1 augustus 2023
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Support a film that questions our social norms!

End date
Out of €1.532
125 %
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Hello and thank you for being on our page! We are the team of SHIRTLESS and we invite you to discover our film project. PITCH Is the heat wave. Sarah is so hot that she decides to stay shirtless at home. Although she is alone, she feels unwell. Through a dialogue with her conscience, she tries to understand why. PROJECT “Why do I feel uncomfortable alone, at home, shirtless, as a woman?” This sentence is the question that made me think and write Shirtless. From it, many questions led me to question the place of the female body, specifically the torso, in our society. What does it mean to be shirtless when you have breasts? What does this imply ? Are breasts considered private parts? What about men? Is there a difference between being shirtless with breasts and shirtless without breasts? Is it a question of gender, anatomy, culture? Why am I not ready to expose my breasts? Why am I afraid of being seen? Why is taking off your top when you're a woman seen as an act of rebellion? Can another gaze seem more benevolent to us than our own gaze? Last summer it was really hot, like all summers. In recent years, all summers have been scorching. But it is this summer that my brain decides to deal with the subject: the shirtless. I can't stand the heat. I turn red. I start to sweat without even making a move. The body is slouched and the clothes become chimeras to bear. Frankly, it's suffocating. That day, I put my shorts on. I already sweat. Then it's the turn of the t-shirt. It's super annoying to put on a top when you're sweaty. It starts to roll up in the back, so you have to squirm to unroll it. You sweat more, you're hot and in addition you're super annoyed. Discouraged by this mere thought, I give up and go to the kitchen to do my dishes. There I get scared: "shit, I'm shirtless, it's weird and then, someone will see me". Then follows a whole reflection: “Who can see me? ok people in this building could see me. They too could see me but hey at this distance, you would need binoculars. You have to be damn determined to get binoculars but why does that not reassure me at all? Maybe because I have a terrible facility to imagine it? I realized that even alone, at home, in my privacy, the social gaze was overwhelming. This film doesn't aim to answer these questions, it aims to ask them and think about them. margaux STATEMENT To write this film, I interviewed several friends about going bare-chested in private. One joined my point of view: "being in panties or naked, it's ok but dressed down and naked up, it's weird". Another told me that she would feel comfortable unless she saw her reflection in a mirror. There she would be super embarrassed and would surely hide from herself. The third person interviewed did not agree with my point of view at all. However, she was quick to say that even with her friends, it would not be a problem for her to be naked or shirtless. Is the acceptance of her friends' gaze the proof of the acceptance of her own gaze on herself? Does this mean that we can be more comfortable with another person's gaze on ourselves, than with our own gaze? Following these interviews, I decided to film only through the point of view of the reflection in the mirror, that is to say the image that we send back to ourselves. The camera will be placed in place of the mirrors in Sarah's home. The choice to confuse mirror and eye of the camera makes it possible to superimpose the gaze of oneself with that of others. MISE-EN-SCÈNE One of the choices of staging is the refusal to show breasts on screen. To facilitate the filming, the actress will have to shoot topless. In order to create the best possible shooting conditions, the film's technical team is 100% female. In addition, this bias makes it possible to refocus the film around moral and social questioning rather than aesthetics. The action takes place in an apartment. The two rooms involved in the scenario are the bedroom and the kitchen. Here are some pictures of the decor: The estimated running time of the film is 6 minutes. Two days of shooting will be necessary to make this film. It will be shot during the last week of August in the Paris region. OBJECTIVE OF THE FILM Participate in festivals in France and abroad and find a distributor. THE TEAM MARGAUX RACHIDI : DIRECTOR I make cinema because it is my language. Only this medium, this art, allows me to fully express myself. This ambition has guided me since I was 12 years old. After high school, I did a film degree, then a master's degree. It is only from the end of 2021 that I realize my ambitions by writing my stories, the ones I need to talk about. Shirtless is the 4th fiction that I write but the 1st that I realize. LISA PHÉE : ASSISTANT DIRECTOR After high school, I took an audiovisual BTS, production management option. Eager to surpass myself, I made the commitment to explore all the opportunities that would arise during these two years. Since then, I have been carrying out projects in various fields, in order to maintain my enthusiasm and continue to live my profession as an inexhaustible passion rather than a simple chore. CLÉMENT LE GLATIN : PRODUCTION DIRECTOR & ONLY ABSENT FROM FILMING After high school, I trained as an actor. I have worked for the past 5 years as an actor in both cinema and theatre. Rich in this experience, I decided in 2023 to reorient myself towards audiovisual production. I have just finished professional training at INA SUP as an audiovisual production manager. MARIANNE RENAUD : DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY My passion for the image came to me from film photography. Concerned to question myself on the power of images and to sharpen my critical spirit, I obtained a master's degree in philosophy before training in the technical professions of cinema at the Louis-Lumière school. Each film is its own device, which is why I am committed to supporting the mise-en-scene by creating and inventing the right image for each project. ODÉLIA MICHAUX : MAKEUP ARTIST Right after high school, I trained as a makeup artist at the Makeup For Ever beauty school, which lasted 6 months. Afterwards I was on photo shoots and I worked with a few brands. I then resumed training at school in cinema/prosthetics for 3 months. I obtained my degrees and since September 2022 I have been working on filming clips, short films while continuing my photo shoots.
Allocation of funds
COLLECTION OBJECTIVE = 2 962 € 1st LEVEL : 1 532 € 1,532€ is the first level allowing us to make our short film! This sum will allow us to finance the equipment necessary for the production of the film, to rent the filming location, to pay the management and the defrayment of other expenses related to the film (transport, etc.) In order to be totally transparent with you, here is a table with figures allowing you to better understand this diagram! From this total, we subtract a personal contribution of 1,300€. 2nd LEVEL: 2 962 € 2,962€ is our second level. The difference between the first and second level lies in the rental of better technical equipment in order to have better visual and sound quality. As this film aims to participate in short film festivals, this difference can be important for the nomination of Shirtless. From this table, we deduct the 1,300€ of personal contributions. 3rd LEVEL: 2,962€ and more The additional money to the 2,962€ will allow us to help us bring the film to life and send it to more short film festivals. It will also allow us to redistribute some of the extra money to the entire film crew. As this is a voluntary filming, this possibility is close to our hearts. We are counting on you to help us complete our budget and bring this film to life! Thank you for your support, sharing and spreading the campaign! See you soon, The Shirtless team Contact us: [email protected]

- 23 contributions
Thank you for helping us make this project a reality! Your name will be listed in the acknowledgments of the credits.
Estimated delivery: January 2024

- 18 contributions
Thank you for your participation ! You will receive: your name in the acknowledgments of the credits a private link to the short film
Estimated delivery: January 2024

- 1 contribution
Many thanks ! At this point, you receive: previous rewards the film script!
Estimated delivery: January 2024

- 10 contributions
Thank you for your contribution ! You receive : the previous rewards + BONUS: photos of the shooting, making of and an interview with the director and the main actress will be sent to you by vimeo link.
Estimated delivery: January 2024

Many thanks for your generosity! We invite you to: a private screening and an invitation to join us for a drink at the end of the screening 🥳
Estimated delivery: January 2024