Tulika presents new Indian pop album Tattva

Help the Indian singer, author and composer Tulika Srivastava to finalise the last steps of her 2 CD album TATTVA : EARTH & ETHER.

Project visual Tulika presents new Indian pop album Tattva
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Out of €6.500
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Tulika presents new Indian pop album Tattva

<p>The songs that I have written and composed have basically an Indian soul and belong to the category Indian-World Pop. My Indian universe came across many other influences. While working in recording studios, in the concert halls or during rehearsals, I met exceptional Indian and Western musicians from different horizons, particularly Denis Teste, Alex Stuart and Nicolas Dri with whom I co-write the arrangements of my original repertory. A multicultural alchemy then got created blending a cross-bred musical world around texts in Hindi, French and English.</p><p>Some of our Pop grooves approch the Bollywood ambiance, other nearing the traditional India and we find in these grooves also some colours borrowed from Jazz, Rock or African music...</p><p>I chose a double CD format for my album <strong>'TATTVA'</strong>, elements in English. With quite a contemporary sound, the songs of the album are in line with the Mainstream Pop. This makes the music of "Tattva" accessible to all public.</p><p>The songs of the first part "Earth" produced and directed by the pianist Nicolas Dri talk about the Earth, humanity, nature, ecology...</p><p>We are working on the production of the 2nd part "Ether" in collaboration with the Sitar player Denis Teste. The songs of this part talk about mythology, the hereafter, far-off lands, the unexplainable ...</p><p><img alt="Tulikapop_pic_i4-1510594214" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/466211/TulikaPop_pic_i4-1510594214.jpg"></p><p><em>I am an Indian singer, author and composer. I am working on my first album "Tattva" in two parts « Earth », &amp; « Ether ».</em></p><p><iframe src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fw.soundcloud.com%2Fplayer%2F%3Fvisual%3Dtrue%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fapi.soundcloud.com%252Fplaylists%252F375533867%26show_artwork%3Dtrue&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fuser-393522228%2Fsets%2Ftulika-album-tattva-extracts&amp;image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.sndcdn.com%2Fartworks-000270823304-iy3dtx-t500x500.jpg&amp;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=soundcloud" width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p><p>The album contains original songs that I have written and composed. All these songs are inspired by my life experiences and travels, in India, in Europe, in different countries... Through my songs I search for answers to questions related to society, altruism, sprirituality, humanity, ecology, mythology or about love... These songs express also my desire to see a world full of love for the others, a world apeased from the violences of now-a-days, and also a desire to bring to my audience a source of energy, hope and delightful journey.<iframe src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FbLDhSY5xoHg%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbLDhSY5xoHg&amp;image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FbLDhSY5xoHg%2Fhqdefault.jpg&amp;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>The preparation and the recording of this album is an extraordinary musical journey, a dialogue between my two elements,'Earth' and 'Ether'. It integrates two of my biggest inspirations, <strong>my life as an Indian Woman singer and artist in Paris </strong>and the<strong> search of a lifestyle in adequation with the spirituality and the nature</strong>.</p><p>The fact that I grew up India and then lived my life as an adult in France makes of me a blend of a Modern and Traditional Indian Woman. So one can see in me this love for well-being, nature, spirituality but also having a certain joie de vivre, an energy, a youth, a modernity as well as a freshness. These characteristics have been engraved in the music of the album.</p><p>The compositions are of urban inspiration but also marked by the savage extends of the nature, of the spirituality... Important changes dominate our world today to which I oppose the omnipresent and evident beauty surrounding us.</p><p><img alt="Tulikapop_pic_i5-1510596980" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/466245/TulikaPop_pic_i5-1510596980.jpg"></p><p>I am accompanied by my very good friends and excellent musicians of the Parisian stages, Denis Teste on Sitar (and direction of the part « Ether »), Alex Stuart on Electric Guitar, Gilles Sonnois on Bass and different Tabla players. The invitees Nicolas Dri on keys (and on the direction of the part « Earth »), M.K.Khan on Tabla and Gaël Larvor on drums and percussions honoured us by their wonderful participation and helped us embellish our recording. These musicans have enormously given their own selves and their art to realise this project. I just could'nt be happier about the result that we have achieved.</p><p><iframe src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FSVBb7JxV4mE%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSVBb7JxV4mE&amp;image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FSVBb7JxV4mE%2Fhqdefault.jpg&amp;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540" height="304" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>Today, all the songs have been composed, arranged, recorded  and a part of them  have their mixing done. But, I still need to spend money for the rest of the mix, mastering, communication, press attachée, graphism, visuals, CD press, promotion, production of the release concert etc. etc. and I'd need your help to finance these last steps of the album.</p><p> I am very proud of the musical world that we have created and am certain that our project is unique and I'm eager to share it with you !</p><p>If you are touched by this project, please think about contributing to it by pre-ordering the new album “TATTVA : Earth &amp; Ether”, which will be released in the beginning of 2018, or by taking advantage of its multiple offers.</p><p><strong>The donations collected will serve to pay a part of the whole project:</strong> - Press attaché, Album-release concert's production, musicians : 3000€, mixing and mastering: 1000 € - CD-Press, Graphism, Visuals, Communication: 1700€ - Production and parcel of the recompenses, in France and abroad : 740€ - Paying a commission of 8% of the collect to KissKissBankBank: 560€ ,</p><p><strong>The collected money will be recieved by the artist Tulika Srivastava and will be used exclusively for the finalisation of our album project TATTVA.</strong></p><p>Thanks to all of you for having watched the subtitled video, for following this new project and above all thanks for your support and participation. <strong>Please remember, every little contribution is important and will make us go further.</strong></p>



