for you by the director. Apart from it, you will get a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and a big THANK YOU.
- 5 contributions
You will get a Soviet-themed SOUVENIR, a LAIKA T-SHIRT and a POSTCARD from one of the shooting locations, along with a DVD of the film and a SPECIAL THANKS on the credits of the film.
- 2 contributions
You will get a Soviet-themed SOUVENIR, a LAIKA BAG and T-SHIRT, a POSTCARD from one of the shooting locations, along with a DVD of the film and a SPECIAL THANKS on the credits of the film.
- 1 contribution
You will receive a full-day TOUR of Belgrade by the director and a hand-printed LAIKA T-SHIRT. You will also receive a DVD of the film and a SPECIAL THANKS on the credits of the film.
- 2 contributions
Apart from a hand-printed LAIKA T-SHIRT, your name will be among the TOP CREDITS of the film and you will get a DVD of the film.
Your name will be among the TOP CREDITS of the film! You will also get a hand-printed LAIKA T-SHIRT, a DVD, a POSTER and a POSTCARD with a POEM just for you.