  • 2 contributions
Thanks on social media + 1 song download from the album 'Tattva'.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 8 contributions
3 songs of the album TATTVA for download before the official release + Thanks on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 5 contributions
1 part of the album TATTVA: EARTH or ETHER for download before the official release. Thanks on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 17 contributions
DOWNLOAD: Whole album "TATTVA", both parts EARTH & ETHER before the official release. Thanks on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 15 contributions
TATTVA : Recieve the whole album in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première. Thanks on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 6 contributions
PACK DOWNLOAD / CONCERT : Download album TATTVA en in avant-première. + 1 ticket to the release concert of the album 'TATTVA' in Paris. Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: January 2018


  • 8 contributions
PACK CD / CONCERT : Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première, + 1 ticket for the release Concert of the album "TATTVA" in Paris. Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 1 contribution
PACK ALBUM + SINGING LESSON : Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première + 1singing lesson in Paris or by Skype. Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 5 contributions
PACK ALBUM + SINGING LESSON + T-SHIRT : Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première + 1singing lesson in Paris or by Skype + 1 printed T-SHIRT. Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 2 contributions
PACK 'INDIA ZEN' (1 incense + 1 Indian wall-hanging ) + ALBUM SET (Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première, + 1 ticket for the release Concert of the album "TATTVA" in Paris). Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


  • 3 contributions
PACK 'INDIA ZEN' (1 incense + 1 indian wall-hanging) + ALBUM SET (Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première, + 1 ticket for the release Concert of the album "TATTVA" in Paris) + 1 T-SHIRT+1 singing lesson with Tulika Srivastava in Paris or by Skype. Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


ALBUM SET (Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première, + 1 ticket for the release Concert of the album "TATTVA" in Paris) + 1 private traditional indian music concert in duo for you ( if outside Paris, you will have to bear also the travel and shelter charges for the concert). Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


ALBUM SET (Whole album TATTVA signed for you in CD edition + Download the album in avant-première, + 1 ticket for the release Concert of the album "TATTVA" in Paris) + 1 private concert of TULIKA Indian World Pop for you ( if outside Paris, you will have to bear also the travel and shelter charges for the concert). Thanks personally and on the social media.

Estimated delivery: December 2017

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